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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. He really, really should've prevented against that first damage and also probably stoned for a +flip for the rest of Teddy's attacks since he had bet that much. Also, had Mancha Roja been able to take an action, it might've ended the other way around since Mancha is really rather killy. If not, then next turn's initiative would've likely meant a whole lot.
  2. Well, we do know something about their release date: not this year (due to them not being in Gencon and the rest of the year likely being just releasing the stuff that was at Gencon).
  3. To be fair, the most prestigious Malifaux tournament in Gencon was just won using a fixed list.
  4. Everything that has to do with climbing is really badly defined in Malifaux. There's lots of different ways that people play and there are no official answers. Essentially you have to define your climbing rules at the start of the game.
  5. I suggest using a proxy or building your own. Finding something suitable should be pretty easy.
  6. Thank you for the thoughts! Much appreciated. Interesting the Master announcement - it seems like it would indeed make some Masters far less desireable than would normally be the case. It also allows you to load up on Ca attacks against Kirai, taking Armor ignoring stuff agains Ramos and making full use of the Steel Zombies, etc. Kinda strange that the premiere Malifaux tournament uses such house rules. Did you feel that it was a good addition to the game?
  7. Math Mathonwy

    The Sow

    Abra Cadaver is sorta trivial to pull off against Gremlins.
  8. Huh? I thought it was supposed to be for supporting the FLGS.
  9. Other people have reported that marking those kinds of cards directly is a bad idea. You need plastic card sleeves for them.
  10. Thank you for the write-ups - these were really interesting! A couple of comments. First of all, according to the forum wisdom, I don't think you are allowed to make a list and stick to it! You must be a complete noob But seriously, interesting that you went against three different factions with three different strategies and still took the same list every time. As for the final game - why did your opponent go with a summoning Dreamer for a Close Deployment Turf War on an open table? That seems like a really bad idea. I would think that the Neverborn would have something else up their sleeve for a situation like that, especially since the strat+deployment was known well in advance. But yea, congrats on the win! Well done!
  11. What is that huge, smooth, featureless clump at the base of the big tree? It looks really weird.
  12. I use Otherworld Stirges. I fully admit that it's partly nostalgia that makes me appreciate them so (D&D brought me to gaming fold 25 or so years ago), but I really feel that they fit the part. And they are never going to break http://otherworldminiatures.co.uk/shop/dungeon-monsters/dm9a-stirges-4/ You misread what I said. Edit: Ah, and also ninjaed me, to boot
  13. True that! How a person can build them and not note the scale problems kinda blows my mind, though. And I don't mean this as any sort of a slight against Godlyness, just that it shows extremely acutely how different we minis enthusiasts really are.
  14. I think that it is pretty obvious that an enemy failing the test would not do anything for that action.
  15. o_O Dude. http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.fr/2014/08/malifaux-at-gencon-day-four-round-up.html
  16. The amount of handling a given plastic mini can cope with without breaking is obviously a scale. There is, naturally, a limit where you can design a plastic mini in such a way that it breaks when you handle it. This is a fact. Let me repeat that, since I think that it might actually be fruitful. It is a fact. A truth. It is possible to make a plastic mini that Ausplosions can't handle in a gaming situation without breaking it. Now, you can argue that such a limit has not been reached with the Skeeters or Ashigaru or whatever while other people can claim that the limit has been reached. Imagine a player who has been playing for a long time, let's say a decade, and has been able to game with minis without breaking them for that time. And then that player builds a Skeeter and, when gaming, like he has for a decade, breaks it. Is it a fault of the player? When no other plastic mini has ever broke under his handling in a gaming situation but this particular one does so repeatedly? A disclaimer: I'm not speaking of myself. I haven't handled the Skeeters, I replaced them with metal models from a different manufacturer because I don't like their size for a 30mm base mini. I also have gamed a lot longer than a decade. Edit: As for the scale problems, I have to agree with several posters that they are the biggest thing I see wrong with Wyrd's product currently. I think that things like the Young LaCroix and the Samurai are really, really unfortunate and really undermine Wyrd's claim to producing premium minis.
  17. There was a thread about this previously here: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/101808-sagebrush-and-tumbleweed-bases/
  18. Man with the Iron Fists, though not at all a good movie (in fact, quite horrid a movie) was IMO quite Malifauxian.
  19. Thank you Duck21 and Gmorts! Much appreciated! I really appreciate Miss Ery having so few pieces. It seems that Wyrd is going a bit crazy with the complexity of their kits (Hannah is the ultimate example, I guess). Waldgeists look good in the flesh and Hanged look a bit better than in the renders. The Samurai are a mild disappointment - not bad but not as good as I thought they would look. The giant Young LaCroix are still a travesty. Voodoo Doll is surprisingly big but looks great. Mouse looks like a Christmas Elf, though a different paintjob should fix him up nice and proper. Philip and the Nurse look better than I expected them to (for some reason I had really low expectations for them) but since they will likely only be available in the Molly box, I will probably skip them since I have the rest of the likely box contents. Luckily they don't seem very hot game-wise. Snowstorm looks amazing!
  20. Yeah, Wyrd changed into a more expensive card stock that kinda divides opinions.
  21. A pic: They are (naturally) on 30mm bases so that should give you a rough idea. They seem quite a bit bigger. If you look at Ophelia and compare to an average Malifaux human, she looks to be a head shorter and that's about it. The two Youngs in the foreground are gigantic compared to the rest of the Gremlins (someone called them teenage Lennys).
  22. I suppose there's a chance that we'll see something else, but this is mostly it. Which makes the autumns kinda sad.
  23. This is an extremely common thing with Mei (her 3" melee attack moves her to base to base and she has an upgrade giving an autotrigger to push the opponent 3"). I agree with the consensus, btw.
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