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2019 Monthly Painting Challenge - June


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Well, so many beautiful images (and oddly, words!) this month! Where to start?

@Stranglelove: That's a seriously beautiful coach. The 'tongue out' Hanged is the creepier, but the other is just so desolate. The cracked bases are really evocative. They add a lot of atmosphere to both.

@Phinn: wonderful prose. Kudos!

@muraki: I'm constantly in wonderment at your palette! Loving the Vanessa, particularly. Also Bishop's greaves! The group shot is amazing!

@Purple Mist: I just scored 3 Riotbreakers. I suspect that I might steal your colours. Were they GSW Chameleon paints? Also, is that the Venetian terrain? Good choice! 

@Wintergloom: That adeodatos is superb. The magenta / green contrast was an unplanned, intuitive paint choice? If so, you've got a fine eye for colour. Congrats on the win - and so very well deserved. The group is cohesive collectively, and brilliant individually. I think that turquoise is so powerful at making your Black Ops so unified.

@wobbly_goggy: nice detail on the gremlin. That's a TINY mini! Loving the hair / fire similarity. 

@Diddick: Beautiful Hamelin. The pants OSL looks like it's been stippled, really, really effectively. Also, stripey socks!

@Franchute: So, I'm *loving* that smoooooth dark leather on the effigy, but I'm keen to know what colours you use for your base skulls. They're my favourite Franchutism!

@Nikodemus: those pistoleros are such simple minis, but you have given so much character. Love it.

@prof_bycid: A great job on a hard mini. Translucent blue is unforgiving! If you get your hands on Tamiya Clear, it does wonders. Loving the white veins.

@Boomstick: If you'd told me that bare copper wire trees and translucent green would look good, I'd have my doubts. Not any more. Kudos! 


I just love visiting these threads, just to see what everyone comes up with. Inspiring ideas. So many different, gorgeous styles! Keep doing what you're doing!


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Thanks @Caedrus. I'm simply starting with gw mournfang brown for the skulls. The reason is because it is the same colour I use for the wood. Then, I add ushabti bone to the brown. I probably do this two or three times. Then screaming skull, white and the last highlight is pure white.

Your marshall OSL are amazing by the way. 

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4 hours ago, Caedrus said:

@Purple Mist: I just scored 3 Riotbreakers. I suspect that I might steal your colours. Were they GSW Chameleon paints? Also, is that the Venetian terrain? Good choice! 

Yes @Caedrus, I used GSW Chamaleon Paints..... I could say I'm painting with those paints only in last months. I also confirm the scenic are from Streets of Venice range.


I like a lot those scenics although I'm discovering there's a lot of work to do with 1mm cardboard components. Now I'm going after the  couple of small buildings in the pic but June is finished and I have not chance to complete them. They'll be the core of my pledge for next month.

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Hamelin is almost finished. Almost. Today I came back from 9 day family holiday and spent basicaly whole day sleeping.

Unfortunately this means that Monthly Painting Challenge ends for me. But...
This year I got further then previously and changed as a painter (been painting much more systematically etc.) :)

My plans for the future: :)

  • Finish Hamelin and post some photos at MPC - July.
  • Continue to paint at least a model per month. Not sure which one will be next, because there are so many things I want to try. I want to try fur technique on Nix, worn leather on Rat Kings, Benny Wolcomb has a lot of skin etc. The end game is to finish all Plague models.
  • Create a thread about my painting adventures - thoughts behind colour schemes, where I drew inspiration from etc. Phinntastic journey with a brush or something like that :)
  • Attend MPC next year again :)

Good luck and have fun, everybody :)

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Hi all, sorry if it's a weak move from me but I can't really show what I painted in June at this point (some pre-release stuff). Using M2E ss worth, a total of 74SS. I promise I will upload pictures as soon as I can (probably around Gencon time ;) ).

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