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That one Master

Clockpunk Fox

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Hey all, long time lurker but new account, so I figured ill start with a bang!


So my question is what is that one master who you just dread facing.  No matter who plays it or what the schemes and strats are, this is a leader who just makes you groan at the mere utterance of their name.


I personally dread facing Lilith no matter what. There is something about her crew's crazy mobility, crazy number of tricks, and just the sheer speed and damage that she is Nekima bring that makes her very frustrating to face. She always seems to be this case of "everything you can do I can do better".


So whats your one master everyone?

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Basically everyone else has their flaws to be exploited (some obviously more than others) but not old Levi. I don't really mind playing against him that much, it's just sort of annoying that there's no really good answer to him apart from being a much better player than your opponent.

I'm glad some of the new Gaining Grounds schemes make life a bit harder for him, since it was also sort of boring that you could happily take him for basically any combination of objectives as well.

Edit: Also, welcome aboard!

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I'm still yet to play against some Masters at all, but of those that I have, Ulix (unless I'm running Sonnia, crispy bacon mmmmm) and Kirai for endless waves of summoning, and Jack Daw for not knowing what the hell to do against him. Leve and Hamelin I haven't played against enough but are up there.

Dreamer would probably make the list but every time I've faced him has been with McCabe's Glowing Sabre and Ruthless friends.

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I still have to face about 30-40% of the masters, but at the moment my most dreadfull foes are Pandora and Jack Daw, especially Pandora since is the master I've played most against, as it's the main master of my most usual opponent, a good friend of mine. In my "meta-lore", Misaki and Pandora are the most hatred adversaries xD

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21 hours ago, Clockpunk Fox said:

So my question is what is that one master who you just dread facing.  No matter who plays it or what the schemes and strats are, this is a leader who just makes you groan at the mere utterance of their name.

Classified, less they be used against me. That is unless you are talking about being bored out of my mind and I do not want to face them because of that.

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My haaaaatred is saved up for Wong.

I rarely beat Leve or the Viks, but I still learn something every time I play against them. I haven't given up the ghost on them yet.

But Wong? I hate him. Having the extra attacks on his casting attack's trigger, plus the pulses, plus the incredible interact efficiency ... It's just misery to play against. Our regular Gremlin player has also recently discovered Sammy Lacroix, who casually neuters a whole slew of my favorite models (leave my defensive triggers alone, you stinking swamprat!). Toss in the reckless Lightning Bugs and their free interacts via Tinkering With the Unknown ... and Trixie cheating initiative while sporting Ooooh Glowy to smother armor at range with her infamous gun ... it's all just super-frustrating. Every time I've faced him, I've just felt completely outclassed on every front.

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Perdita all the way for me. She has an answer for absolutely everything from shrugging conditions, ignoring armour/cover/incorporeal, card cycling, damage modifiers, pushes, obeys, she can shut down charges and has an obscene range on her gun but yet somehow still being better in melee. Oh and usually Df/Wp 9?!?! 

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