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Your three Malifaux related wishes


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  1. A way to manipulate if you win/lose deployment (something everyone has access to). Rather than it just being a random flip
  2. No more masters, but ways for Henchmen to 'upgrade' to masters both furthering the story and offering new playstyles without needing to buy new models/armies
  3. Having more free time to play and attend tournaments :)
    1. YEAH had to add this one. An official Crew Builder mobile app that had connectivity to your opponent with stat cards (yes I'll buy them again if I can have them on my digital device(s)).
Edited by PeregrineFalcon
Added Mobile App!!
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1. MOBILE APP. I'll be happy to enter and maintain the data if someone can put an engine/interface together. As others have said, I'd pay for the cards again to have the stats available, but I'm not sure Wyrd will go for that. But an up-to-date crew builder would be a huge asset. 

2. Models available when their stats are released. I don't mind proxy ink, but would much rather be able to get some official models day 1. Wyrd is catching up, so that seems doable in the future.

3. A new Hungering Darkness sculpt. :)

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1.) Mobile App that has ability to purchase the stat cards digitally integrated into the crew builder. Like war room but less crashy. That allows for crew building, errata update automatically and the general strategy and scheme pulling for you. Love to be able to save lists in it and have ability to stat track for myself on it.

2.) New scheme rotation or a few new schemes put into the GG 2016. I think the 10 strategies we currently have is enough, but some change up in the scheme either the distrubtion i.e. we move schemes around or we rotate in a few new ones. 

3.) Fate Decks specific to each faction/master. Essentially I'm the guy that bought dice to match his army, I'd gladly buy decks to match my master just saying.

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1: More upgrades.

2: An awesome Guardsman Minion and a Lucius buff.

3: Make the Executioner an 8 SS Guild Marshal Minion instead (plays into 2.).

Special wish: Not to be forced to make a Facebook account (which I despise) to keep a friendly, meaningless conversation with my Malifaux buddies.

With more upgrades I could live with the Executioner staying the same on the card to avoid errata but getting a choice of two really good 0 ss upgrades unique to the model.

For my number 3 I would like some more generic totems.

Edited by Ludvig
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1) More Masters (and henchmen, and enforcers, and minions, and peons...) that are game balanced with existing things

2) More history / story / fluff of Neverborn culture

3) Human cultists that revere the Neverborn for some cross-faction Arcanist/Neverborn or something similar. Not humans forcibly converted like the Scion of Blood or Bloodwretches, but conservationists that collect and preserve Neverborn lore


Bonus #4) Stop making Lilith sound like Nekima in the latest fluff, all pure wrath and unable to even be around humans without wanton slaughter! The whole reason Lilith is supposed to be the boss and not Nekima is that Lilith can be cunning, devious and restrain her bloodlust when it furthers her plans. Sure, she is mercurial and can fly off the handle, but lots of the latest stories make her seem one-dimensionally angry :P

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1. A multi part model kit that is truly a multi part model kit, not a put together these 14 models this way with some, very limited, options. 

2. More options on models. We have plastics, for crying out loud, Maybe some people would like for the model to hold the weapon it attacks with.

3. A story encounter pack for each faction. 

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1. Limited release models with their own unique (and powerful) rules.

2. Gigantic 80-120mm based models

3. Increase standard game-size to 100SS.



The blinking emoticon is there because it's a joke? I ask, because I'm unsure. But if you're serious, well, I'm strongly against your three wishes :)

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1. Limited release models with their own unique (and powerful) rules.

2. Gigantic 80-120mm based models

3. Increase standard game-size to 100SS.



The blinking emoticon is there because it's a joke? I ask, because I'm unsure. But if you're serious, well, I'm strongly against your three wishes :)

There is a popular gaming system that has recently done all of these things, and everybody hates them and they are bad and nobody would ever want Wyrd to do these things, is the joke here.

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2.  Two sets of cards in every box, so that you can just give one set to the other player for reference.



I really like this one! Although it would only need to be one extra card for each type of model. If I were rich, I would be purchasing arsenal decks just to do this. I suppose if I don't take all of my copies of a model I can still do it :D

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