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Everything posted by dannydb

  1. woops ment obs is free, not costs money *facepalm*
  2. doesnt bandicam cost money though? obs costs money
  3. ive done a fair few videos here with obs and it takes a little bit of work but you can get the map, and the cards on the screen, though do have to play fairly zoomed out see here for some of my videos
  4. Round 2 of Vassal super league Corner - Public Enemies - Forest of the Loom Research mission / Claim jump / Hidden martyrs / Take prisoner / Spread them out well after an unknown start i now get in to the 3 of the most challenging fixtures including a former uk number 1, current uk master and UK's best bayou player.... urg! first up is Jamie Varnie who i've played twice before, having lost in RL to in a resser off at uk nationals last year and beat earlier this year in a random pick up game we had on vassal. so I knew I had my work cut out for me as he's a much better player than I am. the one thing i have up my sleeve is that he's playing a faction he's had a handful of game with whereas although i've know collette the least, i've still got around 20 games with her now under my belt so got a fair idea of what she could do. so in terms of master choice, the pool was an odd one, being public enemies usually suggests hoff or ironsides, but ironsides being quite slow and knowing that bayou have access to all the ping damage in the world, hoffman im not sure is a good pick in to them, same with mei feng. so that left me with sandeep who id say public enemies is probably his worst strategy, colette or someone else. after much deliberation and discussion with a few people I settled on collette Crew choice so being entirely in keyword meant that i didn't have a lot of choices, so decided on the following Collette and 3 doves is free so might as well take them Carlos and Cassandra give me two relatively hard hitting and relatively tanky models that just need to evade zip and merris and pick up fights with there extra mobility where they can. i'm aware zipp can be as mobile as colette is but i'm hoping to maybe pick on a over extend by jamie on someone and then these guys can pounce on something over extended 2 corophee with Diesel engine give me some mobile hitting power and and scheming potential and are fairly resilient for their cost, i'd decided to go with them in this mode over the duet as i was worried about the ping fire jamie could bring, or the duet spending its life stuck behind some pianos being ineffective 2 mannequins with magical training, again i decided to go with double magical training to elevaite the threat of jamie zeroing in on one model and i knew even leaving it in the backfield wouldn't be safe from zipp, so desided to go with two and split them down the flanks with the corophee to give them a guard to protect from nasties and 5 stones in terms of schemes Research mission didn't seem viable, considering i only generated pyres myself and zip has so many movement tricks that trying to score them myself seemed difficult Claim jump again didn't seem viable, again if jamie suspected anything had claim jump he could either move them away with zipp, or just block of the center entirely with zipp, dummying this seemed plausible as if i pushed carlos and cassandra towards the middle, he was likely to spend some ap dropping pianos which ment zip wasn't were my points were going to be scored, and if he doesn't do this then carlos and cassandra can push through the middle to deny him scoring it while putting down a scheme for spread them out Hidden martyrs, i always tend to take cos its generally a 1 pointer, especially when any combination of my non colette,non totem models could be a target. getting a second point is going to be hard but i'm happy to take points where i can get them and decided to split to coryphee and mannequins on opposite flanks to make things as difficult as possible and avoid zipp, zipp zappering both of them in one go and denying me that way (or merris shockwaving them both to death) Take prisoner, was an option but i wasn't sure what models i'd be able to get at, weather or not I could get them exposed considering zipps mobility and plus if i'm taking them prisoner then i'm not killing them for bounty points, and i think i'm going to struggle for them anyway as jamie isn't going to stay in protracted fights if he's not winning them. Spread them out. Colette' probable best scheme, between presto chango and all the mobility in the world, this was a nail on. while zipp is mobile, he can't remove them himself, i was hoping to get earl burns early so that only realy left macha and merris to remove them, and i felt i could deal with them. with coryphee and mannequins pushing hard down the flanks and carlos, cassandra going down the center and colette able to pop up wherever she was needed i was happy doing this and making life difficult for jamie as I could so thats the plan at least, watch above to see how it plays out!
  5. so you have picked on the of the hardest masters in the game to learn to play! congratuations so colette is a lot of fun and has a lot of tricks although her crew is very squishy and one false move and its generally a dead showgirl colette's best schemes are mobility based so she has a lot of overlap with sandeep who himself is quite mobile but has a bit more killing power (if your wanting more info on sandeep please check out my breakdown of him here and i've got a couple of battle reports with arcanst's here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRt3DaO-9mFbwX7KwykTDlw?view_as=subscriber that might be worth a watch ironsides along with hoffman are out two tankist, killist masters and both of them are able to lay the hurt down to do the business Waiting in the wings is a great box as manqiuns are great with take the hit for keeping your squishy showgirls alive a little longer where as the corophee are great little murder bots/tanks. be aware you prob want to magnatise the corophee so you can swap them between duet and single corophee as needed
  6. hi all sorry for the delay in sorting out the finals, worked 50hrs on average on last two weeks after 12 weeks of hard fought faux, we have our winners! Team Russia one! Unfortunately for the uk hope, Emma OP? fell at final hurdle but should be proud of their second place all the same! In third place Came Northen moose Infantry who did a great job overcoming the flipping wyrds and lastly shout out to Insomniakwulf AKA Reice of Too Much Infaux who scored the most points in the group stages of the event Vassal world cup will be back next year at some point but in addition we will have a brand new project starting next month so for those who play vassal events, or even people who are interested in trying it out watch this space Want to give a shout out to Carl AKA Cleezy for helping to organise prize support from wyrd, Oz From Rampage Games for prize support, Anyone who has offered advice, criticisms or other stuff, including the uk meta! and thanks to Andreas Söder who has done the amazing bracket images as seen above! but most of all thanks to all the players who took part who made this event a success, you guys have all been awesome and its been great to see all the videos! thanks again and sorry for the delay!
  7. anyone know why the internet version of the crew builder keeps getting stuck on the landing page and going nowhere?
  8. Sandeep is a great master Did plarg say why he took firestarter over a wind gamin?
  9. Thanks a lot, I'm just doing my bit for the community. No difference than any of the henchmen out there who do an amazing Job normally
  10. Sorry I've had a really busy week with work ect Both next event and final VWC post will be coming next week
  11. Really concentrate on your schemes and achieving them. Try to pick schemes that mean you don't have to outlast your oppenent and try to stop them from scoring that than killing everything Kill the models that dreamer can't summon back (widow, Serena LCB) and if you can get at day dreams kill them to slow down lucid dream
  12. dannydb

    UK Super League

    are we going to get a vercitile/out of keyword table as well?
  13. the best way to play him is the way that suits the player not every play style/master works for everyone
  14. Yanlo is a very versatile master with lots of diffrent play styles play what works for you
  15. Vassal super league Round 1 Wedge, leylines, breakthrough, spread them out, leave your mark, sandeep vs seamus https://youtu.be/Ojva2_YhD9I So round 1 of the league and I'm facing seamus. The player I'm facing I've never met in the UK or vassal meta, so have no real idea how good he is, and considering the level of competition I've got in the me t few weeks I could do with some points on the board. My opponent declares seamus And having declared sandeep Im not even able to bring in the captain my usual tech pick in to seamus So I'm just going to have to use cover very well and just assume models are going to die, so for that reason I Brough the following crew Sandeep and Banasuva (my leader and totem) Kandara is a fairly hard model to shoot down, with df 6 I match seamus's shot and hopefully the stones should mean he will always be on negatives to damage if he shoots her, she's also fairly killy so I'll potentially be able to score Vendetta with her. A metal golem with SS cashe. So a fire golem has chance to be shot to bits first activation of the round with no chance of saving it so a different golem is prob a better shout, the ice golem need a fair but of support to make sure it has the ice pillers it needs so it might stuggle if I lose Banasuva early, meaning my best golem is a metal golem. It also gets round any manipulative I might have to face. The ssc can make sure seamus is hitting me on negatives if he goes after him and its prob going to up by the killing anyway Kandara. Obligatory in sandeep, she's stapled to your crew. If you don't know why you don't know how powerful drawing 7-8 cards a turn can be Oxfordonian mage with magial training. I really like these guys, there heal I'd the best I have access to in keyword and the condition removal is great, yes it could get 1 shorted off the board which is why I've brought two magical training carriers Wind Gamin with magical training. Allows me to make a good start in to breakthrough and spread them out. Scheme choices. Breakthrough. With windgamin, ride the rails and Banasuva tossing folks, breakthrough is an option especially on wedge Vendetta. I'm imagining madam sybelle is going to be coming down the middle and she's something I'm going to have to deal with, snake fighter lady, go beat up the hooker! Leave you mark seems very dependent on who controls the center and I don't reckon I'm favored for it Spread the out, a more difficult breakthrough essentially Assassinate. Trying to pin seamus down is going to be tricky with so many places to hide Bacic plan is to push golem and kudra towards symble while hugging cover with rest of models to try and make shooting us down with seamus hard Then try to score the back 2 idols before then figuring out if its better to go to the center or far markers if I needed to
  16. For hidden martyrs I realy like models with take the hit so your oppenent doesn't get much choice if your are going to kill them or not Ashigu are then great for this Protected isn't a bad alternative, so if Assassinate is in the pool and your playing kirai then have a random onryo standing near by and it might get you points on deny your oppenent
  17. UK Super League so the main event i'm taking part in at the moment is the UK super league, an event Ran by a local TO, Cleezy! This is a uk only event using the single master approach to playing malifaux something that very common in the UK, in addition for this event Cleezy is giving an extra "prize" to the person who takes the least out of keyword/versatile models, and as im not going to be winning the event (a good portion of the players involved in the event are regular attendees to the uk masters event with a fair few former and even the current title holder, whereas at best im hovering around the 30th ranked player in the uk) I thought i'd challenge myself to 0 out of keyword/versatile models (note versatile models that also are keyworded such as the Captain in a M&SU crew don't count towards the versatile count in this event) so with me playing arcanists lets break down the masters i'm playing Sandeep as said in the intro post, prob played around 100 games with sandeep now and is certainly the master im most comfortable with. while he has some weaknesses and bad pools and 1-2 bad match ups (I'm looking at you vonstook!) his versatility, his card draw and his mobility make him a great crew any games where quantity of actions win out over quality (not that golems pounding peoples faces in isn't quality, it's more that in the late game you don't have time for that!) Generally Sandeep will see play in Symbols and Corrupted leyline games where his mobility from wind gamin and friends will help a lot in that regards, and some of the more squishy academics will not be as much of a bad thing, though may pop up in some more mobility focused public enemies/recover evidence pools Colette so unlike Sandeep, i've certainly had less experience with Colette, maybe 10-15 games with her at this point, so far from mastering her considering her complexity levels. Similarly to Sandeep, Colette works best in mobility based games and more mobile than Sandeep without having availability to as many actions as a sandeep crew could generate (although the coryphee duet does help) Don't mind me also is very important at the moment with the current strategies, with benefits in leylines, symbols and recover evidence and colette's movement tricks help in so many occasions. Her main issue is her "lack" of killing power, yes she can kill and certainly if i was taking out of keyword/versatile models then i'd be happier taking her in to killy pools but, with limiting myself to realy the odd focused sword trick, Cassandra and the duet for killing power, this is probably a crew that I won't be playing in enemies/recover Toni Ironsides My malifaux first love, Ms Punchy mcPunchyourface was what drew me to arcanists in the first place all the way back in the middle of m2e. In a world full of crazy magic, demonic neverborn and angry war pigs ready to eat you face, here stands one woman with nothing more that a pair of brass knuckles, and all the sass in the world. She's here to punch face and chew gum and she ran out of gum a long long time ago. so yes Ironsides will prob be my default public enemies/recover evidence master, especially if it allows bubbling. Able to scrum with the best of them, toni does have some weaknesses, mainly people who get round her defensive trigger, but with a keyword full of good support models between amina and fitzsimmons, heavy hitters such as Howard and Gunsmiths and the owner of the best tashe in faux The Captain, toni is here to break your face in. Hoffman Another master i've only recently picked up, hoffman is brawling master in arcanists, though rather than toni's style of leading from the front, Hoff is usually tinkering away at the back, while various constructs beat peoples face in. Armour is usually good in public enemy/recover pools and hoffman has it all. all but one of his keyword models has armour, and majority of them have armour two, so bring your tin openers if your opponent declares him. He's prob going to be appearing in killy pools where perhaps mobility is more of a thing over pure bubble Scrumming power, as models like hunters (and kind of watchers) are great for running into corners ect and dropping markers where i need them for things like breakthrough Kaeris The other half of my originally draws to arcanist, Kaeris is powerful master who in my opinion suffers from two main issues, 1 she doesn't realy have a strategy while is hers, collette and sandeep are generally better that leylines/symbols and ironsides and hoff are better at enemies/recover. she also has the issue of quite a few models in her keyword being a bit meh (I'm looking at you firestarter/fire branded) having a glaring weakness (please don't take my burning off my fire golem) or being situational (Iggy is happy for you to charge in to his pyre markers and be pushed out of melee range, but please don't shoot him). Kaeris might see some play but don't expect her to come out a lot due to my own restrictions Mei feng Mei while being powerful does have an issue of she really really doesn't like you messing with her scrap markers. Please don't remove it, gravity well it, turn it in to stiched/paper oni/scheme markers or just stand some 40mm+ model on top of it please! She also kind of needs a decent number of points spent to set up her rail lines which then don't really do much else. She's does allow me access to SS miners which are still good situational models and sparks who is great, but yer she is prob joining kaeris on the maybe but unlikely pile Raspy/marcus/ramos/various henchmen So that leaves the other masters, why have I not mentioned them. Well ramos is DMH so isn't allowed, I'm already playing with one hand behind my back with keyword only, so playing some henchmen lead crew isnt a great idea, maybe envy might come out towards the end once my mid table place is secure Raspy in my opinion is just poor, her crew needs too many cards, her ice pillers she wants near your opponents crew end up just giving them cover and she relies super hard on the blessed to score her points. Sorry ice queen your staying on the shelf Marus in the other hand just isn't me. I'm not a fan of his new play style, I think his mecanics arnt sure weather you want to alpha strike or sit and upgrade your models up for a couple of turns and his crew while killy is also squishy. It's not really my gig so while he does have some people defending him, for me he's joining raspy on the shelf
  18. Well hello there! Its me, Dannydb, Vassal TO, player of to many games with sandeep (i reckon i've had about 100 games+ with him about now, not bad considering i've been nowhere near soloing him) and general mid table player So with RL events not being a thing and multiple vassal events either having recently started or starting in near future i thought i'd record some of my vassal games for entertainment and viewing pleasure Now please don't be expecting high level play, as im no tournament winning player, but hopefully these will be entertaining games to watch as stumble along the path to the podium mid table mediocrity (I hope thats not copyrighted craig!) note- I do have some graphical glitches on vassal due to an issue with my computer and direct x or something, i've tried to resolve this as per the internets instructions and while its helped, there is still occasions where it happens. so i appologies if the graphics on some of the reports suddenly go odd, it's usually corrected a few seconds later
  19. Ressers don't have marlina who is great in outcast Jack
  20. How are you stopping your oppenent from just over running your gamin as there is nothing to tie up opposing beaters
  21. How are you killing anything then with sandeeps crew outside blowing up poison gamin?
  22. I generally will try and summon up one golem and then go gamin from there But the value a turn 1 gamin to golem gets you is great
  23. Is it not just better for new players to play what they enjoy rather than giving a negative impression that the game is massively unbalanced? yes basse and wong are prob lower down the power level, but at the end of the day this isn't 40k, a good player playing wong will beat a bad player playing colette
  24. You can do that but the guardian is fairly slow as well so it's some times hare for him to keep up
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