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How did you pick your first master?


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I went into the game with my girlfriend. I wanted two factions, something with a tophat, something my girl would like. Ended up with Seamus and Perdita.

If I'd do it again... I'd probably either pick at random (I like all Masters) or get Viks and Schillster for their multi-Merc crews until I knew what faction I prefer playstyle-wise.

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I got the only master that didn't suck at the time.

Misaki.  One of the first crews made in Plastics, at the end of 1e.  First Wyrd models I was not at all hesitant to buy.  All of their plastics far outclass the old metals, on top of the fact that metals are often hard to work with, I just prefer the sculpts/style.

Plus ninjas.  And up until this past month, I only played once every 5-8 months, maybe.  On and off since 1e to now.  Many of the games have been Misaki, and my primary opponent and I have had many disagreements over who's crew has stupider rules/abilities.  He seems to hate what my ninja's do, although I find them rather lack luster, especially for 6ss often enough. 

I picked up Viks and McM during one of Wyrd's pre-sales, which ever year that was, and more recently I've been expanding my collection a bit.  There aren't many masters I am not interested in owning, it's really just a mater of time for me.  I would like to have enough to demo/show people the game with most anything they want to try out, would be the ultimate goal.

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phew. Why did I pick my first master again? I believe I picked up Jakob Lynch because that one of the masters available in plastic during the beta of M2e... Also, the Hungering Darkness is strangely adorable. 

The master I wanted to pick first, if everything was available then, would be Hamelin. Mostly because I really like how his crew looks and works. Also, I like rats.

As for picking your first crew, the best advice is picking the crew you like the looks the most of. Most of the time, you get one that you like to play as well. And if you don't, at least you have cool models you like.

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First master I picked was Ophelia LaCroix. I was just going through Box Sets and picked the one I liked the most - The Kin. I knew next to nothing about Malifaux back then and wasn't sure how much I wanted to invest into it, so the fact that she didn't need a lot of additional models was another plus.

Then, when I already knew that I like Malifaux and wasn't affraid to spend money on it, I decided it's time to pick another master.

I chose Zoraida. I like her fluff and overall theme, appearance of models in Box Set and those additional ones that are typically played with her... well, we haven't seen actual models (or renders even) of the most of the Swampfiends yet (McTavish, Gupps, Spawn Mother and Bayou Gators), but I like their pictures and I trust Wyrd. The most important aspect to me though is the playstyle. I haven't played a lot of games with her yet, but I felt like somebody untied my hands and I was allowed to do whatever I wanted.

The thing is... I was choosing between like 20 masters back then. I was able to narrow it to a few after some time but... how is one supposed to be able to choose between Dreamer, Collodi and Zoraida?! You just have to realize what is the most important long-term aspect to you and choose according to that. Is it the models you are going to be painting? Is is the playstyle? Do you feel connected to a certain master or other model? I can immagine someone choosing Shenlong just because they used to watch a lot of Kung-Fu movies with their brother when they were young. Or Marcus because they like animals. Or Seamus because... of the reasons.

But if someone asked me how to choose a master in one sentence, I would answer: "Go through all the Box Sets and choose the one you like the most."

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I picked up Lady J first back in 1e....just loved the theme, and the miniatures (again, was never a major fan of the metal miniatures).

Then when 2e emerged Lady J was again the first crew I picked up.  She has been by far the Master with which I have played the most games and enjoyed.

However, I will have close on 20 masters soon and look forward to game time with them all.

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Jackob Lynch, because was one of the first things to come in plastic (and at the time I thought that plastic = better *) and because the Illuminated "being eaten" was so sick I wanted it.


* Actually, I generally do prefer plastic, but for Malifaux I don't. While some sculpts are better and I prefer them in plastic, I overall like way more the less realistic and more caricatural/grotesque style of the older metal sculpts. Also, one of the reasons for I usually prefer plastics is because it is easier to work with. This is simply not true in the case of Malifaux. Old metal minis were single pieces or divided in very few parts, that fit nicely and are overall easy to assemble, while some of the new plastic sculpts are so fragmented in such a multitude of minuscule parts that assembling them is a true pain in the arse.

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I picked up Colette as my first Master back when her original metal model was released. At the time, the idea that you could have a force in a miniature wargame made up of dancers and stage magicians was a mind-blowing revelation.

Then I beat my friend, who had also just started the game, so badly that he decided his Viktoria crew was useless and couldn't win, and sold it to me on the spot. He went on to find other crews that were more his taste (Perdita and Lady Justice) and I fell in love with Viktoria's jaw-droppingly brutal combat style. That eventually led me to acquire the entire Outcast faction, which of course included Leveticus, so then I had to have all the Undead and Constructs... then, since I already had their minions, I figured I should just get the other Masters... now I have almost everything in the range.

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I demoed a few games in 1e using Nicodem, but the rules felt so cluttered and discombobulating that I left it for another time and swore Malifaux off.  Then 2e came out and a buddy picked up Lady J and strong armed me into picking up a crew as well.  Immediately fell in love with the aesthetic, story, and play style of Collodi and his puppet friends - which led to falling in love with M2E - and then Zoraida, Dreamer, Gremlins, and the occasional ninja.  I almost exclusively play Malifaux now - best decision I've made.

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I chose my first master by finding which one most appealed to me aesthetically. Seamus, McMourning, Pandora, and Lilith all caught my attention, but then I saw Rasputina, and knew that she was the master for me.

Note: I've played Warmachine for years, and my first warcaster in that game was an angry pseudo-Russian woman with ice powers and slow but powerful constructs working with her. No, I don't see any pattern here whatsoever....

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Note: I've played Warmachine for years, and my first warcaster in that game was an angry pseudo-Russian woman with ice powers and slow but powerful constructs working with her. No, I don't see any pattern here whatsoever....

Lol, just realised I played Warmachine too..and my favourite (and first) master in that was a blindfolded sword wielding bringer of justice too (Harbinger)..... weird.

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I saw the 1e full page art of Nekima and knew I wanted her in my crew, so shopped around around for the best Master to go with her - I ended up with Zoraida.

Come 2e, I wasn't impressed by the changes to Z, so shopped around for a better choice, while keeping a spot for Nekima in the crew still, and decided on Pandora. Have not regretted it :)

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I based the decision mostly on the look of the models in the box set and a sprinkling of if the model would play well with the other models I liked the look of. Took me forever to finally decide between a few chosen themes. I used pull my finger to take a look at the play style of the models and see what I would probably like more.

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1e dreamer I thought was the coolest backstory for a master. And other then LCB, I still think the metal box for him is great.

Though when the Vics came out in plastic I had to own them. Right now I have a good chunk of the outcasts faction coming in the mail as I now I have money. The hard part for me is always "whats next?"


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Well, you know how it goes.

You sign up for one of those speed dating events, and you show up not really knowing how any of it is going to turn out.  You meet a lot of interesting people, and find one or two of them that you find some understanding with.  Then you go home and order them a giant, steam powered robot.

Malifaux Speed Dating at GenCon, that's how I met my first master.  ;)


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I bought two masters for my first masters as I was the only Malifaux player at my club at this point.

I wanted to get two different factions - one would have to be arcanists and I chose neverborn as my other starting faction because I really like their fluff, models and theme. Toni Ironsides and the Mages really caught my eye - thought it sounded cool from a fluff perspective and I rarely played tanky types (I later realised that she wasn't a tank) Of the plastic boxes available Lilith seemed the easiest to pick up, the most balanced and I love Lillith's model and her play style.

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This "Malifaux" game had just come out and I really wanted to try it, so I convinced one of my friends to try it with me. Supplies were pretty limited at that time and he took the Lilith starter I wanted so I took the smelly Gremlins.

Gremlins, my silver medal. :)

So you resolved to make them a faction and also used your best jokes in their rules?

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