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Go To Master


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How many Masters did you go through before you said "Yep, this is the one!"?  When I first started getting interested in Malifaux, I was very high on McMorning.  I liked his crew, I liked the models, and the ability to manipulate Poison looked to be fun.  But...the first crew I got (as a birthday present) was Yan Lo, due to my love of "Big Trouble in Little China". Yan Lo is still my main Master, both in 10T and Ressurs, but I've been trying other Masters from different factions to see who I like playing.  There were some that, when I read their cards, got a "meh" reaction.  After playing them, however, I can see their appeal. 

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I've started with Leveticus, but - at least for me - he is pretty boring and even caused me to stop playing for about a year. When Ripples of Fate were announced, I looked at new masters and three of them caught my eye - Parker (Clint Eastwood vibe), Reva and Titania. I decided to buy Parker and played him for few months but it was very frustrating experience, Then there were Viktorias, but just like levi - they seem pretty damn boring. Then I bought Hamelin, when almost no one in Poland played him and to this day he is my main master.

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In M1E it didn't take me long at all to find my favorite Master.  I started with Pandora but after realizing she was utterly broken (she really was in those early days!) I switched to Zoraida... and didn't look back for 18 months. :) After that I only started playing other Masters because i wanted the variety and I already had most of them anyway.

In M2E I've rarely played a single Master for long, for a variety of reasons. But the one I've enjoyed the most, and who I keep coming back to, has been Misaki. She's gotsome surprising depth to her playstyle and the Ten Thunders models available to her are some of my favorite. 

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I started with Lilith because I heard Pandora was a huge NPE. After a while I moved to Pandora and realised I loved the play style. I’ve now got every Neverborn master except Lynch and Lucius and I still play Pandora 80% of the time.

When I see new Neverborn models, my first thought is ‘how can Pandora use this’.

I’m currently preparing to put Titania on the table and I’m hoping she clicks with me enough to at least share the limelight.

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22 hours ago, retnab said:

Ironsides, 100%. I wasn't sure when I saw her card, but as soon as I got her on the board it clicked so well I've been rolling with her regularly ever since!

I second this, Ironsides is just a blast to play, and is reasonably well equipped for most scenarios. Nowhere near as versatile as Sandeep, but more fun

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Somer was my first love (started in M2e) and I have the majority of the gremlin faction at this point. I love his versatility and style. I never feel like I'm shooting myself in the foot (until I literally shoot myself) and even though he sometimes feels unreliable, he can wipe that all away with amazing luck. Just a "feels-right" master to me.

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When it came to deciding what faction to play I cast my eyes on Ophelia in fell in love with her. A strong female character who is also a lot of fun in that she and her entire family is basically copying this entire famous human family? It was perfect!

But since then I have coolected almost every other Gremlin Master and I found that I don't really have a "go to".

But if I  had to chose one I guess it'd be Somer. He is the most versatile and strong Master in the faction imo.


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I started out with Pandora as I liked the box a lot and what I was told about how she would play there was no real alternative.

Now I've got some other masters; Reva, Titania, McMo and Lynch. However, I still like playing Pandora the most. Unfortunately I can't play her in any situation since she tends to bring tears of rage (or agony) to the other players' eyes - and I don't want to do this to new players especially.

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My go to master is Marcus.  He's incredibly fun to play and can do a little bit of everything (except summon).  Also, being basically the only master in the game that can control other masters is such a huge advantage and is just fun to do.  Like using Seamus to use his once per turn shot of his gun to shoot his own crew usually screw the Seamus player or making Asami summon a Tengu with Flicker +7 and watching Asami "flicker" out of existence is just great.  Buffing your own crew or debuffing the enemy can cause a huge swing in the game and being able to use Beasts from other factions is just great.  Lastly, minimum 4 damage is something everyone is wary of.  

Of course I have all of the other Arcanists masters and some other factions... but for fun and tournaments, I usually break out Marcus to enjoy myself. 

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For me it was Seamus ever since 1st edition.  Jack the Ripper and undead hookers?  What could be better?  It was the fluff and the models that drew me more than anything else.  I then picked up Dreamer and nightmare Chompy and haven't stopped playing NB since.

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