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Wyrd at Gen Con 2014


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Good lord people it's a Whiskey Golem for crying out loud! If it's to scale it should be bigger than the Hoffman Avatar!


Your outrage both confuses and concerns me...


...I'm not complaining about getting a giant Whiskey Golem, I'm just confused as to what the general one will look like.


But this isn't the first time Wyrd's done that - Nightmare LCB and Nightmare Herald of Obliteration both came before the respective general releases.


If, as Razhem hypothesizes, the standard Whiskey Golem is the Nightmare version sans gremlins, I'd also guess it would be smaller in size...


...although, if it looks the same but it simply smaller, that no longer gives Wyrd an excuse for any of their horrible scaling problems, so I'd doubt it XD

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Come to think of it, I'm suddenly very curious if von schill's box will include Hannah or not.  I can't see if she's in the art or not.


If it does, I'll have to pick it up regardless of the dupes!

She is pretty big though so I don't think she can hide in the obscured areas of the cover. And there are 7 models without her (VS, 2 Freikorpsmann, Specialist, Trapper, Librarian, Steam Trunk).

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For those disappointed about no Arcanists, may I please point you to the nearest Gremlin player for a reality check.  


Looks at own finger pointing back at self.  Hmmm ok?


Do any of you really only play one faction? (not serious question, doesn't require response)


On topic: Really really really looking forward to Kirai and Dreamer boxes.  Kinda interested in Lucius box.  Will be getting Nightmare Whiskey Golem.  $100 for the Miss-whatever will be easy as long as wallet cooperates...

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The Dreamer box disappoints me a little although I'm sure I will be one of the few with that opinion. 

I feel it hits way too close to my treasured Nightmare Edition LCB/Dreamer for me to think of it as anything other than "Pewter LCB" as opposed to "Nightmare LCB" (which I guess makes the old general release LCB "HUG ME LCB"). 


What ever happened to the unique looking "Where the Wild things are" one? That struck a great center point of not diminishing the Nightmare LCB nor being the not well liked general release model. 


That's my rant for the month. All things considered I'm very happy with everything else but this one thing still stings a bit. 

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Looks like Ryle is no longer friends with Lucius, the big guy must be Captain Dashel (he has a baton in his belt), one of the masked guys Guild Lawyer, The Scribe (being a Totem) ought to be on the side of the box, so who is the other masked guy? Unless they put the totem on the front to mess with me!


I fully expect Ryle to be the henchman in the Hoffman crew box. 

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Looks like Ryle is no longer friends with Lucius, the big guy must be Captain Dashel (he has a baton in his belt), one of the masked guys Guild Lawyer, The Scribe (being a Totem) ought to be on the side of the box, so who is the other masked guy? Unless they put the totem on the front to mess with me!

Could just be a second lawyer. That gets us 2 guard, 2 lawyer, the scribe(not pictured) and fat guy. That's the magic 6 number that's so common.

My main wonder is the kirai box. Assuming its just what's on the front and a totem, we're looking at 14ss worth of models. I'll buy it anyway mind you, but hoping we get some gaki or datsue ba or something to at least make the box a legal crew.

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My main wonder is the kirai box. Assuming its just what's on the front and a totem, we're looking at 14ss worth of models. I'll buy it anyway mind you, but hoping we get some gaki or datsue ba or something to at least make the box a legal crew.


I'm curious to know what's in Kirai's box too. Just putting her on the table means you need 7 models (Master, Ikiryo, 5x Seishin), and that's before you spend a single SS on the crew or upgrades!

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From Eric's replies on A Wyrd Place, it looks like the "And More..." will be non-crew boxes, and stuff that supports the crew boxes released, so we might see Waldgeists, Seishin, Dashel, Datsue Ba, etc. Apparently, there are 16 new boxes for Gencon, or at least, that's the hope.


Burble :DB)


I really hope so.


Oh and as a fanatic Arcanist player I got to say I can cope. We have done really well in Wave 1 so I can try to be patient for Wave 2.

Gremlins (I mean the designers have to be drunk as a pre-requisite for design so not surprising) and Outcasts really need to be caught up.

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Burble :DB)


I really hope so.


Oh and as a fanatic Arcanist player I got to say I can cope. We have done really well in Wave 1 so I can try to be patient for Wave 2.

Gremlins (I mean the designers have to be drunk as a pre-requisite for design so not surprising) and Outcasts really need to be caught up.

Yeah, there's plenty of other things (painting) to keep us busy in the meantime. Other factions deserve a shot, I'm excited to get a look at some of the stuff that will end up on the other side of the table for a while. (Can Arcanists be a real faction again, now?)

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