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Posts posted by Caedrus

  1. Greetings, Guild Members!

    In an earlier thread, I talked about how the homogenisation of many of the actions on stat cards had, in my opinion, robbed Malifaux of so much of the flavour of the lore. A lot of the actions don’t seem to match the description of the character, or their traditional story (or the miniature, which may or may not be an issue). I really love the Malifaux lore, and this is my humble attempt to bring some of that back.

    Now, I completely understand that some players like the homogeneity of the naming convention. I get that. My opinion (and it is only that) is that by moving towards the unique, rather than the homogenous, we get a lot more character into the characters. Yes, that means looking at the cards more often. However, even with the current style, there are hundreds of different abilities to remember. I don’t think anyone could reasonably memorise them!

    So, I decided to create this thread, which lists all of the actions and abilities that just don’t fit, and my suggestions. Feel free to comment, give it a ‘+’ or a ‘-‘. I won’t be offended. Suggest your own!

    While I understand that some changes are still to be made before the print button is pushed, perhaps the design team can ‘reserve’ some name suggestions (mine, or others!) until the end.

    Oh, and as a disclaimer: I like words, so I may get a touch highbrow or obscure with some of the suggestions. If I think it’s a little obscure, I’ll try to explain.

    Dr. Grimwell

    • Nimble: Perhaps the good doctor should be on Ward Rounds?

    Emily Heartsbane

    • Creep Along: Perhaps something like Scout Nurse, or Surgical Assistant?


    • Toss could be renamed Repulsion Field (the Riotbreaker already took Shield Slam).

    • Scatter could be Please Disperse or Nothing To See Here (a Naked Gun reference).


    • Restraint Claw could be a Thrown Gauntlet, which would lead to the Pull and Drag being Challenge Accepted (Throwing down a gauntlet is a traditional precursor to a personal challenge).


    • Frantic Search could be renamed to Rifle Through His Pockets, or even Did he drop any loot?

    Brutal Effigy

    • Light Pistol. So, this is a statement that can apply to a few models, and assumes that there is a linkage between the model and the text. That’s not a pistol. That’s a revolver. I think Malifaux’s only pistol use was the metal Guild Sergeant.

    Guild Investigator

    • Garrote: Wouldn’t a blackjack or a sap be way more appropriate? Or even a stiletto dagger?

    Guild Lawyer

    • Under Pressure: I’d go with “No further questions!”

    The Scribe

    • Frantic Flailing: Why not Silver serving tray? Or even Very Sharp Quill?

    • Draw out Secrets: I’ve always liked the name Gentleman’s Gentleman (another name for a butler)

    • Maim: Why not Please leave your card?

    Perdita Ortega

    • Custom Firearm: I’d love for this to have the pizazz of Six-Gun, Six Shooter, or Heirloom Revolver.

    Papa Loco

    • Frantic Flailing: This could be Fire in the Hole, but I personally like the short range and light damage to be Lit Cigar, which can then lead to the dynamite being lit.

    • Cataclysm: I think something like One In Each Hand would be better.

    Abuela Ortega

    • Sawed-Off Shotgun: In UK English, it would be referred to as a Sawn-Off Shotgun; however, there’s another name for such a weapon; a Lupara. More Italian than Spanish, but still a good name.

    • On Wheels: I’d love something like “Kicks like a mule”.

    Enslaved Nephilim

    • Frantic Flailing: The guy’s carrying a Ball and Chain.

    • Insidious Influence: I’d love for his Ball and Chain to inflict a Head Injury that causes the Obey action.

    Cornelius Basse

    • Among the Willows: Come on, this just has to be Walk Without Rhythm.


    • Clockwork Pistol: Clockwork Revolver.

    Malifaux Raptor

    • Rake the Eyes: a fairly minor point, but I believe that the talons are the claws at the back, and that clutches are the claws at the front. So, I’d change Rake the Eyes to I have you in my clutches.

    Dashel Barker

    • Sadistic Joy: Inexplicably, Sadism helps Shield nearby Guard Models. Why not something like “Show ‘em your Badges!”

    • Clockwork Pistol: Clockwork Revolver. Unless they remodel the next version like the original metal Sergeant.

    Francis Queeg

    • Clockwork Pistol: Clockwork Revolver.

    Mounted Guard

    • Clockwork Pistol: Clockwork Revolver.


    • Clockwork Pistol: Because some older models use a pistol, why not change it to something like Custom Sidearm.

    • Balanced Sword: For similar reasons, I’d change the melee weapon to something like Weapon of Office.

    • Consolidate Power: Why not Squad! Regroup!


    • Reposition: As a military manoeuvre, the reposition is similar to a Countermarch.

    Guard Patrol

    • Clockwork Pistol: Clockwork Revolver.

    • Creep Along: I picture this more as an “I’ll cover you, partner!”.

    The Dispatcher

    • Frantic Flailing: To use a Spinal Tap reference, I’d love for this to be named “Up to Eleven”.

    • Arrest Order: I personally like Propaganda.

    Allison Dade

    • Hidden Pistol: Holdout Revolver.


    • Frantic Flailing: Rolled up Newspapers, perhaps?

    • Grab On: Read all about it!, might be a nice change.

    Lady Justice

    • Decay: Maybe it’s just me, but I like Entropy.

    The Judge

    • Enchanted Katana: Is that a katana? It doesn’t really look like one on any current models. Perhaps an Enchanted Blade?

    The Jury

    • Ancient Words: For an Exorcist, a Castigation seems more appropriate. Its older meaning referring someone to a more pure state, suitable for an undead hunter.

    • Sharp Wit: Why not have a Jury have Deliberations?

    Domador de Cadavares

    • Decay: Maybe it’s just me, but I like Entropy.

    Death Marshall

    • Clockwork Pistol: Clockwork Revolver.

    Scales of Justice

    • Frantic Flailing: It’s a simple pun, but Censership.

    Samael Hopkins

    • Collier Pistol: Collier Revolver.

    Witchling Handler

    • Collier Pistol: Collier Revolver.

    Sanctioned Spellcaster

    • Frantic Flailing: Something like Enchanter’s Touch, or Incandescence, or something.

    Witchling Stalker

    • Light Pistol: Light Revolver.

    Purifying Flame

    • Hovering Flame: Something more like Fire Trail.

    Thanks for reading, folks!


  2. Greetings, Arcanists!

    In an earlier thread, I talked about how the homogenisation of many of the actions on stat cards had, in my opinion, robbed Malifaux of so much of the flavour of the lore. A lot of the actions don’t seem to match the description of the character, or their traditional story (or the miniature, which may or may not be an issue). I really love the Malifaux lore, and this is my humble attempt to bring some of that back.

    Now, I completely understand that some players like the homogeneity of the naming convention. I get that. My opinion (and it is only that) is that by moving towards the unique, rather than the homogenous, we get a lot more character into the characters. Yes, that means looking at the cards more often. However, even with the current style, there are hundreds of different abilities to remember. I don’t think anyone could reasonably memorise them!

    So, I decided to create this thread, which lists all of the actions and abilities that just don’t fit, and my suggestions. Feel free to comment, give it a ‘+’ or a ‘-‘. I won’t be offended. Suggest your own!

    While I understand that some changes are still to be made before the print button is pushed, perhaps the design team can ‘reserve’ some name suggestions (mine, or others!) until the end.

    Oh, and as a disclaimer: I like words, so I may get a touch highbrow or obscure with some of the suggestions. If I think it’s a little obscure, I’ll try to explain.


    • Shouting Orders: He’s a teacher and a guru. Why not Align Chakras, or Exam Conditions?


    • Disillusion: This moves the target. Why not Telekinesis?

    Shastar Vidiya Guards

    • Balanced Sword: While I’m far from an expert on this, isn’t the traditional sword of the Shastar Vidiya the Tegh?

    Medical Automaton

    • Bedside Manner: Surely when the healer goes to the patient, it’s a House Call?

    Ferdinand Vogel

    • Ancient Words: A lawyer’s language could be something like a Lawsuit.

    • Surge could then be Legal Writ.

    • Get in there could be Summon the Bailiffs.

    • Stunning Strike could then be Sue for Damages.

    Snow Storm

    • Puncture: When claws do more damage, I tend to think of Rend or Rake.


    • Trample just doesn’t seem right for a Sz1 cat. Perhaps Underfoot, or Skate Past?

    Elijah Borgmann

    • Greatsword: If ever there was a time for a Flamberge (which means flamboyant, but is traditionally a wave-bladed, or flame-bladed sword).


    • Light under their feet: I’d personally like to see it changed to The Prodigy’s Firestarter lyric of The Fear Addicted.

    • Draw out Secrets could then be A Danger Illustrated.

    This might be getting a touch obscure 🤔.

    Eternal Flame

    • I love a good Olympics / The Bangles reference, but why isn’t this thing called an Incinerator? Or possible a Furnace?

    Fire Golem

    • Fire Tornado: Why not a Conflagration?

    Neil Henry

    • Rail Driver or Whirling Hammer: I just need one of these to be a Ghost Train.


    • Sharp Wit: I’d like to see it become “Here, Hold This!”, and the Ram trigger be something like “That fuse shouldn’t be lit!

    The Captain

    • Quick Getaway: Wind Buffet? Zephyr? The Captain doesn’t seem very quick getaway-ish.

    Amina Naidu

    • Sharp Wit could be Burden of Proof (a burden slowing you down).

    • Obey could be Court Orders.


    • Puncture could be Hollow Points.

    • Armor Piercing could be Jacketed Rounds, or even Full Metal Jacket.

    • Severe Injury could be Fragmentation.


    • Frantic Flailing could be something a touch more fun, like Groin Punch.

    Howard Langston

    • Like the Wind: I’d love to see this be Going for a Scuttle.

    Colette Du Bois

    • Serene Countenance could be Showmanship, or Allure.

    • Distracting Illusion just has to be Glamour. It’s a homonym of Glamer (an illusion), and it embodies Colette.

    Angelica Durand

    • Herald should be Compère (a person who introduces performers).


    • The childish part of me wants Forced Wardrobe Change to be Wardrobe Malfunction.

    Carlos Vasquez

    • Flaming Baton is fine, but The Flaming Fist of the Great Carlos Vasquez is just better, and only takes up six lines of text.

    Steam Arachnid

    • The swarm version injures with its metal claws. Surely the individual should change Frantic Flailing to a Metal Claw as well?

    So, what do you think, folks?


    • Like 2
    • Agree 5
    • Respectfully Disagree 2
  3. Caedrus, checking in!

    OK, so I better update where I am in my 2019 painting deck. Here goes:


    :crow2: Mike-Mack: Try painting a miniature in the Games Workshop Style. 

    :crow8: Victorian Painting: Use an object-source-lighting effect.

    :crow9: Buddhist: Use the non-metal-metal painting style.

    :crow12: Homeopathy: Use a glazing technique on a miniature.


    :tome3: Thin your paints, must you: Give constructive advice to a fellow painter.

    :tome8: Donatello wasn’t just a turtle: Try out your green stuff sculpting skills.

    :tome12: Let’s get a little crazy: Paint some freehand, Trompe-l'œil, or patterning effects.


    :ram6: Old School: Paint a metal Wyrd miniature.

    :ram9: …and I’ll form the head!: Paint a big stompy robot.

    :ram12: Pro Painter: Repaint someone else’s miniature (preferably from eBay).


    :mask1: Wham! Use a fluorescent paint.

    :mask3: Saturation: Use inks on a miniature.

    :mask6: Mastery in a bottle: Use Umber Wash, Agrax Earthshade, or Vallejo Smoke on a miniature.

    :mask9: It’s the consistency, not the taste: Use a water effect, blood effect or texture effect on a miniature.

    :mask11: Under pressure: Use an airbrush on a miniature.

    :mask12: It puts the lotion on its skin: Use a dip technique.

    A couple of reference images:


    (GW Style), and lots of Agraz Earthshade!


    A different beastman, Dipped!


    An eBay rescue.


    Metal Wyrd Mini.


    Freehand Tartan Pants!


    Airbrush, glazing, non-metal metal, and inks!


    Sculpting, OSL, and Fluorescents!


    A big, stompy, PITA robot.

    So, I'm claiming 16 cards!

    More importantly, even though I wrote the deck, I'm enjoying the challenge!


    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  4. Another month begins!

    This is the thread for the March 2019 Monthly Painting Challenge. I’m Caedrus, and I’ll be your host for 2019. March: a change of Season! Whether it be a Southern Hemisphere autumn, or a Northern Hemisphere Spring, change is in the air! I've made a small change to TOS values (see below) based on feedback from @Athiko. Please let me know if this sounds OK to people!

    If you’d like to be part of this challenge, please introduce yourself below, and post what level you’ll be painting at! The painters who have already signed up have their details put into the spreadsheet here.

    The 2019 Wyrd Monthly Painting Challenge is all about:

    1. Having fun painting!
    2. Motivating yourself, and encouraging others.
    3. Being part of a great, friendly community.
    4. Giving and receiving constructive advice. And, finally:
    5. Getting some pigment onto plastic!

    This is not a competition in any way.

    The pledge categories are the following:

    • Minion: you paint at least 1 soulstone worth of Malifaux miniatures each month
    • Enforcer: you paint at least 6 soulstones worth of Malifaux miniatures each month
    • Henchman: you paint at least 11 soulstones worth of Malifaux miniatures each month
    • Master: you paint at least 16 soulstones worth of Malifaux miniatures each month
    • Tyrant: you paint at least 31 soulstones worth of Malifaux miniatures each month

    The rules:

    • The challenge started on January 1st, 2019. 
    • Models count for the month in which you finish them. You can finish painting a model that you started before the beginning of the month.
    • Everyone may fail to make their monthly goal twice and stay in the challenge. This is using a mulligan.
    • You can choose to go down a pledge level during the year, but you cannot move up.
    • You may choose to sign up during a later month for the challenge but this means that you'll have to use one or two of the aforementioned mulligans: e.g. if you start in February, one mulligan will automatically be used because you missed January; if you start in March, two mulligans will already be used; you can’t start in April. This means if you want to join / start the challenge, you must meet every month's pledge from now on!
    • A model is considered painted if it is (1) based (even glued onto a black base counts); (2) tournament legal. That means that if it's a translucent, based model, it counts automatically. If it is any opaque material, then the standard is: Every part of the miniature painted, and three colours minimum.

    Miniature Values:


    • Almost all models count as their Soulstone value;
    • Masters count for 15 soulstones.
    • Zero cost models count for 5 soulstones.
    • Proxies (constructed from Wyrd models) count for their proxy value.

    The Other Side

    • Titans count for 25 soulstones.
    • Commanders count for 15 soulstones.
    • Adjunct models count for 5 soulstones.


    • A 30mm base model is worth 5 soulstones.
    • A 40mm base model is worth 7 soulstones.
    • A 50mm base model is worth 10 soulstones.


    • Terrain is worth 5SS per 50mm base in area.
    • Custom tokens are worth 5SS per 50mm base in area.
    • A terrain board is worth 100 Soulstones.

    3rd Edition?

    If Malifaux 3rd Edition hits in 2019, then the month that the PDF version is available, we will begin using the new values if they differ from M2E.

    How to upload images?

    1. Go to imgur.com, and create an account.
    2. Click on your account, click on 'images', and then 'add images'.
    3. Click on your uploaded image. You'll see a whole bunch of link options.
    4. Click on the 'copy' button next to 'direct link'.
    5. Go to your Wyrd Forum thread.
    6. Paste (CTRL-V) at the appropriate spot.
    7. The image should appear, resized appropriately to the page.

    My very best for March!


    • Like 2
  5. Hello All!

    Well, February is nearly at its end (which, in Australia, also means the scorching heat of summer will soon give way to the scorching heat of autumn). That means it's time to throw me an "@Caedrus", and let me know how many stones you painted. There are a couple of painters that have finished, but I don't have their totals. Please PM or update me!

    The current spreadsheet is available [here].

    Oh, and the March Painting Challenge will be open momentarily!


    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  6. Caedrus, checking in!

    Well, I hope to have my Peacekeeper finished very soon, but in the meantime, I thought I might say: Wow. Some absolutely fantastic painting this month. Lots of fluorescence, done brilliantly! So many painting styles different to my own (developing) style. I'm learning so much from all of you!

    @Viruk: You have a fantastic eye for colour. The blue-to-green shift on your Raspy avatar is wonderful.

    @emiba: Beautiful, sombre tones on the Vincent jacket.

    @Maxooo: I love those magenta gremlins, and the fluorescent highlights on the base. I wouldn’t be brave enough to try that!

    @lusciousmccabe: Nice gradients on the Bandersnatch!

    I’m with @Nikodemus on unifying the hair colour, but I’d break lore, and go with jeans-blue!

    @Purple Mist: I’m watching your chameleon-horse very closely! Even still images look great!

    @Burnin' Coal: Super-cohesive unit there. I think my favourite is the parasol-and-mermaid-dress lady. Gentle, beautiful contrasts.

    @Athiko: The fluorescent unifying colour is so very powerful. I love this crew!

    I didn’t intend to buy Jaakune, but it’s such a beautiful sculpt, I hope I do it the justice you’re doing!

    Your March pledge is huuuge. Wow.

    @Diddick: That fluorescent base-touch-effect is great. Not sure which Goryo I like most. I think the brown dress, but it is close!

    @bedjy: Those banraku are tiny! You’ve got fantastic detail on it. I love the wood tones (I mostly rely on inks to get a good wood effect), but I think the lavender/blue robes are the best bit!

    @muraki: I don’t know where to start! 94 Stones is just … massive.

    Your colours are outrageous! Pinks, greens, yellows. I wouldn’t have the courage to even consider it. Your style is so very different to mine, but I love it. I think I’ve never seen miniatures that look like so much fun. Kudos!

    @wobbly_goggy: Great mini, needs a partner-sign labelled ‘careful now!’

    @Phinn: I hope life settles down for you, but your rat-plan is flawless brilliance! I look forward to your monthly rat!

    It's an absolute pleasure seeing these paintings evolve!


    • Like 4
    • Thanks 4
  7. @Thedeadclaw: There are bargains to be had! I scored this:


    In December for $40USD (pre postage). I could not believe my luck. Now is a fantastic time to get some of the cooler sculpts. I haven't been super-excited about some of the M3E sculpts, so I'm rounding out my collection now!

    I'm thinking of making a quick 'Intro to M3E' set for my FLGS from some leftover pieces.

    The player part of me is also thinking of cool themed crew ideas!


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