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Black Friday Sale

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They are massive!

14 would have been old enough back in the 18th/early 19th century with average life expectancy being just 40.

People get this wrong a lot, but low life expectancy in earlier time was more a function of average life expectancy factoring in high mortality at childbirth and the first few years. If one got past that, one could likely live to their fifties/sixties and beyond.

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Soo... I kinda want to put a hat and monocle on that piglet that's sitting up... Which makes me want to dress them all up. Some days I just have to wonder ^_^

I do like the looks of the models, I'm super bummed that there's not really a lot here to even get me to 150$, much less the 300$ I'd have to spend to get me to that Bête I REALLY had my heart set on. *shrug* such is life.

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Hmmm... probably a pass for me.  Other than the Katanaka Snipers, the only things I really want are already December releases.  There's a bunch of shiny things I'm tempted to buy, but nothing I really need.  Was really hoping to be able to get Johanna or some of the other missing Wave 1 stuff like the Austringers  :(

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What does the silver fate deck look like? Is it plastic or card? Google only came up with some completed ebay listings without images.



Merris Lacroix and the new transparents are also missing pictures.


Is there only a single pose for the Hunters in Hoffman box since there is only one render?

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Wowza this sale has all the special stuff I needed to get. Very happy... will have trouble not spending under 300$... hahaha.

Question: Is this the original carver or a M2E Carver w/ stat card? Thanks.

50% off metals is sweet... if i didn't already have all the ones I want :/ Maybe I'll get some extras... I would much rather prefer having an assortment of unique plastic/metal combination rather than multiple plastic kits (ex. plastic aboms to go with the metal ones I already have kinda deal instead of two/three plastic kits).

Can't wait... I'll save a lot not picking up any translucense - I'm still not on ship with that idea... at least not if I end up playing against people with nothing but translucent kits... booooooring. imo of course ;)

No Brewmaster? Nooooooooooooo... ;)

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