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Master Speculations

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Wild and Baseless Speculation! Since there are going to likely be 6 more masters and Wyrd's penchant for pop culture references, here are some guesses

Rick O'Connel - The Mummy (Would be super awesome)
Lara Croft - Tomb Raider (mostly confirmed)
Allan Grant - Jurassic Park (could be plausible because of previously seen dinosaur like creatures in TTB)

Any other pop culture explorer types people would like to see? Allan Grant is probably my biggest crazy dream, but man would that be awesome

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I'd love a Crew with lots of big tanky spikey constructs/vehicles with Twitchy! (and probably Laugh Off, Armour)

Models would probably have very low MV stat or not be allowed conventional walk/charge actions to balance twitchy.

Bulldozers/steam rollers - Maybe some models would have an ability to do a little bit of damage and push when they collide with things.

Maybe Mad Max themed.

They'd get to really explore the board :D

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Taking all of you have been saying The Explorers Society can be 

composed of dual faction masters: 

 Rick O'Connel - The Mummy    ==>> Dual faction with Resurreccionists

Lara Croft - Tomb Raider   ==>> Dual Faction with  Ten Thunders (chinese leaders that

send Lara to steal precious things of the past)

Allan Grant - Jurassic Park ==>> maybe Guild as a research to develop a new weapon

 Mad Max Themed  ==>> dual Faction with Arcanists

 Chistopher Jones  ==>> dual faction with Bayou (a relative of Sommer who wants to explore

the world because he doesn´t have enough power inside his family)

Loki/Joker ==>> dual faction Neverborn (a master that tries to discover the secrets of humanity to eliminate it for good)



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23 hours ago, SebastianResser said:

Taking all of you have been saying The Explorers Society can be 

composed of dual faction masters: 

Lara Croft - Tomb Raider   ==>> Dual Faction with  Ten Thunders (chinese leaders that

send Lara to steal precious things of the past)

There is already Indiana Jones aka McCabe as TT/Explorers, so i wouldn't expect second dual master from this faction.


23 hours ago, SebastianResser said:

Loki/Joker ==>> dual faction Neverborn (a master that tries to discover the secrets of humanity to eliminate it for good)

I would still prefer that humanity are new lab rats/fresh audience for him.

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again. It is highly unlikely that we are getting a whole bunch of dual faction masters out of the Explorer's Society. The reason the Ten Thunders were like that before, was because their concept was that they were infiltrating the other organizations and groups. That isn't the case for the current part of the story. Dual faction masters are also much less common in general this edition. And that's without including the fact that for balance reasons they would have to add eight new masters if they did, and they wouldn't all be explorers.

That said, the ideas presented here wouldn't have to be dual faction to work either.

I like the idea of a phantom thief/gentleman thief as well, I think that could provide some really interesting mechanics.

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  • 1 month later...

I had a stray thought today that I’d love a crew based more around aethervox radio. Dashel’s totem is connected to that and I was listening to the Breachside Broadcast and thought it could be great to have a foreign-reporting themed crew where their abilities all get sent through airwaves to each other, similar to Nino Ortega’s aura being able to affect Family models wherever they are. So a couple radio models of some kind, maybe some photography abilities a la Nellie’s crew, and a Master who’s the Voice of the Frontier or something. I may look into this for some kind of local event!

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1 hour ago, Yore Huckleberry said:

I had a stray thought today that I’d love a crew based more around aethervox radio. Dashel’s totem is connected to that and I was listening to the Breachside Broadcast and thought it could be great to have a foreign-reporting themed crew where their abilities all get sent through airwaves to each other, similar to Nino Ortega’s aura being able to affect Family models wherever they are. So a couple radio models of some kind, maybe some photography abilities a la Nellie’s crew, and a Master who’s the Voice of the Frontier or something. I may look into this for some kind of local event!

Thought more about this: it could be fun to have the airwaves be a shared resource. Like, the more the airwaves get used, the less useful they are, because it gets confused and staticky. You could also use the Projected Voice ability from a number of models, and possibly an Obey somewhere in there as theme fluff with the whole idea of propaganda broadcasts. Though I also like the idea of the whole faction operating just beyond Guild control and slowly breaking free of it.

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Here's a few thoughts I had for new masters;

Big Game Hunter: Quite probably the big knife-wielding guy that was shown a few weeks back

Tomb Raider: Could be Neverborn character in McCabes story. McCabes own thematic shift toward a more black market-type role would leave room for such an archeotype too.

Cartographer: I really love  the idea of this. :) I'd imagine they'd take a mobility-type role, not dissimilar to Colette.

Book Hunters: Arcanists and/or Ressers who have joined the Explorers League to seek out arcane knowledge. 

Mr Settler: Just a family, trying to build their damn homestead and raise some damn animals without having to fend off eldritch horrors every few days. This would be the terrain marker-based crew, putting down fences and the like to keep their (unusually aggressive) cows safe. ;)

Dora the Explorer: No idea on gameplay.  I just want to see a disturbingly optimistic Latino girl with her backpack and boot-wearing monkey.

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9 minutes ago, Rathnard said:


Book Hunters: Arcanists and/or Ressers who have joined the Explorers League to seek out arcane knowledge. 

At the risk of removing another of your thoughts ... keyword “Tome Raider,” surely?

And perhaps Big Game Hunter could be “Raiders of the Lost Mark” while we’re at it ...

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  • 1 month later...

Throwing in another mention for a Captain Nemo and/or Captain Ahab who’s specifically hunting Meridion. 

I’m also hoping that Gretchen comes in with Half-Blood as a secondary keyword. Angel Eyes anyone?

While I doubt we’ll see any more Dual-Faction Masters, what I do think we’ll see is crossover via Keywords like you see with Keywords like Foundry, which crosses three different factions. 

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  • 2 months later...

im gonna have to vote damian ravencroft from "the puzzle box"

spoilers for that wonderful story

he has such a mastery of the arcane (from exploring and learning as much as he could) that everyone, even ramos had to go to him for assistance

he managed to put all his memories into a small wooden yellow box and was able to regain his memory after getting burned into a witchling

he saw, memorised, and remembers the yellow crypt so he knows "the guilds best kept secret" 

is even able to see ghosts and potentially summon them aswell

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/11/2020 at 10:59 AM, fire5tone said:

im gonna have to vote damian ravencroft from "the puzzle box"

spoilers for that wonderful story

he has such a mastery of the arcane (from exploring and learning as much as he could) that everyone, even ramos had to go to him for assistance

he managed to put all his memories into a small wooden yellow box and was able to regain his memory after getting burned into a witchling

he saw, memorised, and remembers the yellow crypt so he knows "the guilds best kept secret" 

is even able to see ghosts and potentially summon them aswell

I really hope not... I've converted a full Witch Hunters crew based around him (he's my Sonnia!)

Looking at the Spellcasters and the spider librarian, I'm going to for for Aranea (spider in Latin!). with a whole heap of spider-human hybrids... maybe tie in somehow with Widow Weaver, Bandersnatch or even Jorogumo...

She (because the female spiders are the boss!) could be the faction's summoner, laying eggs to hatch spiderlings (similar to the Silurid cycle maybe?), interacts and plays with web markers or Poison (since Spellcasters have some poison tricks)?

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