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Everything posted by thatlatinspeakingguy

  1. @Saduhem I think Positron's point was that he is NOT using that card intensive upgrade which lets you copy actions and obey tormented models. He uses only free push from WT and spends Jack's AP and cards to attack and attach upgrades.
  2. you have changed your post anyway, you're probably right. I assumed that killing and removing the model is not a part of a duel (albeit reducing it to 0 wounds is and happens during step 5) on the ground that step's 5 description says nothing about that. but now I can see the "after damaging" explanation on p.32 as indirectly implying that other triggers happen after the model is killed (if it is killed). gosh, this rulebook could be written more clearly.
  3. in other words: triggers belong to the duel sequence, model's death does not. you resolve duel, then you eventually remove the model.
  4. all of them happen "after Step 5". removing models from the table does not belong to the Step 5 (see it's description on p.33).
  5. all triggers (after resolving, succeding and damaging) happen before the model is killed. you place Pere first and then he dies.
  6. If they're made of paper, then they're probably constructs... and if they are constructs, there is at least one other TT master that can benefit from that release
  7. miss deed... kirai... molly... they're just breathtaking. i need a break, but i will come later to appreciate details even more...
  8. Manos uses the same mechanics as Yan, but how does he synergizes with him? Perhaps he's an Ancestor. Honestly, I was hoping for someone who would boost Yan's chi on turn one and replace her squishiness Datsue Ba in my crew. And why the heck he does not bear an Asian name? or is it one? i'm confused.
  9. I'm still trying to figure out whether they are worth their points or not, but I am inclined to say „yes, they are”. In their pre-errata state they were an amalgamation of 4ss model stat-wise and 7ss model action-wise. I would like to see them changed into 7ss model with appropriate stats in M3E.
  10. His passive Chatty aura can be his selling point in GG18 due to Strats that require Interacting, but I haven't tried him yet for that purpose. But even then, I don't think he is any good with Reva or McM. I would like to try him with Molly and Tara, cause they can benefit from fresh meat and Tara has another no-interact Aura.
  11. Interesting. I consider Ancestral Conflux being a dead upgrade in post-Wave 5 meta. Do you still use Brutal K. with Yan?
  12. I haven't tried Gassers yet, but they seem to me to be among our best releases in Wave 5. They make poison tech reliable and thus viable with any master. can't wait to try them coupled with Shikome (which are pretty good for 7ss) in Yan Lo, Seamus and Nico crews.
  13. I have focused on him recently, but still learning what's good. My impression is that he can work with almost any crew - I am even thinking of poison themed Yan Lo crew with gasser and shikomes. Currently my crew composition process starts with Yan, Porter and Datsue Ba with MLH (cheapest way to get two seishin on turn 1). Then I add whatever I want.
  14. it says it's an encounter box, not a starter. and yeah, I am super excited, hopefully Yan Lo will get some new tools in both factions.
  15. I used to use her with Seamus and she is staple in my Yan Lo's crew.
  16. check out "Vincent St. Clair [general discussion]" thread for opinions and some ideas.
  17. I have squeezed Hayreddin into every list I've made post-errata. He wasn't great in every of them, but he really shined in pools that combined Corner Deployment with Sourround Them (which is Ply's always scheme) or Symbols (which is however dependant on how your opponent deploys his markers). I didn't realize that a small change in cost can change my perception of the model so much.
  18. It does work. Condition says that it is removed when the model suffers severe, not that it cannot be removed otherwise.
  19. @mo11usq are you sure it's a good idea to bring Molly into Ply for Information? I can imagine that the strategy will restrict when and where it is reasonable to summon something. Beside that, seeing that lava pool I would be super excited about all those Doxy pushes straight into the fray. @tomhorstmann looking forward for second post. However, I have one remark: you can't use MLH like that:
  20. Funny thing is that initially Benny had no Bandit characteristic - it was added during open beta on players' demand for more synergy with Parker, so in fact it has nothing to do with Benny's fluff.
  21. This sentence tells you nothing about triggers timing. Take a look at page 32 of big rulebook: "After damaging: These effects happen after Step 5 and only if the target suffers 1 or more damage from the Action. These effects are resolved before the damaged model is removed if it was killed by the damage."
  22. "after damaging" happens before the model is removed from play.
  23. Increasing by 1 the cost of an already expensive model with virtually no competition in it's cost range seems pointless indeed. Probably devs were afraid that people will start hiring him outside Hamelin and Levi with freshly discounted Desperate Mercenaries and preemptively increased his cost, but that's only my guess.
  24. If your friend is on low budget, (s)he should not invest in summons. Personally, I don't think Karina is necessary at all. What your friend certainly need, are Rotten Belle which come in Seamus box or separately. Then he may think of supplementary beater - Archie, Rogue Necromancy or Bishop. Nurse used to be useful addition to Tara's crew, I don't think errata will change much in this respect. Rudimentary tactica for every Strat using mentioned models: Ply for Info: give fast to Belle, lure someone, Ply like crazy Symbols of Authority: use Tara and Nurse to speed up your models (Bishop is particularily good in this strat) and start to remove opposing symbols from turn 2 Public Execution: give fast to Belle, lure someone, kill with beaters to gain condition Ours: give fast to Belle, lure someone, kill with beaters to deny points Supply Wagons: give fast to your 50mm models to push the wagon faster. prevent pushing it back with your 3'' engagement beater (NB or Archie). Note that in this kind of crew burying happens only accidentaly, so if burying is the thing that made your friend attracted to Tara, then my advice may be a bit dissapointing.
  25. more than on master it depends on opposing player: most will simply stone for negative to damage flip.
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