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Everything posted by Fireuser

  1. Seamus has other limitations as well. Back Alley cannot be used if an enemy has LoS to him. His gun is once per turn and his melee attack is really only there so he has an engagement range and can use the trigger to push. If the Belles or his summoning are altered, he loses a lot more than the other models that summon the Belles. Play a game using Seamus if you have not done so already. Working with all of his limitations is not as easy as it seems from the other side of the table.
  2. The very first line on the Soulbound Upgrades holds the answer.
  3. As a note, Collodi cannot make Coryphee merge together. Only Arcanists can do that trick.
  4. I don't have my cards/book with me, but if that is the case, it seems like a pretty big design inconsistency. Lynch uses the Under the Influence condition to apply the Brilliance characteristic. If a condition is not used at all, then the opponent can do nothing to remove it once applied to one of their models as well. I will double check once i get home.
  5. When McMourning makes a damage flip, he ignores Hard to Wound and Armor. Self Loathing does not make McMourning make a damage flip against himself, it makes Pandora do a damage flip that copies the target's stat line. Edit - apologies, I thought you were asking about his Precision ability to Ignore Hard to Wound, not his personal Hard to Wound. He does get his Hard to Wound against Pandora, as nothing let's her ignore it.
  6. How is Jack Daw using a (0) obey on Ashes and Dust? Doesn't that have to target tormented models? The only way yo make Ashes and Dust tormented that I am aware of is to attack him with Daw and give him one of your curses. which seems like a bit of a waste to me. Am I missing something?
  7. Absolutely not. Pandora is dealing the damage. McMourning is not dealing the damage to himself. Pandora's abilities and conditions that would modify the attack or damage would be applied. McMourning's abilities and conditions would not, including the abilities on the front of his card, and any other effects such as the damage boost that a nurse could give him.
  8. You don't need all the undead for Nico. He was my second master, after Seamus and did quite well. Summoning endlessly is not his strongest game, despite what you may read. If you go with Nicodem, keep him close to your undead so that he gives them the bonus flips. Use him to heal your models, blasting unto enemies when able, or use him to slow/haste. If one of your models gets killed, then summon it back. I would recommend getting a mindless zombie box for him though, they are great living walls for him as he can make them immune to slow.
  9. Datsue Ba as a built in trigger to summon a Gaki when killing a model..... no extra ap needed for the summon, and you do not necessarily need a high card, or any other resource. You should always try and use this when able. And she can make 4 attacks in 1 turn if you have the suits.
  10. Sometimes life is like Malifaux - Bad things happen.

  11. Seishin cannot give Yan-Lo unless he is using Spirit Barrage on them. Since they are immune to auras, if an enemy kills it, no chi will be gained by Yan-Lo. I do not understand the desire to attack your own models for chi either. I have never had a problem getting chi on Yan-Lo, nor does he die early unless I terribly misplay him. I still find that Datsue Ba is great with him. His theme crew is sorely lacking the ability to deal with armor, and being able to summon some spirits can really put a damper on the opponents plans. This is also very AP efficient (kill an enemy model and generate one of your own for a single AP).
  12. You are correct. The same is true for the trigger that Rasputina has (Subzero) and that can be given to some of her crew models through an upgrade.
  13. The guys at Wyrd are being generous. This is not something that you should feel poorly about. Them giving out free models as a perk, does not make the set you got any less cool. Thank you Nathan and Co. for your continued generosity.
  14. I am not sure it is as simple as Lady J murdering 2-3 Waifs (without Austringers) she has to contend with the rest of the crew as well, and most Levi players will not run the Waifs up to her.
  15. Doesn't Master of Malifuax only let her ignore LoS when declaring Ca and charge actions? In general she is not allowed to ignore LoS and thus she does not prevent Seamus from using Back Alley with that ability.
  16. Targeting anything with Hard to Wound in hopes of getting blasts is a poor move, as you would need to the attack to exceed the defense by 11. Which could easily cost you two cheat cards for the duel totals, and then a third for the damage flip itself.
  17. Datsue Ba has one specific upgrade. The other upgrade is Kirai or Spirit. Any spirit that can take upgrades can use Spirit Beacon to summon Seishin. I think the list is Philip and the Nanny, Izamu, Jaakuna Ubume, Datsue Ba. Also, Seishin have 2 wds. Not that it makes them much harder to kill in make them suffer.
  18. The times that I have used Nicodem's specific upgrade, I have loved it. As you mentioned, the Mindless Zombies are able to hold enemies in place much better, and with Undertaker, when the enemy gets sick of them and kills them (eating an AP) you get to draw a card. Then when your Zombies are down, just laugh and they get back up. This can soak up a lot of the opponent's AP and give you a nice card advantage, as well as activation control. Additionally, the zombies are not so useless that you need to use them as summoning fodder immediately. Allowing you to use those resources for other things, ideally directly scoring points.
  19. They are not worth taking because of the cost of the SS needed to power them. I think that they are printed because they were printed. Wyrd does not like to errata things if it can be helped. These are certainly not game breaking, and the cards are cheap to print, so I doubt there will be any change.
  20. All of these kinds of upgrades are generally considered to be useless.
  21. Doesn't focus only help attack actions? Since summoning is a tactical action, focusing does nothing for it.
  22. I only used the upgrade during playtest, and commented then that it was too expensive. I have not run it since, nor would I. 3 SS spent on a Night Terror will give you better return.
  23. Be careful not to fall into the Nicodem must summon all the time trap. He is a support master first. The + to Df flips can make it more resource intensive for the enemy to take your existing models out, and the heal can help multiple models (do not target hard to wound things), and that corpse could be used to full heal one of them without needing a SS for the crow. His ability to slow the enemy while dealing 3 damage (with a crow) is also not to be forgotten, as you only need to tie to get the full effect. Summoning in the right model at the right time is of course huge, but always summoning is not the way to go if it limits the usefulness of the master. Someone once advised that players pretend that Lilith didn't have a Greatsword at all, try pretending Nicodem can't summon and really focus on learning the other abilities. Then when you throw the summoning back in, he is all the more powerful. Edit - Mortimer + Corpse Bloat is usually not worth the investment.
  24. They are good for what they are, but they are not for every scheme and strategy combination. Some Master's confluxes are honestly more aimed at being fun and thematic rather than super competitive, but mostly those Masters are a bit ahead of the curve anyway. Mostly play with them a bit and see their strengths and weaknesses and I think you will find them to be fair 10 ss models and nothing more.
  25. So then summoned models could be completely ignored?
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