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I find the distance of all the weapons far too short.


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I've read the Through The Breach core rulebook and I really like the setting and the rules. I like the moderate granularity of the rules and the atmosphere that emanates from them.
I plan to introduce this system to my table of players.

There is, however, one thing in the rules that gives me cause for concern. The range of most weapons. I find it incredibly low and therefore unrealistic.

If I've understood the rules correctly, a weapon cannot fire beyond its range. And the basic range can only be increased by a Custom Action (modification) or Focused +1/+2/+3 for Rifles.
I find the range of most weapons totally unrealistic. Rifles that shoot at 18 yards? Longbows that shoot at 12 yards? I mean... WHAT???
It's such a far cry from historical values.
Gravity in Malifaux works differently and I'm not aware of it? :)
Am I missing something obvious? Is it a balancing act? Is it because the game is derived from its miniature cousin?
I know that the game isn't very simulationist, and that's why I like it, but I'm having a problem with this, because it's too far removed from reality.

I hesitate to house rule this. Triple the value of all the ranges and make the first half shoot normally and the second half with a -1 card malus.
This would make a longbow that shoots normally up to 24 yards and with a malus up to 48, and so on for all weapons with exceptions (lassos, cannons, etc.) that I wouldn't change.
We'd still be a long way from reality, but we'd be getting a bit closer.
I know that this would create a clear advantage for ranged weapons in terms of balancing, but I figure that in all indoor battles these ranges couldn't be used anyway, so melee characters would have plenty of room in the spotlight.

What do you think?

Thanks ;)

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