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Hagisman last won the day on August 5 2016

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About Hagisman

  • Birthday 03/06/1990

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  1. I made a video introducing new players to Through the Breach, please let me know what you think: https://youtu.be/1qTnAunesW8
  2. If anyone wants, I made a template for my M3E Model Tracker. You can select file then make a copy to copy it to your Google Drive: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uCWl8cVT59CbKHFT65LY_45Bf1tCFxV6-1mDRj5tIfk/edit?usp=sharing I have an example in the Guild page if you are interested in using this. Known Issues: Soulstone Tracking not working - I tried using the LOOKUP function to locate the SS values of the models, but Soulstone Values don't exist for all models - Data entry takes a long time and I ended up only doing the Guild models since they are the ones I have the most of. Missing Limited Edition Models - Again I don't have a lot of time to look for every Limited Edition model that exists. Station tracking not working - I tried to test tracking how many Minions, Masters, Henchmen, and Enforcers you have as additional stats tracking, but that would require me to better understand the LOOKUP function, which I'm having trouble with. Additional Features: Add New Models - Can add to the lists in the lists sheet and the rest of the spreadsheets will automatically update.
  3. Given that there are a lot of people stuck at home. Is there an Official Vassal Module for The Other Side? Similar to the Malifaux one?
  4. I tried to Assassinate Sandeep and my opponent managed to get his health back up to full in one activation.
  5. No Prisoners upgrade also gives Run and Gun to minion models.
  6. I ran the Lone Marshal during a tournament the other week and had pretty good results with him. Took him out of faction with Hoffman twice and didn't regret it. Ruthless saved me on a lot of terrifying and manipulative. Run and Gun + his Long Carbine meant he was hitting things up to 21 inches away if terrain wasn't blocking him from his charge. Startle (Exorcism) was great against Sandeep. One shot an Ice Golem and still had movement/actions to get my Breakthrough point. Had I realized it earlier I would have been able to kill a Fire Golem as well. Df/Wp 6 is just great.
  7. Second Master in my meta seems to be a gentleman's agreement at the moment. At ArmourCon only me and my first round opponent chose to have 2 Masters, but that was because we both chose Hoffman and realized we both needed more Anti-Armor. But most of my meta prefer single master.
  8. The Armour Con results haven't been updated on the US Faux Tour rankings, but I think there was a Guild player who got either 2nd or 3rd. The list he ran was: Hoffman Mechanical Attendant Perdita Hunter Miss Step Joss Watcher But they changed their list over the course of the day.
  9. Don't have my book yet. Is Dashel vs Collodi in the book?
  10. Feel free to debate this: Reasoning: Hoffman - So good at working within the Guild's red tape that even Lucius was having a hard time tripping him up. Perdita - Good to the bone. Basse - Bounty Hunter says he likes to do stuff that the law won't do. Sonnia - Uses the law to further her own interests. Lady Justice - Doesn't care about Guild politics, she uses Necromancy to stop Necromancers. Nellie - Reworks the truth to fit a positive narrative for the Guild. Lucius - Uses the law to try and oppress the innocent. Dashel - Was once the right hand man of Lucius. Strict military discipline with disregard for his men (Though that might be Queeg). Bonus: McMourning for Chaotic Evil. Because he was once Guild and is so loony that it was a miracle he hadn't given himself away.
  11. If you are in the UK, TTCombat has a lot of good terrain: https://ttcombat.com/collections/wild-west https://ttcombat.com/collections/streets-of-venice Additionally you can try for some Wyrdscapes: https://www.wyrd-games.net/terrain Terrain types you are lacking in: Forests - Good source of Line of Sight blocking. I suggest at least two small blobs with removable trees. Also acts as severe terrain see below. Severe - Good source for slowing down opponents. Check page 38 and 39 of the free PDF. It lists all the terrain features that Wyrd expects. Such as: Barded Wire Bridges Buildings (Flat and Steep) Buildings (Advanced) Fences Walls Fog Banks Hills Obstacles (i.e. crates, scatter terrain, etc...)( Staircase Water Woods
  12. This almost lined up with the creation of the Lone Marshal, Hayreddin, and Anna Lovelace. If it weren't for the arcanist being a miner. If it was an outcast librarian that woul make sense.
  13. But Karina can raise them without a corpse?
  14. That's the tough part of balancing fluff with crunch. If all Death Marshals didn't drop Corpse markers they would be very unbalanced against crews that required them. They are already getting a lot of buffs against Undead so adding that on would have to replace one of their other abilities.
  15. Based on how Marlow reacted it seems as though all Death Marshals are either Undead or somewhere between Living and Undead. I don't think the actual Death Marshals were Living, even though their cards said so in M2e. There is no hint that Lady J modified the process to make Death Marshals as far as I know. The hint that they are something more than normal living people is that Necromancers, aside from Karina, cannot raise undead Death Marshals.
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