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    • https://jameswilson.codes/blog/malifaux-english-gt-2024/   My experiences at the English GT 2024  Malifaux tournament event, held at Sanctuary Gaming Centre, Sutton-in-Ashfield. I play Kastore, Fervent and encounter Misaki Katanaka, Hamelin, Lucas McCabe Tomb Delver, Lady Justice, Hamelin the Piper and Pandora Tyrant-Torn.
    • Well, those situations are called out because there isn't a rule fix to prevent them: you always can close a part of the board so that only models with incorporeal/flight/leap/etc can moves there. In all those cases, the problem is how you handle the battlefield. In this case instead the problem is the rule itself, leading very often to incomprehensible outcome that have also a bad gameplay downside. By rules, if you have an ht3 model standing on a ht3 terrain, another ht3 model with 2" engagement range can reach it but can't see him, while the other model can. But why? Frankly and absolutely no. There is the possibility of hit and run already: you can attack near the edge and then move a little back more than 1" from the edge. THIS would simulate what you said. If a model just stand still near the edge and opponents model just can't see it in any way, which kind of realism is it? I'm not on the side of who wants deep realism at all costs. Realism is for RPG, wargames can't be too simulative. But this is very obviously clearly beyond the red line. I'm not a fan of erratas rains, but when a so obvious mistake can be fixed completely with a little rewording of just one sentence, I can't find a single valid argument to don't do it. Also, you're focusing on the Nekima-like corner case had been reported as example, but it's a very annoying situation that can occur more often than you think: for example just standing on terrain near the edge let a model unchargeable while he can freely retaliate, or 2-3 models can easily completely shut-off a large part of a big terrain... This is so huge as mistake, that I can't recall a single situation where it has been played correctly... All players I saw intuitively play it with by directional Los, and I'm sure if I would point out that "Sorry, you're model can't attack because it don't see mine, but yeah, mine can punch you as I like!", the game would take a very bad flow... So I strongly suggest Wyrd to errata it, and in the while players to play it using bydirectional Los in all these cases, to prevent unfun, unpleasant and incomprehensible moments.
    • Hey Wyrdos! Waldo’s Halloween preparations continue this week, as he’s shifted his regular pranks and mischief into scaring us at every opportunity. We can’t go five minutes without hearing someone shriek, followed by Waldo’s claws clacking on the floor as he makes his escape. While we try and endure these last few weeks of frights, let’s take a look at a new holiday scenario for Malifaux! In Hide & Shriek, players will need to be crafty and clever to find Effigy hiding spots. This lighthearted scenario is a delightful way to add festive fun to your game nights, and it’s also a great way to get newcomers and kids introduced to the mechanics of Malifaux! That’s all for this week, Wyrdos. As a reminder, the Rotten Harvest Effigy box, Guise and Ghouls (perfect for Hide & Shriek) is still available to order from the Wyrd webstore here or at your FLGS. Let us know which one you’d hope to find in the comments!
    • Long time no post... Despite the summer being slow (I really don't feel like painting when it's too warm), I still got a few things done and varnished since then. Mostly quick paintjobs, but Mad Dog and the Doc got a little bit more effort from me: The Malifaux Child was easy but still surprisingly a lot of fun to paint, once you get closer to it. And it's the largest (human) head in the game, right? And then I continued my speed painting experiments with the December Acolytes. Undercoat from very dark blue to white drybrush in the highlights, then speedpaints and some very few highlights. Works well for this color scheme (and might use for some other December models), but would not rec for everything. Anyway, cold is cool.   That's all that has been varnished since... July maybe? But I did spend more time on the hobby - assembled a ton of minis and based half a ton. I also started painting the Corrupted Hounds (another attempt at speed painting slapchop, this time going up from purple shadows) and the Iron Skeeters. Let's talk about those for a second: They must be the most burnout-inducing models in the whole range. They look sooooooo cool, but everything from assembly to basing to painting them is just a colossal pain in the ass. Fragile, everything is hard to reach, loooots of pieces, literally no legs to stand on etc... By the time I had them figured out, I really did not want to invest a lot of energy into painting anymore, so I went with another Slapchop approach: Dark purple shadows to white drybrush undercoat, then Xpress colors. Base layers are almost done, then they will need a couple of highlights though to not be too flat. I'm already dreading this a bit, but we'll see. (The big purple stick holding the middle Skeeter is a stick of transparent acrylics, just wrapped in tape and not yet fully glued in while I'm still painting.)   And then, just to show that the painting queue never ends, here are (really only some of) the many minis I assembled and based in the past 2-3 months:   Long post, sorry for the rambling, but maybe it can lend a bit of motivation to some of you!  
    • Firstly, those situations are called out, because, I believe, people played them either in previous editions, or in the testing and it was shown that those combinations can lead to problems. I've seen them all occur in games across the editions, and in general it wasn't fun. But that doesn't mean that other unfun situations can occur, because the terrain rules are so flexible.  I could add the 1.1 inch wide ht 1 impassable wall that Nekima could stand beside and all those 1 inch melee models couldn't engage her from the other side, which is very similar to the original issue, but without LOS being the cause, and not mentioned in the manual.  I can list more "issues" caused by the ability to stand on terrain than I can by there being non reciprocal LOS. I don't want to remove the ability to stand on things because it does lead to thematic situations. I do also find it relatively realistic that a person standing on top of a roof you can't see onto is able to hide except for that moment when they attack. Its a little stranger it being a melee attack rather than a ranged attack that is the issue, but I think that is in part due to the choice of example. When ever you try and get simulations of real things, you find the edge cases can lead to slightly strange results, but if you make the rules too granular no one can ever follow them. (And there are more benefits to melee attacks in our game to it makes sense when you are bringing the issue to bring the worst of it). My objection to this is in part because I dislike errata, so if a combination of a core rule, and the terrain rules cause a problem, I generally believe you can expect the players to not allow the bad interaction, rather than have to errata the core rule. ( And I accept that even if you put the guidelines in the rules, you will still find players that ignore them.  I've seen the sniper tower, the long river as 1 terrain feature, not enough cover on the table as the Viks had to charge an Ophelia gunline, or incorporeal models finding spots on the board that were just inaccessible to anything else as well as the attacking through windows. ) And also because I don't build my crew until I know what the terrain is, so if I have allowed this piece of terrain in the game, I don't fill my crew with ht 2 melee models that I'm then going to rush up to a place where they can't do anything.   
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