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Ten Thunders Line-Up


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Here they are:


Very excited. Terracotta Soldiers: amazing. I assume they will be Oni. Not necessarily, but would have thought so.

The horse dragon at the back I'm informed is a Kirin (Qilin). Had to look that up, but hoping for some sort of rider equivalent,  and suggests some big plot development in the 10T fluff.

Pan Lo? A mage/sage of some sort, presumably Henchman/Enforcer.

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Another Oni! It looks to be a quick and combat-adept one, judging by the mount and twin swords. Hopefully it'll complement Izamu and play the Oni synergy role as he does the Ancestor synergy role.

Also looking forward to Terracottas, I think they'll likely be another source of scrap for our various purpose (...assuming nothing weird like Clockwork Traps not being constructs).

Love how the sage looks.

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1 hour ago, D_acolyte said:

I like the sage and will get him. The Terracotta Soldiers are good and where only a matter of time till they where done. If I get the rider I will have to change it because it does not look like a Qilin to me, to much Pegasus in it as well as no horn(s).

Just to drop at least a wiki page on the Qilin:


Just be thankful they didn't model it on a giraffe! It would have been a legitimate choice, but can you imagine!?

I'm reserving my judgement on that artwork until we see a render, the legs look odd to me.

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I would have bought a giraffe in a heartbeat. We are the most feared underground criminal organization in the world, and LOOK AT THIS NECK!


...anyways, I'm mostly interested in the old dragon priest guy, but the Qilin (is that pronounced Qew-lin, Kay-lin, or what?) made me go ooooooooooooooooooooooh more than anything else. Crossing my fingers the Terracotta soldiers are Ancestors or just Spirits for Yan Lo. Making them Oni seems weird, but they could be possessed statues so that makes sense.

My favorite new model is still Asami's henchwoman - every time I look at the box art or this preview my eyes are drawn over to her. She is kinda similar to the Gaki which are some of my favorite models from Wyrd so far.

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2 minutes ago, Cadaverousbirth said:

Crossing my fingers the Terracotta soldiers are Ancestors or just Spirits for Yan Lo.

As they are not unique characters they'll be Retainers if they are intended for Yan Lo. Hadn't thought about it but it do make a lot sense for a Terracotta model to be associated with Yan Lo since they were put in graves. As Yan Lo is often seen as lower tier it also makes sense that he would get something new, I first thought of the old man, but these are perhaps more likely.

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All this stuff excites me. I hope for the terracota to be either ancestors or retainer models; the kirin is a rider and oni model (do riders have an extra category D:?) (flickering a rider should not break the game, because he might be off the table before getting too much strenghth).


What really excites me though is the snaky wizard person. Since most of the Henchmen we saw came from TTB, does anybody know he is from TTB?

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34 minutes ago, Kobayashi said:

All this stuff excites me. I hope for the terracota to be either ancestors or retainer models; the kirin is a rider and oni model (do riders have an extra category D:?) (flickering a rider should not break the game, because he might be off the table before getting too much strenghth).


What really excites me though is the snaky wizard person. Since most of the Henchmen we saw came from TTB, does anybody know he is from TTB?

I would suspect that this rider will at least be an enforcer. In that case, Asami will not be able to summon it.

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Terracotta dudes looks awesome! Cannot express enough love for Ohaguro, one of the best models in Faux I think. Yokai are pretty cool. Asami is better than expected. That dragon dude, is TT getting a rider? Less malevolent Yan Lo is not that inspiring.

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I am absolutely loving every single unit in this line-up. Even the Yokai are growing on me. But dear god that Qilin rider is awesome, I wonder if it's gonna be a rider-level big model so we can finally throw scaryhuge shit on the board. I don't see that man having anything to do with that army though. Seems more support-y ,maybe heal-y?. Also just wow at those Terracotta warriors. I think this is the first batch where I just love every single model. Loving it.

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9 hours ago, D_acolyte said:

I like the sage and will get him. The Terracotta Soldiers are good and where only a matter of time till they where done. If I get the rider I will have to change it because it does not look like a Qilin to me, to much Pegasus in it as well as no horn(s).

Just to drop at least a wiki page on the Qilin:


Maybe it's not a Qilin. (I have no special knowledge about what it is or isn't, just that there are other mythological animals/creatures it could be.)

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Terracotta warriors look cool, curious to see who they have (if anyone) powerful utility for, ancestors? Yan Lo?

The old man clearly looks like some sort of priest, Buddhist type (prayer beads and all), as a Sandeep prospective player (read I am a Union man) kinda hoping he is an Academic as well.  I'd expect he'll be good in Shenlong list but pure speculation.

The really interesting mini however is the flying lizard/dragon/pegasus beast (pretty certain it's a Kirin or Qilin) and rider... I am certain really fast, I suspect an Enforcer.  It's I think meant to be an omen of good fortune and royalty.... I guess it could be Oni but I don't think it actually should be, although the rider could be.  Curious.

Solid preview.

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11 hours ago, Cadaverousbirth said:

...anyways, I'm mostly interested in the old dragon priest guy, but the Qilin (is that pronounced Qew-lin, Kay-lin

It's pronounced chee-lin.  Qi in Mandarin is a chee sound like in cheese.

I'm super excited for that model!

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The rider looks amazing (isn't that a Bunraku actually? It has the same mask), and the Terracota soldiers are great as well - possibly new Retainers for Yan Lo? The old guy is a scholar of some sort - a great strategist (or priest) maybe? The so called "Yokai" look better on this preview together with all other models from the faction, but the fact remains that they are evil monkeys with sickles... Betti draws attention the most after I have looked through the page after all. Guess I will have to buy more models yet again. 

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Awesome stuff - I would guess that the Terracotta Warriors might have the retainer trait to go with Yan Lo.

Love the look of the rider - fingers crossed that they come in around the 12 ss mark like the other riders, that would be awesome. 

Maybe the sage will have the academic trait to go with Sandeep. 

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