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Viruk last won the day on August 19 2023

Viruk had the most liked content!


About Viruk

2020 Painters Challenge
  • Birthday 04/08/1985

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  1. It’s a mix of acrylic paints and oil washes, you can see all in my latest stream https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1895080630
  2. Quick overview of painting done this month so far, 101 soulstones at this point, will likely be more
  3. Catching up with forum uploads - 50 soulstones
  4. @TimH - sweet colorful paintjob on the Dino. Everything is well executed and those tiny teal scales are a great addition. @Hawkoon - very atmospheric, those pale color work so well! @Gheist - I really like the colorful Jorogumo - painting such large models is quite a challenge and they turned out great! @LinenMusician - hard to think now that this was one of the first ever Malifaux models released in plastic. Very nice paintjob here, well balanced colors and everything looks solid from technical standpoint. As for my stuff this month - currently looking at 137 ss and more to come for sure
  5. @Brad Maynes - very nice paintjob on the mini I hate to see on the table The golden NMM looks great! @MestreGuilderius - such an amazing, atmospheric piece, love it! @LinenMusician - this is a walk down the memory lane, those were some of the first ever minis released in plastic from Wyrd (McCabe and Lynch and I think Mei?). Very good memories and very good paintjob from you I've started May with a very quick paintjob on three proxies (they are from D&D range) as I await the release of Returned keyword. 2 Blood Vessels and one Mindless Zombie - about 1hr of work in total and a start of 12 soulstones.
  6. @djmacbest - I really like the ghostly and etheric look of these Aversions and Lyssas. @Trimasel - this shade of green works so well with white! Great job @Warpig - nice colors and excellent brushwork on the lone marshal @Gheist - very nice vivid colors, excellent brushwork and I really like the base for Cooper2 - perfect match. The big thng next to Jedza2 - is that your take on Kurgan? Also great to see minis from TT painted - first time for me and you've done them justice. @Moinetbeard - thanks for the comment I can recommend chekcing out the oil painting videos on youtube - MarcoFrisoniNJM is the man! Really like the strong, bold highlights on your pieces from this month! @Brad Maynes - the NMM of Gearlings is absolutely top notch @TimH - the rotten green ksin tone is spot on! @LinenMusician - very nice work, I particularly like how you've added texture with brushstrokes @Cats Laughing - the shiny look on mutated parts of this Illuminated looks great 10 more soulstones for me, bringing me to a total of 174
  7. True, now it would be probably around twice that @Gheist - great job all around and I love how they all come together! And speaking of mins, here are a few more painted this month, bringing me to a total of 164 🔮
  8. HAha, @Hawkoon good thing I read the whole post before replying and congratulating you Since I'm on a sick leave, I had a pretty strong start in April and here's what I've already painted (92 soulstones sp far):
  9. @Gheist - great looking crew, those bright colors go so well with darker bases! @TimH - great looking beasts! Bright shades on Nekima and cartoonish style of painting worked really well too! @Warpig - nice nd clean brushwork there! Old metal minis may lack some of the detail and dynamism of the new plastics but they do have great character! From my end - reporting a grand total of 307 soulstones. Don't think I can do more I painted some 3D prints that will stand in for Kastore Fervent, Cavern Nephilim, and Gwyll + Barbaros and Blood Hunter.
  10. 266 stones, think I'll do more than 300 this month at this pace
  11. 183 soulstones and more to come @Moinetbeard - as always, impressive base and lovely, bright and saturated colors. Top notch brushwork! @Diddick - this bright green skin tone looks absolutely amazing in contrast with dark clothes. Super smooth highlights, love it! @Hawkoon - lovely OSL, and a very atmospheric piece!
  12. Alright, time add some Woe to the mix: 94 soulstones at this point. Let's see if I can get to 200 this month
  13. I will be amazing I'm definitely coming and strongly encourage all who can to join
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