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  • Birthday 02/09/1979

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  1. I agree the above situation is not fun, and should be avoided. First point - the players at the table should define terrain. Ht 2 and 3 terrain that is less than 100mm in diameter probably shouldn't get to be stood on. And if it exists, then you shouldn't really send ht 2 models within 2" of it. (I'd argue it is pretty realistic, if someone is standing on something above my head, I can't see them to hit them with a sword if they want to be avoided, but they can easily get themselves to be able to see me when they want to. ) I view the above situation as a situation that the rules allow, but the players shouldn't. Just like ht 8 sniper towers or 24"long river pieces that count as 1 piece, or spaces only incorporeal models can reach. So whilst the above situation is allowed in the rules, its the most extreme situation possible of this instance, and to get to it, the players need to rule the terrain can do that. I don't see this as an argument that non reciprocal LOS is a problem, but rather models shouldn't be allowed to stand on terrain that no one else can stand on that is just the right height to screw up a crew (Make this a ht 3 rock and it gets a lot less of an issue in the above example, (but causes the same issue if you are facing lots of ht 3) since she can no longer bleed on them, and make it ht 4 and Nekima can no longer hit ht 2 people even though she can see them). I can certainly make a bunch of other situations that would lead to a similar outcome of Nekima is engaging a group of models that can't engage her back without it being a reciprocal LOS issue. But most of them would be caused by me deliberately using the game rules to create such a situation.
  2. Yes, The damage ignores armor, or incorporeal or is irreducible, so the blast damage will still have that property.
  3. if you had the red joker, it's 11 points ( 14 + stat 7 - 10) of minions possible. As you say, to summon a ice gamin you would need to reach the TN of 14, so with a stat of 7 you need your card to be at least a 7, and you either need it to be a or spend a soulstone to get the tome. 2 ice gamin would be a TN of 18, so needing 11 or higher.
  4. 1 and1. Each is a separate aura, so will do its damage. Edit- I'm wrong, see below, you only get affected by 1 aura of the same name.
  5. Strictly the interact action is separate to the corrupting essence action, just like the action is a separate action to the charge that generated it. If a model had an effect that after it resolved a charge action move 3", then it would do that BEFORE the melee attack because actions generated are last in the queue and the previous action is completely resolved before you start the next one. If you had an effect that caused a place when you resolved an interact action, that place would be after the strategy marker movement, but ethereal warriors is not that effect because its place happens before you start the interact action., as you finish resolving the corrupting essence.
  6. No , I think it is part of the interact action, its just the whole interact action doesn't take place until after the empherial warriors ability resolves, as the action the place happens after is Corrupting essence.
  7. I can't see any reason why it doesn't go as you say. I think Brood fighter and Regen are simultaneous, which means you pick one to resolve first, then the other.
  8. Yes, likewise you could score it if there was an enemy model within 2" bur not in line of sight. FAQ section 1: question 21 has this question.
  9. Yes it does engage the model with flight. The flight model can take the disengage action to leave engagement, and generally needs to because it can't charge (it's engaged) and can't walk out of engagement. The up you go action can't be used so if that is the only option, the push distance won't be reduced. ( just like if you choose not to attack).
  10. Malifaux does have nestled effects. If I walk into severe to allow me to leave engagement before I have finished my walk movement then it is easy to argue my movement was used to allow me to leave engagement.
  11. Because the movement occurs during the action. In a similar manner I wouldn't expect it to trigger hazardous twice if the severe terrain was also hazardous. The fact it says that the model continues its movement told me it happens during the movement part of the walk. The most similar thing I can think of is falling, and I would also say a model couldn't walk to a position that would allow it to fall out of a models engagement range.
  12. My view - The ability could leave engagement, unless you use the ability during a walk action, when it can't. The place occurs during the movement of the walk action, so I would treat it as part of the actions movement, and so you can't use the movement to leave the engagement range.
  13. I think that this is fine. the model has suffered damage so it has the opportunity to discard the upgrade to reduce it. the fact that the damage is irreducible doesn't matter to the card when you make the choice. When you try to apply that -2 damage, it doesn't work because of the irreducibility of the damage, but the upgrade is already discarded by this point.
  14. The healing would occur at different points ( just like damage from a Trigger occurs at a different point to damage from the action) so this is 2 sources of healing.
  15. It's non-melee actions that are affected. Yes it will protect anyone regardless of their size, and the heights of the markers/models, or of any intervening terrain.
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