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2020 Monthly Painting Challenge - May


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Welcome to the 2020 Wyrd Painting Challenge!

This is the thread for the MayPainting Challenge. I’m Caedrus, and I have the very great pleasure of being your host for 2020. While I am proud to be your host, this competition belongs to all of us, and if there’s anything that we can better to improve the Challenge, please do let me know.

The link to the painter spreadsheet is here.

The 2020 Wyrd Monthly Painting Challenge is all about:

  1. Having fun painting!
  2. Motivating yourself, and encouraging others.
  3. Being part of a great, friendly community.
  4. Giving and receiving constructive advice. And, finally:
  5. Getting some pigment onto plastic!

This is not a competition in any way.

The pledge categories are the following:

  • Minion: you paint at least 1 Soulstone worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
  • Enforcer: you paint at least 6 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
  • Henchman: you paint at least 11 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
  • Master: you paint at least 16 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
  • Tyrant: you paint at least 31 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month

The rules:

  • The challenge started on January 1st, 2020. 
  • Models count for the month in which you finish them. You can finish painting a model that you started before the beginning of the month.
  • Everyone may fail to make their monthly goal twice and stay in the challenge. This is using a mulligan. See the Buy-Back rule, below.
  • You can choose to go down a pledge level during the year, but you cannot move up.
  • A model is considered painted if it is (1) based (even glued onto a black base counts); (2) tournament legal. That means that if it's a translucent, based model, it counts automatically. If it is any opaque material, then the standard is: Every part of the miniature painted, and three colours minimum.

A new rule for 2020: The Buy-Back

Everyone has good months and bad months. To encourage people to continue to paint, we will be trying out a new rule this year: the Buy-Back. In the past, if you have used your two mulligans, you’re out of the Challenge!

However, in 2020, you can buy your way back into the challenge. All you have to do is to undertake your normal pledge and paint for the month, AND undertake the pledge and paint from one of the months you mulliganed.

E.g.: Sarah is painting at Enforcer level (6SS/month), and she’s needed to mulligan for the third time. She announces that for the upcoming month, she’ll paint 12SS. If she does so, she’s back in the Challenge!

At such a time, it might be worthwhile considering dropping down a category, but that’s up to Sarah!

Miniature Values:


  • Almost all models count as their Soulstone value; but
  • Masters count for 15 soulstones.
  • Zero cost models count for 5 soulstones.
  • Proxies (constructed from Wyrd models) count for their proxy value.

The Other Side

  • Titans count for 25 soulstones.
  • Commanders count for 15 soulstones.
  • Adjunct models count for 5 soulstones.


  • A 30mm base model is worth 5 soulstones.
  • A 40mm base model is worth 7 soulstones.
  • A 50mm base model is worth 10 soulstones.
  • Markers count for 2 soulstones if they're flat, or 5 soulstones if they're 3D and fancy


  • ·       Scatter Piece (5SS): A modest piece of terrain, or a small number of scattered terrain pieces. These are the spray-can and dry-brush pieces.
  • ·       Focus Piece (10SS): A terrain piece that represents a focal point of pride in a terrain board. These pieces require a decent amount of construction and painting.
  • ·       Centre Piece (20SS): A terrain piece that is a significant centrepiece to the terrain. A handmade forest, a mausoleum, or a train engine.
  • ·       Masterpiece (50SS): A gorgeous, unique terrain piece that makes people wonder if you get out much.
  • ·       War and Peace (100SS): A complete, themed 3’x3’ terrain board.

My very best for May, and 2020!


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So I'll get pics up later, but while I'm online, here's what I'm planning (hoping) to paint over the course of May;

6x Armoured Whelks (with Fireteam bases)
1x Morphling 
3x Iron Skeeters

So basically the next expansion to my Gibbering Hordes, and three of the last six models I need for Zipp's Infamous Keyword. 

In between I'm also trying to clear a bunch of non-Wyrd models from my half-painted pile. The most recent was the 40k Apothecary from April, and currently I'm working on some Relic Knights minis. These are all minis I'm unlikely to put on the table*, but it feels good to get them out of the way. ;)


*Though to be fair, I have so, so much painted Malifaux that will likely never see table time either! 

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Not sure what I will do yet. On a mini painting there's a sort of challenge to complete at least 5 pieces with a single theme. So doing a core box could be a good idea. I'm hesitating between Basse, Nellie and Youko.
That said painting 5 minis in a month will be a huge challenge.

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The building is a large one and I have some new ideas I'd like to experiment:



BTW, playing with cutter and glue is not finished.... lot of details are till to be worked out.

 Hoping everything will go accordingly to my plans I'll  also complete a couple of buildings I'm goig after for months too long.

Wishing you all a good pledge.... and most important you all stay healthy.

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Hooray, day 2 of the month and already finished my first model. 
I have to confess that there already was quite some progress, though. 
Anyways, here is the maddest of the mad, Doctor Douglas McMourning:


So, 15 Stones. Check. 

I call this piece "Spare Parts is a Dish best served well conserved by Poison"

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4 hours ago, PetitDalek said:

Somehow, every single of my performer minis broke something already: ankles, wings, whips, blades... these divas are worse than gremlins, let me tell you

I use acupunture needles to pin small parts of my models. At first I hated it but I got used to it and now do it nearly every time.

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So, here is my second entry for this month: 


I like the design of the building: rather simple but 'fantasy'/alien enough for Malifaux. 
Still, painting terrain isn't my favorite thing (I don't like it at all to be honest), but well, a miniature gamer has to do a miniature gamer's stuff. #Sadly (for me as a miniature painter) I just bought 3 of those and two sets of corresponding scatter terrain/smaller pieces. Good thing is that I learned a few small things for the next pieces of the range.

Anyways, another 10 Stones (? not sure if it's worth 10 points, but it surely is more than some scatter and costed me the whole day) for May.

My May so far:
Dr. McMourning +15 
Building 1 +10

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15 hours ago, Purple Mist said:

@PetitDalek, you solution for "standing" the doves is very original and really well done. Congrats

I was gonna say, I'm not very familiar with Colette's minis, but i didn't remember seeing this dove basing anywhere.

Smart and lovely, and as usual astonishing paintjob @PetitDalek 🙌

Did you sculpt the stands?

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So for May I'm starting a new crew, Reva!

* Reva Cortinas (15 SS): I like the alt. model, but prefer this one don't know why.

* Vincent St. Claire (9 SS): Reva's hooligan. 

* Corpse candle (2x1 = 2SS): loooove this models.

* Restless spirit (4 SS): I don't know if it's good with Reva (haven't checked her on M3E), but this model fits perfectly with her.

* Shieldbearer (3x6 = 18SS): they look like your regular MMORPG characters, or as if they are on their way to play Monster Hunter.

In total, 48 SS. 

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2 hours ago, Diddick said:

I was gonna say, I'm not very familiar with Colette's minis, but i didn't remember seeing this dove basing anywhere.

Smart and lovely, and as usual astonishing paintjob @PetitDalek 🙌

Did you sculpt the stands?

The middle one uses a dress piece from a Vampire from the AoS Coven Throne

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