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What to buy first? A Malifaux buyers guide


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Some of you may remember this guide from M1E where we looked at the most value you could get out of each faction when starting out in each of them if your budget was the equivalent of Warhammer Battlebox. With Battleboxes getting smaller, and the crew boxes getting a bit bigger the metric needed to change slightly. So our new metric is how much value can you get out of your starting Malifaux purchases for the same price as an Imperial Knight.

So some guidelines

-All prices are USD to make things simple.

-Price limit is $140.

-Malifaux prices are based off Wyrd store. This is to ensure everyone is working on the same baseline.

-Each list must use two masters. This is to provide better flexibility in covering schemes and strategy combos, as well as provide a little variety. If you're looking at playing one master exclusively, just check their entry on the pullmyfinger wikia.

-I'll likely add something in regards to the two player starter since that will likely become a common entry point. Personally I think the starter rules recommendations are perfect.

-Try to include reasoning for your choices.

-The end goal of this guide to eventually cover every starter.

-The "rule of cool" trumps all recommendations when making your own purchases. While this guide looks at maximizing competitive viability on a fixed budget, it is in now way the only correct choice. Its your money, buy whatever shiny plastic you want.

A big thanks to the Wyrd place facebook group for helping me get this rolling.

Som'er box (45), Ophelia box (50), slop haulers (16), extra bayou gremlins (24)

Von Schill box (50) + Viktoria box (45) + Lazarus (18) + Johan (11) + Vanessa (11). Alternatively, drop Lazarus and Vanessa to purchase Hannah (35).

Lynch's Dark Debts ($40), McCabe's Relic Hunters ($45), Katanaka Snipers ($18), Shadow Effigy ($11), Dawn Serpent ($15), Yin ($11).

Lady J box ($45), Perdita box ($45), Austringers ($21), Guild Effigy ($11)and Guild Guard ($18).
Of Metal and Flesh (50), The M&SU (50), Metal Gamin (21), Steam Arachnids 2-pack (18)

Hide and Seek ($50), No Shelter Here ($45), Insidious Madness ($24) and flavor in any of the following until you hit ~$140, Bishop ($11), Doppelganger ($11), Widow Weaver ($11), Mr. Graves ($11), Teddy ($18)

Reasoning, formating, and some additional entries to be added later.

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I would probably disagree with an extra box of bayou gremlins, and replace 'em with a box of piglets. You really don't need 8 unless you're going to be playing summoner and having versatility is pretty good imo (especially since Som'er & Lenny can summon piglets too)

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I'm also unsure of that Neverborn list since Dreamer will either be extremely limited on summons or limited to the LCB playstyle. Additionally his box really only gives Pandora access to Coppelius (and in turn he is likely to ignore the sorrows). While they do offer each other good tools, I think better crossover can be found between the Lilith and Lynch.

Lilith (45) provides the scheme runners and Lynch (40) provides the minion beaters. They both like each other's models, and can round each other out with Mr Graves (11), Doppelganger (11), and either Depleted or Waldgeists (21). Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like that pile can handle a lot more with fewer shelved models.

Personally I prefer your list for aesthetics, but for tabletop performance I think the above is more generically good/cost efficient.

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1 hour ago, Munindk said:

Mollys box (45), Seamus' box (45), Yin (11), Killjoy (18), Punk Zombies (21) = 140

I wouldn't recommend buying a box of Punk Zombies to anyone, they are in the Nico box and you'll never need 6 of them. Honestly it's really hard to come up with anything really viable for Ressers for such a price range. Seamus' box is obviously the best start (45), but Molly, Nico and Kirai require too many things to summon, Tara's box is useless for everyone else, Yan Lo mainly has Chiaki going for him so I'd say McMourning's box (45) is the best option after him. Seamus loves Nurses, the Flesh Construct can quite easily gain Reactivite from the discards Seamus & Co. forces, and the lone Canine Remains can be a decent filler. After them I'd buy Yin (11), she is very good with Seamus and can also work well in a McMourning crew as Nurses and/or Injection can speed her up early to get her into position so she can tie up the enemy and draw focus from McM and Sebastian and her melee attack has the Infect trigger which the good Doctor loves. While Seamus does not need them that much (though more filler is always good and they are okay scheme runners), a box of additional Canine Remains (18) is kind of a must have for McMourning for summoning purposes. That leaves us with 21 USD to spend, which could net us either a box of Necropunks, who have a place in every Resser list (but Canine Remains or Belles with Sybelle can also do the scheme running quite well at this stage), or a box of Crooked Men, who are abysmally slow, but their Shafted ability has a good synergy with Belles, their melee attacks can Paralyze and their ranged attacks can spread Poison in a Blast. Alternatively we could buy another Flesh Construct (16), mostly as a summon for McMourning, or exceed the 140 USD limit by a buck and buy two single, human sized models. Rafkin will most likely have an 11 $ price tag once released, and he is very good with McMourning (not that much with other Resser masters though), Bishop could be a good beater option for Sinister Reputation Seamus or serve as a distraction for Sebastian/McMourning, Bete Noire can be handy in most Resser crews, or Johan could provide some condition removal and hitting power (though Chiaki does condition removal better, but she lacks a Relic Hammer and comes in Yan Lo's box).

My choice would be most likely Seamus' box (45), McMourning's box (45), Yin (11), Canine Remains (18) and Crooked Men (21), $140 together, but I think Ressers would be most expensive Faction if you want to get viable Crews for two masters at once.

For Arcanists I'd start with Ramos' box (50), Colette's box (50), December Acolytes (21) and Johan (11), all in all $132. Next purchases would be a Mechanical Rider (35) and Metal Gamin (21), and you are basically ready for a tournament.

For Guild I would not bother with Guild Guards, Lady J's (45) + Perdita (45) + Austringers (21) + Brutal Effigy (11) + Abuela (16) would be a better option in my opinion.

1 hour ago, zeeblee said:

I'm also unsure of that Neverborn list since Dreamer will either be extremely limited on summons or limited to the LCB playstyle. Additionally his box really only gives Pandora access to Coppelius (and in turn he is likely to ignore the sorrows). While they do offer each other good tools, I think better crossover can be found between the Lilith and Lynch.

Lilith (45) provides the scheme runners and Lynch (40) provides the minion beaters. They both like each other's models, and can round each other out with Mr Graves (11), Doppelganger (11), and either Depleted or Waldgeists (21). Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like that pile can handle a lot more with fewer shelved models.

Personally I prefer your list for aesthetics, but for tabletop performance I think the above is more generically good/cost efficient.

I agree with that, and as your choice of models only cost $128 in total, you could add Johan to that list.

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I refuse to believe that Nicodem can't come out in play because his toolbox is *too deep*.  Just like you don't need every possible kind of pot and pan to start cooking.


Open Graves (45) + Shadows of Red Chapel (45) + University of Transmortis (40) = $130


You'll have to get a bit creative for scheme running, but it's entirely doable (Nico can give a belle fast so it can sprint 18" for example).  In the mean time Transmortis gives Nicodem a really great bench of specialists to pull from and Seamus LOVES the lecture notes spam.


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7 hours ago, Clement said:

I refuse to believe that Nicodem can't come out in play because his toolbox is *too deep*.  Just like you don't need every possible kind of pot and pan to start cooking.


Open Graves (45) + Shadows of Red Chapel (45) + University of Transmortis (40) = $130


You'll have to get a bit creative for scheme running, but it's entirely doable (Nico can give a belle fast so it can sprint 18" for example).  In the mean time Transmortis gives Nicodem a really great bench of specialists to pull from and Seamus LOVES the lecture notes spam.


Truth. Nicodem is an excellent supporter even if he doesn't summon anything all game. Transmortis seems a bit superfluous with the Punk Zombies around, though.

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20 minutes ago, Dirial said:

Truth. Nicodem is an excellent supporter even if he doesn't summon anything all game. Transmortis seems a bit superfluous with the Punk Zombies around, though.

Agreed! I wouldn't buy Transmortis at the start as only Valedictorian is usually hired. Necropunks and Nurses would be better but OTOH you get Nurses from the McM box so maybe just get that one instead.

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If the player has no real interest in McM then I would go:

Open Graves (45), Shadows of Redchapel (45), Nurses (16), Necropunks (21), then either depending on your love of the model - Yin (11) or Bete (11)

Gives both masters some dedicated scheme runners in the Necropunks (plus allows Nicodem so summon more) 

Nurses can provide extra buffs/debuffs for the crew

Yin and Bete are both good enforcers who aren't on the expensive end but still hit hard. I'd favour Yin but that's because a) I like the model more and b ) Yin suits my playstyle more than Bete.


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Nicodem can play fine without Mindless Zombies and spamming summons, but the card draw that recycling Mindless Zombies provides is a huge part of his playstyle and not utilizing that is like playing Seamus without his Limited Upgrades or McMourning without Moonlightning. 

Nicodem's box (45) + Seamus' box (45) + Mindless Zombies (35) + Yin (11) would provide some core models if someone really wants to play him though, Nico + Vulture + Mortimer + Yin + Sybelle + 2 Belles are a decent, although not really variable list with him.

Izamu, McMourning's box (the Flesh Construct and the Canine Remains are one of the better options to get more bodies for 8/10 value cards) and Necropunks would be my second wave purchases, and with those you'd be able to pretty much set for 90% of your upcoming matches. 

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1 hour ago, huntroll said:

Nicodem can play fine without Mindless Zombies and spamming summons, but the card draw that recycling Mindless Zombies provides is a huge part of his playstyle and not utilizing that is like playing Seamus without his Limited Upgrades or McMourning without Moonlightning. 

Debatable if that ius really true for beginners, but your purchases work okay.

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On 1/14/2016 at 10:14 AM, Boshea said:

Lady J box ($45), Perdita box ($45), Austringers ($21), Brutal Effigy ($11) and Guild Guard ($18).

I would replace Guild Guard, they are not good models. They don't synergize with Lady Justice or Perdita and if the player buys the Lucius boxset they probably will never need 4 models of them.


I would recommend:

Abuela ($16): She works with both Lady Justice and Perdita and if a fantastic model. She also really likes the judge as they can get more attacks out of each other.

Pathfinder ($21): Also a nice solo model and has some good synergy with the Austringers. 

Witchling Stalkers ($18): Will have a similar problem as the Guard, but unlike the Guard it is possible Sonnia might need more than 3 (if you go the summoning route and have some luck). Just unlike the Guard though the stalkers work in multiple list and bring some cleanse with them. 

Hounds: When they come out will be good scheme runners for Guild which both boxsets are kind of lacking. 

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On 1/14/2016 at 10:45 AM, Dogmantra said:

I would probably disagree with an extra box of bayou gremlins, and replace 'em with a box of piglets. You really don't need 8 unless you're going to be playing summoner and having versatility is pretty good imo (especially since Som'er & Lenny can summon piglets too)

I agree that the Som'er box greatly benefits from having Piglets available (due to Som'er and Lenny's summoning but also because of movement tricks) but don't agree that you wont want the extra Bayou Gremlin's as well. The base Som'er box strongly favors the summoning role for him and it is not out of the norm to have more than the 4 in the crew box on turn 1. It will put the cost over the $140.00 max (by keeping the Ophelia crew box in there) but Som'er is a Master that will always cost more than most other masters (read ass not summoners) because of all the options available to him (he is one of the most versatile Masters in the game and that comes with a higher premium cost).

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Yeah I would also recommended another box of Gremlins over piglets. Without hogwhispers not sure would bring piglets with Somer.



While I agree Lilith and Lynch are probably the most synergetic Neverborn boxes, not sure it's a good idea to start someone with a dual faction master.

Dreamer is not a good starting master imo

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21 minutes ago, wizuriel said:

Yeah I would also recommended another box of Gremlins over piglets. Without hogwhispers not sure would bring piglets with Somer.

The movement shenanigans of the "Truffle Shuffle" makes them viable without a Hog Whisperer, though he does add quite a bit of punch when included. I typically bring at least one as a Slop Hauler tender.

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50 minutes ago, wizuriel said:

While I agree Lilith and Lynch are probably the most synergetic Neverborn boxes, not sure it's a good idea to start someone with a dual faction master.


I would say its an excellent idea to start with a dual faction master, cause if it turns out, that the one faction isnt really yours or you discover some great models in the other faction, you can easily change and it`s not necessary to start with a new crew at zero again.

Lucius (50), Lynch (40) and McCabe (45) could be a nice starting group.

Dropping McCabe for Beckoners (16) and Doppleganger (11) or Teddy (18) or Mr. Tannen (11).

Dropping Lynch for Austingers (21) and Pathfinder (21).


On 14.1.2016 at 4:14 PM, Boshea said:

Von Schill box (50) + Viktoria box (45) + Lazarus (18) + Johan (11) + Vanessa (11). Alternatively, drop Lazarus and Vanessa to purchase Hannah (35).


Maybe Misaki box (40) and Oirans (21) instead of the Viks and Lazarus .


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1 hour ago, wizuriel said:

While I agree Lilith and Lynch are probably the most synergetic Neverborn boxes, not sure it's a good idea to start someone with a dual faction master.

Dreamer is not a good starting master imo

I don't think dual-faction is actually a bad idea in every case for a starting master.  As long as everything in the box is either natively a part of both factions or as long as everything in the box is hireable by every master in your preferred faction, then it can be a great purchase.  This is why for Neverborn I would freely recommend Lynch, but rarely ever recommend Lucius.

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3 hours ago, Omenbringer said:

I agree that the Som'er box greatly benefits from having Piglets available (due to Som'er and Lenny's summoning but also because of movement tricks) but don't agree that you wont want the extra Bayou Gremlin's as well. The base Som'er box strongly favors the summoning role for him and it is not out of the norm to have more than the 4 in the crew box on turn 1. It will put the cost over the $140.00 max (by keeping the Ophelia crew box in there) but Som'er is a Master that will always cost more than most other masters (read ass not summoners) because of all the options available to him (he is one of the most versatile Masters in the game and that comes with a higher premium cost).

Going over the $140 limit is kind of against the idea of this thread though - and I would argue that sure the base Som'er box is good for summoning, but if you also have the Kin, you can absolutely build a strong non summoning Som'er crew, and Ophelia probably won't be making use of the extra bayou gremlins, but could probably do with a piglet or two.

Bearing in mind also that more options imo is better for a new player than one specific strategy. Piglets have a niche of annoying to kill cheap minions that are incredibly good at cursed object and distract.

2 hours ago, wizuriel said:

Yeah I would also recommended another box of Gremlins over piglets. Without hogwhispers not sure would bring piglets with Somer.

Really? I've found that most of the time it's very easy to control piglets, particularly with Som'er, as you can just take the upgrade to give him (or Sammy) Pork Whisperin' and be able to ignore their charges pretty much all game. Even if you don't take it, it really only dictates activation order turn 1, since turn 2 they're probably going to be close enough to charge an enemy anyway.

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  • 3 months later...

Dreamer starter box + Pandora starer box + Teddy + Widow Weaver + Wicked Dolls + Insidious madness + Stitched Together + Lelu and Lilitu.


That worked for me. I didn't paint 2 sorrows and the poltergeist from Pandora starter box. Even used them. So I can have choices for different scenarios.

I think the point is to aim for one controller and one heavy hitter. Other combination mentioned is Seamus and Molly plus whatever else they need to work. I dont have much experience on the game so I cant find more "combos". So with a little research I am sure there are 2 combos like this in each faction. A good combo is a nice way to learn the game. Its exactly like League of Legends.

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