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Nagash1959 last won the day on March 16 2014

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About Nagash1959

  • Birthday 06/01/1984

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  1. Honestly, I'd be 100% OK with that. Yes, you "could" score from the scheme....if you had it. But you don't. We always had a piece of paper or something with out schemes written down to expose when actually scoring. Anything else is misdirection to me, and totally fair game. If someone was to actively start giving free info to me, I'd take it with a grain of salt. I can't see a way that this would be cheating. I'd either call your bluff by suggesting you flip over the note or try to let you think I believe you and play off of that. That said, if your local meta isn't cool with it then I'd suggest not doing it.
  2. Really excited for all the Book 3 models. Any chance the Forgotten Marshal can be choking a Necropunk like Homer Simpson choking Bart?
  3. As I tend to lose the initiative with frightening regularity I try to factor in going second to most of my plans. I find burning the stone to re flip is rarely worth it.
  4. Page 16, Common Flip Types call out. Attack flips are separate from Damage flips. EDIT: Page 16 in the small rulebook. Not sure if it lines up to the big one.
  5. I bought a box yesterday, 3 cards and 3 bases. I'm struggling with what to do with them myself but I *do* believe they're packaged like that intentionally as all three cards have a different photo on them. Why make three separate cards if that isn't an intended possible use?....especially when the Alt flesh construct didn't even get it's own artwork. I may pick up a second box and do 2 per base. That should keep me covered either way.
  6. Necropunks. With how important scheme markers are I'm surprised these little guys took such a back seat to...well...almost everything. Also, Necropunks are made from the bodies of dead Crooligans. Mind = blown.
  7. I doubt the Rogue Necromancy will be in there. I'm in the Molly/Nanny/Machine/3xCrooligans camp.
  8. I really like how it looks overall, but why add the flamethrower? ...unless this is Wyrds way of letting us know about a new upgrade card they're planning?
  9. I'd have to say that the models and overall setting really help draw me in. I come from a Warhammer background, but finding the 6+ hours to have a big game can be tough on a regular or even semi regular basis. I had heard of Malifaux around when it was first released, but didn't get my hands on any of the books until a few months before Storm of Shadows. I was deployed at the time but I had convinced a few friends to give it a go, and sadly that didn't happen as I got moved to a different location. But then after getting back state side I got to actually play several games, get my hands on the models (original metal Seamus was the first stop) and ended up with most of the metal Rezzer line. Flash forward to about four days before my last deployment, and the 2.0 book comes out. Well, no way was I passing that up. The book ended up in my laptop case with me everywhere I went that entire time. I got a few people interested and this time we went all out for it. We "acquired" an older locker with busted doors and tore the entire back plate off to make a gaming table. We made models out of index cards traced into the circles for bases. We passed every sunday for a few months playing Malifaux enjoying a little bit of geek fun while in a desert. It totally helps that I won a Patrean contest and got a free Tara box out of the deal. So the thing I enjoy most about Malifaux is simply that it exists, and it is a great way to hang out with your friends and have a great time. (personal favorite moment was Seamus taking a pot shot at Myranda with his pistol, hitting with a and killing her instantly before she got to do anything)
  10. The answer is in the Errata, he is 6 SS.
  11. @Paradoxstorm, you should never look at a wargame like that. The rules are there to tell you what you can do, not what you can't. The only time they should tell you what you can't do is in relation to other rules already made. Why can't I have Nicodem pull out his pistol and shoot Lady J? Because his stat card doesn't give him a pistol. Why can Killjoy swing his chain around a railing and come in like a wrecking ball? Because that isn't an ability on his card. You can apply the "It doesn't say I can't" logic to an RPG, because the GM decides what the final answer is, but a game that is designed to be playable between two strangers must be comprised of solid absolutes that give you what you can do. You *can* move up to your walk. That's what you're allowed to do. It's phrased like that because it's telling you, the player, what you are allowed to do with the movement.
  12. 1. The use of Lure forces a model to move along a specific path. If the model takes damage during that movement that's fine. If the model is killed by said damage then the effect ends anyway, no violation of the requirement. This is the same as Killjoy being forced to charge over hazardous terrain and dying. He *must* charge a legal target if there is one. Charging *must* end with the target inside your :close range. But he died, so Blood Price stops to matter as it doesn't mention "When this model dies". 2. I'm guessing you mean something like "Does a model have to finish climbing with only a single Walk action" to which I say no, they do not. The Climbable trait allows vertical movement in that spot, simple as that. There is nothing there that states a model must finish it's movement off the climbable spot. Of course, the physical model won't stay there unless you blu-tac it to your terrain. 3. Yes, you can just walk right off the elevation and fall if you want to. Nothing stops you from moving that way. The entry just states "Models moving off elevation" but makes no mention that you must be pushed off.
  13. Ok, looking at the wording on Rapid Growth and the General Timing call out here's what I got...| If the model that has the Rapid Growth upgrade is the acting model that kills Papa Loco AND is within 2" of the nephilum to allow for growth, the growth takes effect. Otherwise Papa Loco will always blow up before Rapid Growth would take effect. Explanation: Rapid Growth only gives the abilities listed to the model with the upgrade, the abilities in turn effect other Nephilim, but they do not *have* the upgrade. So the acting model kills Papa Loco, and following the timing rules the acting model's abilities are resolved first during the "Killed a model" event. So if the acting model is the one with Rapid Growth then the Feed the Brood effect kicks off first. If the acting model is anyone else in the Neverborn crew only their "When killing a model" abilities would activate. This is followed by Papa Loco which is, of course, blowing up. If one of the Nephilim kills him, they have to wait until the third step in the timing occurs, other models friendly to the acting model. So if the Nephilim survives the explosion they could still grow as normal. But they could be killed before growing. Any rules savants think I got this wrong?
  14. Also keep in mind that you can chose to have a target lose duels against friendly models (pg 33) as another way to reduce potential damage instead of burning control cards. And if you flip the red joker for the attacker or the defender, that model may still cheat down if they wish to avoid hitting or not being hit.
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