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Which non-starter release are you looking forward to the most for each faction?

Math Mathonwy

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What it says on the tin. Which are you most looking forward to meaning which are you looking to buy or see or use or perhaps would use if you played the faction.

My list:

Guild: A fierce battle between the Austringers and the Brutal Effigy but I think that the latter just inches past. He can find a good home in most of my Guild crews and the artwork looks ace.

Arcanists: Silent One, hands down. And I don't even play Rasputina! Just so insanely versatile a model that fits into basically any crew. Powerful ranged support, great utility, nicely tough.

Resurrectionists: Guild Autopsies. Another easy choice - Spare Parts is nice for Molly and Tara and Guild Autopsies are a worthwhile hire for McM and not too shabby for anyone else, either.

Neverborn: Though I despair at the thought of seeing these in every NB crew once they get released, I still have to go with Stitched Together. So horrible!

Outcasts: This one was the hardest since I don't really play them. But I suppose Sue is someone I might consider hiring as a Merc and it'll be fun to see the mini.

Ten Thunders: Komainu for Toshiro to summon. Simple as that.

Gremlins: Another fierce battle - this time between Rooster Riders and Sammy but I suppose I have to go with the latter since she is just super versatile and a lot of fun besides. Really looking forward to the mini as well!

OK, then, what are yours?

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TT Mostly Komainu for Toshiro and Mei but may end up using them with Levi at some point as well.


Gremlins: No Non Starter just Brewmaster although that can come under TT to.


Guild: Peacekeeper as I want more Giant robots for Hoffman and Levi


Archanist: The rest of the constructs that are missing for M&SU.


Outcasts: Nix just to run a Dog army 

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Guild: Also looking forward to Austringers, especially for McCabe.


Arcanists: Probably plastic Gunsmiths, although thus far I only have Ramos and Mei Feng. Will probably pick up Kaeris and Ironsides when they hit though, and Gunsmiths seem good with them too?


Rezzers: Plastic Drowned to play with Kirai.


Neverborn: Don't really play them, but planning on picking up Lucius/Zoraida/Jacob at some point. Maybe Hooded Rider 'cause he looks cool?


Outcasts: No non-box unreleased items at present.


TT: Komainu.


Gremlins: No non-box.



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Ignoring wave 3 on account of them being flux. Also picking only one for the extra challenge!


Guild: I don't have any guild models. But lets say Abuela.

Ressers: A bunch here but I think I want Datsue Ba first.

Arcanist: Also quite a few, I pick you Snow Storm!

Neverborn: As with guild I'll take a wild stab at Iggy, because Pop.

Outcasts: Wow, looking at the list I realised that the only unreleased models I care about at all are Sue and Effigy. I'd have thought there were more since there are fair amount to go, but no. Out of those two, Sue wins.

Gremlins are not a real faction

Ten Thunders: Komainu

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Guild: So hard to decide... I'll say Wardens. I need them for Lucius and Hoffman.


Resser: Dead Doxy. One can never have enough Dead Hookers.


Arcanists: The Captain... Hm, he'll be in Ironside's box. Thus, Gunsmiths. The Artwork is awesome.


Neverborn: Insidious Madness. Iä Cthulhu!


Outcasts: Sue. The Merc I really want.


Gremlins: Trixie. No, in a box... Sammy then.


TT: Komainu. Good art, and a cool rule set.

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At the moment I am greatly influenced by the fact, that tomorrow I will be ordering The Swamp Hag - Zoraida Starter Box and Walgeist, and that I have been reading a lot about Zoraida lately.

  • Neverborn - It was a battle between Spawn Mother and Widow Weaver. I love Widow Weaver's concept art, but I will have to go with Spawn mother, that I am planning on buying, when it comes out.
  • Gremlins - Again, McTavish versus Sammy LaCroix. I will probably buy both to play Zoraida in Gremlins faction, but if I had to choose only one, it would be McTavish. Most posts I have been reading about Zoraida were praising him, how good he is with Swampfiend models.


I don't have much knowledge about other factions, so I was choosing just by the concept art I have seen.

  • Outcasts - Eh... this was hard. Sue has guitar (I am a beginner guitar player), but Rat King is a bunch of rats in a cloak, can't resist that. Rat King.
  • Ressurectionist - Crooligan
  • Ten Thunders - Fremented River Monk
  • Arcanists - Mechanical Rider, because it looks cool and costs 12 SS and I want to see what 12 SS model can do.
  • Guild - Abuela Ortega. Well... LOL.
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Guild: Austringers followed closely by Guild Hounds

Ressurectionists: Necropunks

Arcanists: Mech Rider

Neverborn: Stiched Together followed closely by the Insidious Madness

Outcasts: Ashes and Dust

Gremlins: Tough one as so few boxes are out. I'll echo the Rooster Riders as well.

Ten Thunders: The Lone Swordsman

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For the ones I really care about:


Guild - Where are the Austringers?  The answer should be Hounds, but the baffling lack of Austringers trumps it here.

Outcast - Johan.  Couldn't get Johanna, making this guy another baffling Wave 1 no show.

Arcanist - Soulstone Miner.  There are others, but these guys are the final piece for a few crews.

Ten Thunders - I know you said no set boxes, but I'm still saying Brewmaster.  If you twist my arm, I'll say the Kamaitachi

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I always thought Necropunks are the undead remains for Gremlins, modified so far that they loose their Gremlin characteristic. I have the metal models, and I always found their faces impish and gremliny.


For me, trying to limit it to one each...


Guild:   Guild Hounds

Resurrectionists:   Guild Autopsies

Arcanists:   Large Arachnid

Neverborn:   Stitched Together

Outcast:   The Guilty

Ten Thunders:   Tengu

Gremlins:   Moon Shinobi... might have misunderstood the title's premise, but if we see a separate box of these guys, I assume that mandates that the Brewmaster starter would be out also, which is the main goal. I bet Rancor

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Arcanists: Gunsmiths. Both guy and lady artwork looks great. Also effigy for the same reason.

Outcasts: no doubt there - Sue. He has fantastic background, mysterious man with gutar going from and to nowhere, playing songs to people he met on way. I hope there will be some non-retrospective story about him one day.

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Arcanists: Gunsmiths. Both guy and lady artwork looks great. Also effigy for the same reason.

Outcasts: no doubt there - Sue. He has fantastic background, mysterious man with gutar going from and to nowhere, playing songs to people he met on way. I hope there will be some non-retrospective story about him one day.

Hes Johnny Cash in a table top game.

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