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Predictions for new Masters


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Pretty sure that's a hat and some kind of kerchief or bandana tied around it.

i doubt the flying Gremlin is any sort of Fae cross. That poster we saw earlier with Titania and the Gremlin with the Lightning gun was in the exact post as this silhouette and was tech based. I'm guessing Kaeris style wings.

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14 minutes ago, Dogmantra said:

I'm pretty sure at least one of these is two gremlins in a trenchcoat.

Also with the horserider, can we have the reverse of McCabe? Two models, kill the master and then the horse on its own becomes your leader?

Wouldn't the reverse of McCabe be a person on their own, then when you kill them they get a horse to ride around on...

Actually, that sounds pretty cool for a resser master. They'd be the first one to resurrect themselves also, which would be neat.

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The art is out there for the gremlin - not fae, but more of a tinkerer (jetpack and lightning blaster). But, you've got the gremlin right. 

I hope you're right about the arcanist gunslinger. I love the concept of gunsmiths but the model itself isn't exactly a barn burner. It would be an interesting manifestation as a master. 

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My bets (from left to right): Outcast, Ten Thunders, Guild, Gremlin (obviously), Arcanist, Resser

I think that if the TT get an Oni master, she's the closest to an Oni in shape.

I think that the Arcanist is the same as the art they added in the free mini-rules manual, which the art shows him in blue (a "traditionally" Arcanist color).

I imagine that the horseman (or woman) is probably a Resser because of reasons.

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16 minutes ago, -Loki- said:

Yeah, my first guess with the 'medusa' was 'old lady with weird hair'. Ten Thunders need an Oni master, and there's plenty of old lady type Oni to choose from to turn into a master.

All I'm sayin' is, if there's gonna be an "Oni Master" out there, I don't want it to be "Some old cat lady with weird hair" :(

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3 hours ago, Trample said:

The second from the left (kung fu looking guy) has a crow on his shoulder. Does that make him a resser? 

I think that's the horse's tail, not a crow.

Looking closer at Crazy Hair, I would think that if it was snake hair it would have lumps at the ends where the heads would be. They also seems to have really long arms/sleeves with hooks at the ends.

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12 hours ago, Dogmantra said:

I'm pretty sure at least one of these is two gremlins in a trenchcoat.

Also with the horserider, can we have the reverse of McCabe? Two models, kill the master and then the horse on its own becomes your leader?

In Hell Dorado there's one Mercenary Officer (the same as a Master, basically) riding a horse with two profiles depending on which one is in charge - Don Quijote or Rocinante.

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32 minutes ago, Math Mathonwy said:

Does perspective really work like that? The hand and arm holding the sword looks really, really weird. Looking forward to turbans, though - way too few turbans in minis!

Hopefully they don't make the same mistake as with the watcher and cast the model with a tiny arm and giant sword! :)


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Assuming the gremlin is a Gremlin (:)), he is probably buddies with Sparks, Survivors, and Mechanical Porkchop. Two of those are Foundry, so perhaps he and/or some models in his box are also Foundry (fun for Mei). Speculating further, perhaps he gets some Foundry hires, it would give him and Sparks some constructs to play with (without cramming too many into the Gremlin faction).

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