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Everything posted by cktAvatar

  1. I have used Winston Finnigan in a lot of crews OOK. He brings a lot of useful tools to the table. Arcane reservoir, deck manipulation, don’t mind me, a potential multi model leap, etc.
  2. I agree with @Pallas4 that if the Cadmus player decides to treat the parasited enemy as friendly then that model may also choose to suffer damage. Parasitic Grasp says: "During friendly Activations, Cadmus models in this Crew may treat enemy models with a Parasite as though they were friendly Cadmus models (except for Schemes and Strategies)." And Siphon Power says: "After this model declares an Action, a friendly model with 4 may suffer 1 irreducible damage." So rules as written I would say Pallas is correct and in theory it might score Hidden Martyrs. The point of discussion is whether this would then also count as "..killed by an enemy-controlled model". As the model taking the damage is choosing to die, even though the Ability is on an enemy controlled model, I doubt that killing itself counts as being killed by that model. But that is definitively a point for discussion.
  3. No, as the Cadmus player "may treat models with Parasite Tokens as friendly". So as it is a "may" the Cadmus player will just say "No, I won't.... "
  4. But you can't siphon directly from the parasites model as that model is the one who "may suffer damage" and of course if its an enemy model it will not do so. The only thing you can do is that you pass that damage with Will Of Cadmus but as it is irreducible it will not lower the damage you suffer on your model.
  5. The one mentioned above has 6. or do you mean after your suggested change?
  6. Wow, ok that makes it a lot better. Thanks for the clarification! Still, it kind of sounds not intended that way 😉, but ok if Wyrd says so..
  7. What do you mean with this "new" reading? Did I miss something here?
  8. In 1.0.8 I could create a game using GG0. With the new update to 1.0.9 it disappeared again and my games I created with it now show up with the red error message in the game list.
  9. I also had some really good games bringing Barbaros. Especially with "Bring It!" to get enemies into the "death zone" with all the blight auras as well as Nix' no-severe damage aura and into range of the Rat Kings (and Barbaros himself of course). You have to be a bit careful with placement due to Black Blood, though. Together with Hamelins lure there is literally no escape.
  10. I guess in an aggressive Raspy list like this you should probably include the Arcane Effigy to maximise the damage output from her blasts.
  11. There was not really an option for him. He could have kept Yas back and not doing anything with him (with still the potential of me luring him in) or he could give me the 3 points and at least try to slaughter stuff (which he did). There was really no spot for him to charge where I wouldn't have scored Set Up. See picture below for the state end of round 1.
  12. I was actually pretty successful with Colette in Ply for Information and some of the new Schemes. I just played a game against McCabe with the following pool: Deployment: Standard Deployment (7) Strategy: Ply for Information (Rams) Schemes: * Surround Them (Rams) (McCabe) * Set Up (3) (Colette: Yasunori) * Inescapable Trap (6) (Colette) * Recover Evidence (11) * Vendetta (12) (McCabe) This was my list: 50 SS Arcanists Crew Colette Du Bois + 5 Pool - The Dancing Blade (1) - Arcane Reservoir (2) - Practiced Production (1) Carlos Vasquez (9) - Stunt Double (0) - Warding Runes (1) Oxfordian Mage (5) - Nemesis Ward (0) - Temporary Shielding (0) Oxfordian Mage (5) - Blood Ward (0) - Temporary Shielding (0) Oxfordian Mage (5) - Doom Ward (0) - Temporary Shielding (0) Performer (5) Performer (5) Arcane Effigy (4) Mannequin (4) His list (as far as I remember, not sure about the upgrades): 50 SS Ten Thunders Crew McCabe + 3 Pool - Cloak of Invisibility (1) - Strangemetal Shirt (1) - Loot Bag (1) Luna (4) Yamaziko (6) Yasunori (13) - Recalled Training (1) Samurai (8) Terracotta Warrior (5) Guild Hound (3) Guild Hound (3) Guild Hound (3) - I knew Yasunori would come to me eventually so this was the perfect choice for Set Up. Also Inescapable Trap was a natural choice where I would use my scheme markers in combination with the Perfomers Sirens Calls and the pushes from the Mages to get enemy models where I wanted them to be. - I suspected he would probably choose Vendetta on Carlos and use the hounds to get Surround Them (I was right ). So buffing Carlos with Warding Runes from the Mages seemed to be a good idea. - Colette with prompts and Dancing Sabre to give out slow with the possibility of the Mages also giving slow seemed to be a good support for me as well as counter against my opponent wrt. the strategy. So this is how it went: - Turn 1 I plastered my deployment zone and its surroundings with scheme markers with the help of the Mannequin and Colette's 0 interact aura. I had 10 markers down at the end of turn 1. - Turn 2 I used Sirens Call and Mage pushes to move the Samurai and a Hound near my markers to get Inescapable trap. Yasunori was charging into one of my mages and killed it but I scored 3 points for Set Up. We tied for Gathered Intel. - Turn 3 Colette slowed Yasunori (and handed out some burning from the Effigy) and got Gathered Intel from him and one of the lured hounds and I could score again for Inescapable trap. He scored Vendetta by charing Yamaziko into Carlos. I brought her down to 1 wound with 2 burning on her before from the Mages but she prevented the burning damage with a Soulstone at the end of turn 2. I scored for Gathered Intel as well. Carlos pushed out of combat with Yamaziko and charged into Yasunori and finished him with the help of the Mannequin. - Turn 4 and 5 went on with me slowing his models and scoring for Ply. So all in all a perfect pool for Colette. I still really like her and I think she is a really good choice for Ply in general.
  13. As far as I know you need non-peon, non-minion models for Guarded Treasure.
  14. Thanks for the clarification. This somehow makes me want to buy the crossroads seven .
  15. How do you get min. 4 damage Ca on Cassie?
  16. From https://www.wyrd-games.net/arcanist-henchmen :
  17. A really cool (though maybe OP) mechanic to add to the Ice Golem would also be to replace his explosive demise with turning him into 1-2 (probably damaged) Ice Gamin once he dies. That would really fit thematically IMHO. That would also go well with the idea of letting Raspy summon an Ice Golem off of Ice Gamin which I read somewhere else in the forums.
  18. It is specified as Rg but it also explicitly states that the Pilar Markers should be placed within 12" of THIS model. If they would have just written place the markers within Rg then it also could have been measured from the mirror model as you draw Rg from it. I agree that specifying both Rg and this additional constraint seems a bit doubled but I guess it is just to make it easier to see.
  19. I play Rasputina, Colette and Sandeep. What made it into almost all of my recent lists is the combination of Cassandra, Practiced Production and a Wind Gamin, because: - Practiced Productino with Wind Gamin make most marker based schemes really easy. - Cassandra is really mobile and hard to bring down. - More blasts are always good - With Raspy or the Wendigo giving Cassandra Frozen Heart and Armor she is even harder to kill plus all the other benefits of Frozen Heart - There are most of the time really good targets for understudy even outside a Colette list (Mages with Sandeep, Silent Ones with Raspy) - Wind Gamin are really mobile and they even can hit relatively hard with their triggers for additional attacks given their low SS cost.
  20. The fact that there are so many nice combos that you can do with Colette made me like her a lot recently. Especially if you compare it with masters such as Rasputina (my first master) who I still like to play but getting Colettes combos to work is so much more satisfying than just blasting away models....
  21. Another interesting option could be to also promote Poison Gamin a bit more. E.g., Kudras Free of Mortal Shackles upgrade could give her an additional +1 poison on her attacks if there is a Poison Gamin around. To make the picture complete why not also add Metal Gamin buff (+1 Df or so) to the list.
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