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Baseless Title Speculation!

Nathan Sells

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Titles are officially on their way! What new versions of Neverborn masters are you expecting to see?

We can be pretty certain that we'll see Fortune's Fool Pandora (patent pending) after her story in the Neverborn book.

I wouldn't be surprised if we see Dreamer come physically into Malifaux for his alternate title. 

Will Titania reclaim a space among the living? Will Euripides come down from his mountain for the all powerful Beach Bod Euri? 

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I would like to see Marcus as a dedicated grower.

Pandora as a summoner.

Dreamer as a token master (bad dream token that do stuff like for Lynch). 

Lucius with better synergy with mimic.

Euripides as defensive bubble master.

Zoraida without obey, and instead  entered on debuffing.

Titania as the all mighty queen (commanding and buffing the Fae).

Nekima as a fast schemer / sneaky beater. 

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52 minutes ago, Nathan Sells said:

I doubt we'll see Collodi back as a title. I'd be willing to bet that he'll make an reappearance at some point down the line, but probably not for a year or two.

I wish there was a sad but I agree response!

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4 hours ago, Nathan Sells said:

I doubt we'll see Collodi back as a title. I'd be willing to bet that he'll make an reappearance at some point down the line, but probably not for a year or two.

Yeah that's what I'm thinking. Fingers crossed Nico comes back but I don't think anyone is coming back via the title system. 

It sounds like titles will be the next book release so, earliest we'll likely see DMH make a return is after that. 

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I would love to see an alternate version of Dreamer that traded summoning nightmares for more of a focus on reality-alteration around him.

Maybe a way to change the terrain traits for terrain/markers, as well as placing his own.  Literally shaping the world around him to better toy with his foes.


I know mechanically the idea overlaps with some other terrain-based masters, but it would fit him really well thematically, and could be a really interesting way to give him a different playstyle.

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15 hours ago, Greatfrito said:

I would love to see an alternate version of Dreamer that traded summoning nightmares for more of a focus on reality-alteration around him

I think you cooks crib ideas from Collodi. Attach different upgrades to do different stuff representing the game The Dreamer is currently playing. 


Opposite Day: models within 6" treat all + as - and vice versa for attack flips.

The Floor is Lava!: The area within 6" is treated as severe and Hazardous Burning. 

Cricket: Dreamer gets Toss and a Knock Aside trigger on his bat.

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(Let me preface by saying, I don't know the game nearly as well as most of you, so obviously this won't be perfect as-is)

I was thinking something like....
My Dream: Choose and discard a friendly card that has been removed from the game.  Drop a 30mm Dreamscape marker.  Enemy models treat the area within a 2" :ToS-Aura: of the Dreamscape marker, and any terrain piece touching a Dreamscape marker, as Hazardous (Distracted +1).

Dreams Bad: [Some way to alter the effects of Dreamscape.  Maybe upgrades, like Thatguy suggested, or maybe just end-of-turn effects.]

Oh God That Building/Crate/Bush/Water Is Trying to Eat Me: [An attack that can draw LoS and range from terrain affected by Dreamscape markers, or Dreamscape markers themselves.  Does gnarly things, maybe pulls targets into the area where they'll be affected by his terrain shenanigans, maybe allows you to unbury nightmare models adjacent, with some other ability letting him bury them?]

Just a big messy turn-the-battlefield-into-a-nightmare-realm boy.  Maybe keep him really supporty.  Maybe some way to buff allies near Dreamscape markers - or maybe an action that can either buff or bury them.

[EDIT:] Maybe that "support" ability could look like...

Nightmare Fuel: Targets a Dreamscape marker or terrain piece touching a Dreamscape marker; Friendly Nightmare models within 2" of the target can push 2".  (With triggers: :ToS-Mask:[built in], bury one of the affected models; :ToS-Tome: they all get also get Shielded +1; :ToS-Ram: they all get Focused +1; :ToS-Crow: some other buff, or increase the push, or something)

... Well heck, now I'm just going to be disappointed with whatever they actually give us. 😝

[Also Edit:] Whatever they do, Dreamer needs some way to bury and unbury his own Nightmare models, just so that his models that interact with that still do all their things.

Edited by Greatfrito
I had an idea on that "support" power.
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What would really be amazing though, would be to see a Lucius made for Neverborn. 

Give him a skill like It is better to be feared... Allowing him to recruit all neverborn minions. Or something equally cool and ominous. Maybe allow him to manipulate fear, granting Terrifying or something. Make him a little more menacing, than just a scheming bureaucrat.

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3 minutes ago, extremor said:

Even though I love Lucius and his actual play, I have high hopes for his title. 
...although I would have preferred a boost to his Investigators to buff his keyword. 


My problem is, I’d really want to run him with the Asylum, but I’m a neverborn player 🥺

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I'm hoping Lucius loses Issue Command, Entourage, Misinformation, and (sadly) Arcane Reservoir in exchange for Commanding Presence, That's What Lackey's Are For, a Backstab trigger on his cane that deals +2 dmg to engaged models, and the free action off his old Hidden Weapons upgrade to take discard scheme markers in an aura to generate additional attacks. 

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Ive playtested and it will be a refreshing option for those that dont want to buy full factions or just really love their favorite masters. I am very excited about the option with only minor reservations.

Fun speculations:

Collodi, The Rebuilt- he becomes playable non-DMH, but has to hire Lucius as second master.

Lilith, Usurper - she led the rebellion against Tatta and is the younger of Nekima so the title fits. She goes back to summoning trees and is able to teleoprt minions through them.

Eurepidies, Gentle Gigant - his dmg track goes down to 1/2/6, and he becomes terrified of insignificant models [i.e. rats].

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