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3 hours ago, Fetid Strumpet said:

They could always go the Relic knights version and remove ranges from ranged attacks, guns, and spells. LoS is the only effective counter in that game. Granted if they went that route they’d need to have better rules clearly defining how a table is laid out. Relic Knights gets around it be having 2 movements and 1 action, so all models can run out of cover, act, and get back in cover. Unless they are fundamentally changing the action economy that wouldn’t work for malifaux.

I quite liked how much that sped things up in that game. Was a bit of a breath of fresh air. Do think it would require a pretty large overhaul of the core mechanics of Malifaux though to make it work, so probably not too likely.

1 hour ago, WWHSD said:

My concern isn't about the initial buy in, but that every time a new master is added you essentially have the same cost as you did with your first master.  In M2E, I'd use the beaters from the Ironside box to fill the hole in the Kaeris crew and the scheme runners from the Kaeris box to fill the hole in the Ironsides crew. I'd have two masters that I could play with just the contents of those two crew boxes. Additional purchases might be intended to optimize one crew or the other but become options for both crews. The addition of another master's crew box  doesn't have a lot of required purchases with it because you already own models that fill any roles that the new crew needs filled. Personally, I found that buying a crew box was usually the most cost effective way to expand.

If the new master forces you to buy a bunch of otherwise redundant models you could just not bother. Or proxy the redundant models for casual games and consider whether you'd bother investing for officialness. It's basically what I do for models I don't like the look of. Particularly, if the model in question is basically just a reskinned version of something you already have, but I'd say they'll be aiming to give them a decent amount of individual character. 

I'd also be surprised if we don't see some keyword overlap between masters. It was a feature of Malifaux took more than its share of my money that most models you buy make some other models that more attractive until you've got more than you know what to do with. 

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Yeah, but the question then is how uncommon is not common?

At the moment there are a bunch of pretty pointless overlaps, like Mr. Tannen being a Woe or the Twins being silly. Thematic hiring is probably going to be a bigger deal than a lot of the current keyword based buffs, so I'd say they're going to be less generous with the keywords but still have enough overlap to allow some swapping out models between crews and encourage people to branch out. 

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10 hours ago, Fetid Strumpet said:

They could always go the Relic knights version and remove ranges from ranged attacks, guns, and spells. LoS is the only effective counter in that game. Granted if they went that route they’d need to have better rules clearly defining how a table is laid out. Relic Knights gets around it be having 2 movements and 1 action, so all models can run out of cover, act, and get back in cover. Unless they are fundamentally changing the action economy that wouldn’t work for malifaux.

Or they could go the infinity route, with a range limit instead of pure LoS from board edge to board edge, where if you moved a piece through/into LoS of a ranged attack, that model gets a free shot.

Neither option sounds plausible, as your idea requires fundamentally altering the games mechanics, and mine makes it to where shoot you bang bang lists would be, probably, too strong.

Either way, I can't wait to hear/learn more about m3e. I just hope that the mobility aspect gets put through a meat grinder during testing, and undergoes the most scrutiny.

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16 hours ago, WWHSD said:

My concern isn't about the initial buy in, but that every time a new master is added you essentially have the same cost as you did with your first master.  In M2E, I'd use the beaters from the Ironside box to fill the hole in the Kaeris crew and the scheme runners from the Kaeris box to fill the hole in the Ironsides crew. I'd have two masters that I could play with just the contents of those two crew boxes. Additional purchases might be intended to optimize one crew or the other but become options for both crews. The addition of another master's crew box  doesn't have a lot of required purchases with it because you already own models that fill any roles that the new crew needs filled. Personally, I found that buying a crew box was usually the most cost effective way to expand.

I don't think the sky is falling and I do  like the idea that crews aren't just going to be whatever master was chosen with the whatever the best model for each role in the faction. There is a downside though to masters hiring mostly models with their keywords. Hopefully, there will be enough models with the Versatile keyword that can fill some basic roles, the hiring penalty won't be too prohibitive, or there will be enough models that have multiple keywords to keep it from becoming an issue. 

Ah, yeah I hadn’t looked at it like that. Good point.


I guess it all depends on which models end up as Versatile.  Unlikely I think, but it could include Terror Tots, Silurids etc... the rank and file troops.

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9 hours ago, Tickle Monster said:

Can I ask what will be the fate of the henchmen that come with some of the masters that will not make the cut for m3e?  Specifically what will become of the likes of Barbaros or Vasilisa?  I sincerely hope that they will not disappear too. 

A valid question hat i hope someone asks at Gencon.  Judge is dead, but that's a title so it could be a new character in that role this edition.  Mortimer survived, there was speculation if he'd become a master.  If he gets slotted into the DMH pack then my suspicion of Nico returning eventually in a new form will continue to grow.  I don't fully recall Barbaros's fluff in regards to the other nephilim, he might not in fluff get along too well with Nekima, but he'd probably try to help Zoraida heal Lilith,  I'd imagine he'd stick around.  Vasilisa is a good question, a lot of us have been wondering what happens to the puppet subline with Coloddi gone

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16 hours ago, lusciousmccabe said:

Yeah, but the question then is how uncommon is not common?

At the moment there are a bunch of pretty pointless overlaps, like Mr. Tannen being a Woe or the Twins being silly. Thematic hiring is probably going to be a bigger deal than a lot of the current keyword based buffs, so I'd say they're going to be less generous with the keywords but still have enough overlap to allow some swapping out models between crews and encourage people to branch out. 

The new Tannen and Grave alt models very much embody their Neverborn keywords - Woe and Nephilim, so I think they will keep them in M3E. 

*Wild speculation time!* What if dual faction models came with a different card for each faction, with the only difference on the cards being the keywords that are relevant to the faction. Tannen, for instance: His 10 Thunders card would have the Darkened keyword, while his Neverborn card has the Woe keyword. All of the other rules text would be the same.  This would cut down on the number of keywords needed for the models that are currently dual faction and already have multiple keywords. It would also allow you to buy whatever faction deck you need and get all of the cards for the faction, without having to buy a secondary deck for just a few stat cards. (if I recall correctly, dual faction cards only showed up in one of the Arsenal decks)

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Thematic hiring will not be a really big deal at my LGC.   Most of us already hire based on themes.   Only one really goes out of themes and he plays net lists.

The biggest thing on this edition change for me.  Am I able to get the Miss Cards for the my Miss models?  I.E.  Miss Ery, etc.    Some of the old M1E Miss models do not have a M2E card (Miss Pack.)

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Mason specifically called out the Emissary and Effigies as examples of models which will have the versitile keywords.

Though now that I think about it, if their arguments about the DMH are valid shouldn’t they be removing the effigies from the game? I mean fluff wise they are the same entity. I mean even if they write a piece of cover fiction that says they can shift back and forth between forms, wouldn’t they at a minimum need to have a rule that prevents the same effigy and Emissary from being in the same crew at the same time?

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1 minute ago, Fetid Strumpet said:

Mason specifically called out the Emissary and Effigies as examples of models which will have the versitile keywords.

Though now that I think about it, if their arguments about the DMH are valid shouldn’t they be removing the effigies from the game? I mean fluff wise they are the same entity. I mean even if they write a piece of cover fiction that says they can shift back and forth between forms, wouldn’t they at a minimum need to have a rule that prevents the same effigy and Emissary from being in the same crew at the same time?

Where's that fluff from?

If I understand what you're saying, when the Arcane Emissary wants to be useful he changes into the the Arcane Effigy?  

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The fluff is from the Shifting Loyalties book. It was my understanding that the Emissaries were the powered up forms of the Effigies. They essentially got powered up by something related to the Previous Governor General’s attempt to ascend. If I’m remember that correctly then if they are removing masters from the game because they are no longer part of the official story, wouldn’t the effigies need to be treated the same way?

If they want both the effigies and emissaries in the game then they will need to write a piece of cover fiction to explain how they shift back and forth between forms wouldn’t they? And then at a minimum create a rule that prevents them from being in the same crew at the same time?

Unless they want to create a piece of fiction where Zoraida creates a whole new set of effigies because of reasons and that the effigies in the game now are really effigies v2.0.

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On 7/31/2018 at 7:56 AM, Bad Jim said:

Maybe he gets Beasts in Arcanists and Chimerae in Neverborn? And some models might have both keywords?

I saw the Marcus card in a video from GenCon. It looks like a dual faction card. There is nothing on the front of the card that mentions hiring Beasts and neither Marcus or Myranda are Beasts. The Jackalope and Cojo have both the Beast and the Chimera keyword on them. The Moleman card had it's cost and keywords covered by another card in the video so I'm not sure about them..

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So as a Henchman with about 400 models and all the stat cards in sleeves and in a binder with colored pages to match the factions, I just get a big old slap in the face with these new cards.

400+ sleeves down the drain along with my custom made colored pages for those stat cards.

But hey, 3-4 people with poor eye sight like the bigger cards... great, can they buy me 400 new sleeves and new binders? 

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Just now, Erik1978 said:

So as a Henchman with about 400 models and all the stat cards in sleeves and in a binder with colored pages to match the factions, I just get a big old slap in the face with these new cards.

400+ sleeves down the drain along with my custom made colored pages for those stat cards.

But hey, 3-4 people with poor eye sight like the bigger cards... great, can they buy me 400 new sleeves and new binders? 

I'm hoping the app will get updated so I don't have to.  On a tangent, last night I found and pitched my Warmachine MK3 upgrade decks that I never opened.  Felt GOOOOOD to drop all that paper.

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1 minute ago, Erik1978 said:

So as a Henchman with about 400 models and all the stat cards in sleeves and in a binder with colored pages to match the factions, I just get a big old slap in the face with these new cards.

400+ sleeves down the drain along with my custom made colored pages for those stat cards.

But hey, 3-4 people with poor eye sight like the bigger cards... great, can they buy me 400 new sleeves and new binders? 

I understand your displease as I am one of those sleeve'n binder guys as well but: There are people who suffer from bad eyesight and one guy in my community actually is not able to play the game because the text is so small. The app helped but he - as well as me - prefers to play with phsyical cards. Sorry to say but I completetly disagree with your view.

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2 minutes ago, Erik1978 said:

I will never use an app as replacement for cards, then again, I'm not 14, so I like having the cards in front of me, not having to flip from model to model on a phone that's not very new. 

I mean.... I haven't been 14 for like...... a couple decades now, but sure?

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I’m not thrilled at the increased size either (I think I can find a box-based solution that’s meant for index cards or recipe cards, but have learned about a lot of players using card binders that I never realized, this last week or so ) but at least Wyrd has found sleeves to fit before releasing them to the public this time.

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