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2019 Monthly Painting Challenge - July


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July is here, and with it, Malifaux 3rd Edition!

This is the thread for the July 2019 Monthly Painting Challenge. I’m Caedrus, and I’ll be your host for 2019. It's July! If you're in the Northern hemisphere, then it's time to get hot! If you're in the Southern Hemisphere, it's time for blankey and fireplaces! In either case, you can forget your spray cans, 'cause they're not gonna work anywhere!

July's birthstone is the Ruby. Time to paint something red!

The 4th of July is Independence Day for our US painters, but I prefer July 14th - Nudity Day! Time to practice painting those flesh tones!

The big news in the last few days has been the release of Malifaux, 3rd Edition, which means we have now officially changed to 3rd Edition values for your miniature painting.

The link to the painter spreadsheet is here, and I'll get it updated very soon!

The 2019 Wyrd Monthly Painting Challenge is all about:

  1. Having fun painting!
  2. Motivating yourself, and encouraging others.
  3. Being part of a great, friendly community.
  4. Giving and receiving constructive advice. And, finally:
  5. Getting some pigment onto plastic!

This is not a competition in any way.

The pledge categories are the following:

  • Minion: you paint at least 1 soulstone worth of Malifaux miniatures each month
  • Enforcer: you paint at least 6 soulstones worth of Malifaux miniatures each month
  • Henchman: you paint at least 11 soulstones worth of Malifaux miniatures each month
  • Master: you paint at least 16 soulstones worth of Malifaux miniatures each month
  • Tyrant: you paint at least 31 soulstones worth of Malifaux miniatures each month

The rules:

  • The challenge started on January 1st, 2019. 
  • Models count for the month in which you finish them. You can finish painting a model that you started before the beginning of the month.
  • Everyone may fail to make their monthly goal twice and stay in the challenge. This is using a mulligan.
  • You can choose to go down a pledge level during the year, but you cannot move up.
  • A model is considered painted if it is (1) based (even glued onto a black base counts); (2) tournament legal. That means that if it's a translucent, based model, it counts automatically. If it is any opaque material, then the standard is: Every part of the miniature painted, and three colours minimum.

Miniature Values:


  • Almost all models count as their Soulstone value; but
  • Masters count for 15 soulstones.
  • Zero cost models count for 5 soulstones.
  • Proxies (constructed from Wyrd models) count for their proxy value.

The Other Side

  • Titans count for 25 soulstones.
  • Commanders count for 15 soulstones.
  • Adjunct models count for 5 soulstones.


  • A 30mm base model is worth 5 soulstones.
  • A 40mm base model is worth 7 soulstones.
  • A 50mm base model is worth 10 soulstones.


  • Terrain is worth 5SS per 50mm base in area.
  • Custom tokens are worth 5SS per 50mm base in area.
  • A terrain board is worth 100 Soulstones.

3rd Edition Changeover!

We're now using the Malifaux 3rd Edition values!

How to upload images?

  1. Go to imgur.com, and create an account.
  2. Click on your account, click on 'images', and then 'add images'.
  3. Click on your uploaded image. You'll see a whole bunch of link options.
  4. Click on the 'copy' button next to 'direct link'.
  5. Go to your Wyrd Forum thread.
  6. Paste (CTRL-V) at the appropriate spot.
  7. The image should appear, resized appropriately to the page.

My very best for July!


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The Caedrus paint list for July:

Priority one is a half-finished Rifleman.

After that, I have a proxy Hanging Tree, a Basecoated Sonnia, and an (eBay rescue) Judge.

But, let's be honest, I'm gonna buy SOMETHING 3rd Edition.

Have a great July!

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Halfway through! Time sure does fly.

Choices, choices. There's a big tournament (well, a tournament at a big con at least) coming up end of the month. Need to figure out my crews so I can prioritise this month's painting. Could be anything! (well, could be Arc versatiles or TT big boys)

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I'll begin July pledge with a couple of scenics I'm going after from previus month:


I'm waiting for 3rd Edition card decks, faction books and rules (some of them have been shipped from the seller few days ago), but I have not plan, for now, to buy new models having till tons from 2nd Ed in my stockpile and in the box of shame.

I could try to pledge also a master model for current month too but this hot summer will not help me painting, then there a tons of projects I'm going after..... so, will see!

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Hi there!

For July I'll keep focusing on the Guild to try to have all my models painted for the UK Nationals (or at least as much enough as to be able to have a big pool to choose from).

Guild Rifleman (6 SS) x 3 = 18 SS  
Witchling Stalker (5 SS) x 3 = 15 SS 
Witchling Handler (7 SS) 
Thalarian queller (6 SS)

8 models, but the riflemen and the stalkers are basically long coats and tunics so with the airbrush it should take no time completing the biggest part of those models (lights and other stuff aside). In total, 46 SS for me (quite ambitious!).

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For July I'm filling in a few holes in my Gremlins, and ramping up to go hard into Neverborn after GenCon.

Redoing a metal Bad Juju I've had for a minute, to give him more of a rising-from-the-swamp feeling. Then, a few flying piglets, another Gatreaux Bokor and maybe a Bayou Smuggler and Gracie, with Hinimatsu and the Hooded Rider coming in for NB, and 2 Mecharacnids so I have them available should an urge to break out my Arcanists hit.

Total Pledge: an unrealistic amount of Soulstones.


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I'm going to finish painting my McCabe keyword.  I'm not sure how many stones it'll end up as 1/2 is already painted, so I'm touching it up / changing colors to make a more unified color scheme and basing it.  Additionally I have non-wyrd proxies for Desper / a Huckster to paint.  So have 10ish models on my table, too bad only 3 or so will count? Ha

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On Friday I'll leave for three weeks. It will be hard for me to get something painted this month. It might end up in a mulligam for me. But who knows, if I'm productive enough, I may get something done before Friday. The question is what should I paint...

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2 minutes ago, Franchute said:

On Friday I'll leave for three weeks. It will be hard for me to get something painted this month. It might end up in a mulligam for me. But who knows, if I'm productive enough, I may get something done before Friday. The question is what should I paint...

The really bad thing is that having to get the job done before Friday you have not many time to think about what you should paint...... ;)

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On 6/28/2019 at 4:35 PM, Wintergloom said:

Although it's the release day of M3e and I want to pledge some Malifaux models I'm gonna do the sensible thing and finish one project before I start another. So I'm pledging 9x Doomseekers and an Immolated Rhino for 55 stones

So... sensible went out the window... instead of TOS I'm gonna pledge the Urami keyword and maybe fit in some Doomseekers if I get bored of painting murder ghosts


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Guess what? I impulsively started to work on McMourning. I finished his base. I was even proude enough. Suddenly I got carried away and did all you see on this picture for Archie:


I cant believe myself. Cant I focus on just one miniature? 😊

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On 7/1/2019 at 3:25 AM, misterfinn said:

Pledging Trixiebelle this month for 7SS


Her default pose hurts my back to look at so she gets to sit down on a log

You know, i did the exact same thing with my own Trixie. The end effect is great - it makes her look like even more of a grinning maniac. ;)


Anyway, for me it's another month, another ambitious pledge. It's school holidays for the next two weeks here, so I'm optimistic;


Another townhouse, a full squad of Broken, Minako Rei and her two Katishiro. I'll work out the Soulstone total later on. ;)

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Youko is here ! So I think this month will be 100% Malifaux.
Youko, Chiyo, Bill Algren, 2 geisha.
And 2 executionners + 1 domador de cadaveres

This list is 59 points which is probably a bit too much for me for this month (I got a LARP event to prepare)
I have to paint the executionners and the domador, so I'll see what I can paint aside

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Finished partially repainting / rebasing / painting proxies for my McCabe crew, and I think they turned out pretty good.



Proxy Huckster and Proxy Desper


The full McCabe crew:


So for fully painted i got 2 ruffians (10 SS), and if we count non-wyrd models another 14, so either 10 or 24 depending on how we're scoring.

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