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Musings on Book 5 ;)


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I know it is too early for this book but on the other hand I know Wyrd guys and girls are always up to something so why not think what would be nice to see in the next book?

RoF introduced new masters and some extra models. This expanded the choice of crews in each faction which is always nice.

In book 5 we can cerainly expect Confluxes for new masters but what else?

Personally I would like to see upgrades for existing masters which would allow to use them in some alternative way. Maybe this would even prompt Wyrd to release nice line of alternative sculpts for all master ;)

In Outcast section of the forum I suggest an example of this alternative master - Levi which would sacrifice his Waifs (and Rebirth ability) to change into the Rider Levi (Wyrd could release mounted Levi like his avatar). 

What do you think about this idea of those new upgrades?

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Personally I was thinking of starting this thread also, you beat me to it. :) One thing I know we will see is more models to go with the new masters, and I really feel this book will/should be more about personalities in Malifaux. We have the Fated that won in the Arcantist faction from the Nythera event. We have the 3 characters from the Divergent Paths that will be joining factions. If anyone has looked at the TTB books, there is lots of info within the Bestiary about creatures in Malifaux. Just the pursuits themselves could be great character models for the game. That is what I am really hoping to see with Book 5. 

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Seems that after Crossroads (because the first 2 books were about catching the range up to M2E), they've wanted books to have a 'hook', rather than just being here's half a dozen units per faction. Shifting Loyalties had the campaign and Emissaries of Fate. Ripples of Fate had new Masters.

I sincerely doubt we'll see new Masters for a while. A new Master for a faction introduces lots of new interactions with the majority of the models in the faction, which takes a lot of time and effort to balance. I wouldn't be shocked however, to see new Limited upgrades for Masters reflecting changes in Ripples of Fate. Some are easy, since they're already documented, like Von Badass getting a bionic arm and leg or the Dreamer getting older (which might reflect his attitude to how he uses his Nightmares). Some masters didn't seem to undergo changes in the book so it leaves them open to how they want to change them.

The upgrade system hasn't been used as well as it could be, so it would be nice to see the Upgrade system, at least in regards to altering the playstyles of masters with Limited upgrades, being book 5's hook.

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I love the idea of book five being the "upgrade" book. New Confluxes would be great, although I wouldn't expect them to add much to the new masters since they are already very powerful. 

New upgrades to reflect changes in story, and/or to add different ways to play each Master with Limited upgrades would be perfect. There was a thread about getting Pandora an upgrade to summon Woes, which could be neat. This can be followed by box re-releases or single master blisters as special releases. Add in a few new models, but significantly fewer than before, and a ton of fluff about the upcoming doom and either lead up to or reflect what is happening on The Other Side. Perfect. 

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Personally I would be happy with a few non master models for each faction and a healthy dose of upgrades to help iron out any discrepancies or to buff those models that may need it.

I am almost sure we will not see any more masters in Book 5.  That is also assuming there will be a book 5 next year...

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This game really, REALLY does not need any more masters. I would rather see sub-factions get more time in the spotlight than anything. Maybe 1 more Henchman in each faction, plus some Enforcers and Minions, but that's enough for now. 

What if the theme was "Collaboration and Infiltration" instead of "SHINY NEW THINGS," and we saw more cross-faction interaction? Henchman that allowed for a single type of Characteristic out of faction? Dual faction enforcers? Why not bring some of the other, older characters from the fluff that haven't been given anything and just develop the main story more with what already exists in terms of top-tier leadership? 

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3 minutes ago, wizuriel said:

For the love of all that is unholy can we please get a master that is a professor from the University of Transmortis. I want my robot with a brain in a jar Malifaux model

Would you settle for another Henchman and maybe a couple Instructor Enforcers? The only Master-level character they have would be the Professor himself. :P

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2 minutes ago, koronuslight said:

Would you settle for another Henchman and maybe a couple Instructor Enforcers? The only Master-level character they have would be the Professor himself. :P

I'm under the impression there is more than just 1 professor than just Albus Von Shtook (Pretty sure a few of the TTB mention other profs). He is just the head of the university 

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13 minutes ago, koronuslight said:

But that would also follow that other Professors would be Henchman tier, while the Headmaster himself is the Master.

Not exactly. Lucius for instance is a master and he is just a secretary. Molly also started out in the service of Seamus. I can see an ambitious Prof also being a master that while still working under Albus he does his own thing to warrant master level status (or just make Albus a master, he just feels more on the level of the old Governor imo)

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I have to echo those who feel that the game doesn't need new masters at this point.  We have loads, I would absolutely love to see alternate sculpts, new limited upgrades, new henchpeople and new minions for the current masters.  Which would neatly fit into a box, like the master boxes and fill that niche of the product release cycle!

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For book 5, my personal wishlist would be new upgrades obviously, but I would love for them to incorporate Avatars for the real game, but I know it's not going to happen. 

The crazy final wish is for new masters, but all of them would be old henchman elevated to Master status.

Guild: Samuel Hopkins. Has a sort of parting of ways after finding out about Sonnia and Mcmourning.

Neverborn: Candy. we've already seen her starting to rebel.

Ressurs: no idea 

Arcanists: no idea

10T: Ototo or Fuhatsu, gains a normal brain after some event.

Gremlins:  kin megazording it to form mega kin. But no idea since I don't know enough about gremlins.

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45 minutes ago, koronuslight said:

Would you settle for another Henchman and maybe a couple Instructor Enforcers? The only Master-level character they have would be the Professor himself. :P

Is at least one of them a brain floating in a jar, or not?! Very simple binary question, here! :P

20 minutes ago, Kadeton said:

In addition to new Master upgrades to change up their playstyles a bit, I'd really like to start seeing alternative specific upgrades for Henchmen. More variety for all! :)

Or ones worth taking at all [/Guild].

I think you know which potential new hench-upgrade I'm holding out for. :wub:

2 minutes ago, Kaptain_Konrad said:

The crazy final wish is for new masters, but all of them would be old henchman elevated to Master status.
Gremlins:  kin megazording it to form mega kin. But no idea since I don't know enough about gremlins.

Two gremlin henchmen combining to form the two-gremlins-in-a-trenchcoat master. Obviously. :lol:

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Guild Secret Agents / espionage experts, Watcher Handlers (To finally answer who is watching the Watchers)

Neverborn The awesome rider thing from the Woflman's story, More "generic" Nephalim types: perhaps options for Mature and Grow paths

Outcast A disgraced oxfordian mage minion, A "rack" style Tortured character that can't move (by normal means)

56 minutes ago, Kadeton said:

In addition to new Master upgrades to change up their playstyles a bit, I'd really like to start seeing alternative specific upgrades for Henchmen. More variety for all! :)


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I would guess that for neverborn, generic Autumn Knights could make an appearance.

Ramblings about the lore:

I'd also be interested in knowing what's happening with Titania's tentative alliance (coup?)with the neverborn. Given how much they work well together on the table, an interesting twist would be for Nekima and the blood shamans to join Titania's banner as a way to finally be out of Lilith's ranks. In fact i'd like to see the whole sister thing to evolve a bit. Nekima was always trapped under lilith because, basically they are too similar: they lead nephilim, are great in melee, fast and not too tough etc.

Wishful thinking: That they allow for Nekima to lead a 50ss crew like they did for Wrath.

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Drop Gators (It's safe to say we've been waiting for this since book 4's cover art was revealed)!

Models YOU hire but your OPPONENT controls -- that ADD to your soulstone total via negative hiring cost.  Maybe each faction could have one or two models traditionally "against them" such as pitchfork/torch mob members against Ressurs (you can only hire them for your opponent if you're Ressurs for instance), bountyhunters/scalpers against Gremlins, explorers/frontiersmen against Neverborn, tax collectors/jailers against Outcasts, or whatever else like anti-magic vs. Arcanists.

Mechanics for invisible models


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