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Everything posted by Butch

  1. After seven years in the hobby, it's the first time I read about someone using duct tape! I guess there will be always a first time!
  2. Your Misaki was in my top three favorites. A pity you hadn't multiple votes.
  3. Maybe you want to post them too in the Bemalforum? It's always nice to welcome new members.
  4. Create a new master: a trans shepherd. With a herd full of goats, each different and one for each faction. Something like the meadow seven
  5. For night scenes I take VMC Sky Blue. It's just the tip of a brush sometimes. As I'm learning this at them moment myself: maybe it's better if the color isn't too dark or too bright?
  6. Had you chosen an atmosphere color and mixed a drop of it in every (!) color you used? I always avoid this fearing it might be too much work. But after I tried it once, I will never go back! It's amzing!
  7. Next year we will be having burning skull riding zombies! I'm looking forward for that.
  8. I assemble all of the miniature. Most of the time I will glue the model on its base too. For priming I use GW sprays. First black, followed by a mist of white from the top (2 component priming). I like the GW sprays. I tried Army Painter an Vallejo, but GW spray is the most "forgiving". But it still needs some experience.
  9. Great Freehands on Shen Long. Also like the skin.
  10. If it radiates under the badages I would take an approach more like lava. Paint the yellowgreen between the bandages, mix it with white an paint some spots, and in these spots pinots of white. Maybe a little drybrushing with the green on the bandages (before or after, you must try). Always be relaxed. Every miniature can be easily stripped of the paint again. Try and error is the way of the painter.
  11. What I like about this discussion is the fact, that nobody seems to vote against LGBT becaus its "unnatural" or something like that. Seems to me we're a bunch of open minded people. I share the opinion, that it doesn't matter, because an interesting characcter in the Malifaux setting ist not based around its sexuality. In real live it shouldn't either - but as for example a frined of mine is trans and has a lot to struggle with his/her coming out, so sometimes it takes more about the character of somebody. And I really do like that Wyrd is making no difference between male and female charcters, they're all created equally interesting.
  12. It depends. Either I go with different bases for each faction, or if you happen to play on a certain table in your club, I would chose this theme for all models.
  13. The fur is astonishing and for sure the very best I've seen until now!
  14. Great choice of colors. I love the warm feel of it. Nice detail is the orange highlight on the leather parts. I usallly go into bleached bone, but I will definitely be more experimental in the future.
  15. Great kitbash! I'd advise a little repositioning of Mortimer on the Base. At the moment he looks very instable and like he's falling back due to his backback. I would tilt him a litte more to the front.
  16. I would go with anything with woodplanks.
  17. You cannot thin them down as other Paints. So if you want to achieve very smooth blendings you may not be able to thin them down enough. They will fall apart (?) with too much water. Same is with Vallejo Game Color due to the high pigmentation. The VGC are much worse than the GW-paints in my expreience. They're not bad, but better for other techniques. So if anybody wants to buy new colors I recomment other than GW or VGC. If you already have paints I recomment to stick to what you've got and you've experience with until you reach a point where you may want to change something. At the moment I'm painting a lot of Zombies for Project Z. For this the GW paints are ideal: basecolor, wash (Army Painter strongtone) and highlights. Edit: this is my experience and some infos I have from Roman Lappat's beginner workshop. I have no idea about the chemics.
  18. If you're familir with the GW paints stick to them. If you're into more sophisticated painting techniques you should change. I paint with Vallejo Model Color and Scale 75. But why change a winning team?
  19. I do like your individual approach on Johann an the Flech Construct. Very beautiful choice of colors.
  20. One way to paint eyes - and the one I useally forget - is to make dark/black eyeball and with a tip of white/bleacheb bone in the corners you can very much control the direction the eye ist aiming at.
  21. The OSL looks good. Maybe I would put some more reflections on the figure. At the moment it looks a bit like a spotlight. But for the second attempt its more than good! The lamp itself should be brighter than the reflection on the mini. So there you could do a littel improvement.
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