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Posts posted by Caedrus

  1. Caedrus, reporting in!

    Here's a quick WIP for you all. I made a great start on my March painting, with the Tormented keyword being my objective. I've 90% finished most of the core box, which was an eBay rescue. My objective in this painting is to experiment with the best way to portray an incorporeal miniature. To that end, I started with Lady Ligeia, which I painted as a spectral figure:


    The tones at the bottom were to try to give the impression of the floorboards underneath, but I'm not sure of that has translated well. I'm pleased, however, with the overall miniature. So, from there, I kept that spectral blue as my thematic colour. For the rest of the tormented, I've tried to portray their presence as being almost ghost-like. So, I've painted them as being pale, desaturated and mostly white, but tried painting the rest of the miniature in bolder, saturated colours. Did it work? I'm not sure. Here they are, so far (apologies for the bad photography):


    Jack Daw is a bit ... uninspiring as a miniature. It seems like it should be an evocative miniature, and there's nothing wrong with the pose, but it doesn't grab me.


    Of course, Montresor has to be in black.


    So, I have the rest of the tormented ready nearby. In the meantime, however, I've completed the March challenge, and painted an unexpected Madame Sybelle:


    ...and here's how she turned out.


    Those are some big, red buttocks.

    Finally, I have started Miss Deed. This photo is dreadful, and you can expect something much better soon!


    As always, your feedback is very, very welcome. I'll be giving some feedback myself as well!

    In the meantime, I hope everyone is having a great March. Keep putting pigment to plastic!


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  2. Hi All, it sounds like the three-colour challenge is a bit of a washout! For those interested, the idea was: grab black, white, and the primary colours. Mix them however you will. Paint a mini. Simple as that. It was a bit of a 'back to basics' idea, redeveloping mixing skills!

    Of course, these are just little ideas and challenges to keep things fresh! There's no obligation to take part!


    • Thanks 1
  3. For me, my Month of March will be made up of continuing to work on the Hannah project, updating my Freikorps, and making a start on my Tormented keyword. This is an eBay rescue, on a keyword which has a few ... meh models in it, so I'm expecting a bit of a drudge, but who knows!


    My primaries and tones model? Probably Montresor.

    Keep putting pigment to plastic!


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  4. Greetings, fellow painters, and welcome to the Monthly Painting Challenge for March!

    Everything you need to know for the Challenge is right HERE.

    March (according to my shallow internet research) has two birthstones, being bloodstone and aquamarine. In addition, the flower of March is the Daffodil. Red, blue, yellow.

    So, here's a challenge for you. Paint a single Malifaux miniature in the month of March, using ONLY the primaries, black and white. Sounds easy, but if you're anything like me, your paint-mixing skills could do with a little upkeep.

    Have a fantastic March, look after yourself and your loved ones, and keep those brushes damp!


    • Like 6
  5. So, for this month, I have a number of objectives. Here goes:


    1. Complete Alt Vanessa;
    2. Complete Hannah (huge task);
    3. Complete my Hodgepodge Emissary;
    4. Paint Alt. Lazarus;
    5. Paint Alt Taelor (Miss Deed);
    6. Paint Barbaros;
    7. Undertake one piece of terrain for my themed Malifaux Board;
    8. Paint a single miniature, as per my Challenge, above; and
    9. Retouch my Freikorps to be thematically consistent.

    That's a ridiculous undertaking. It's never going to happen, and I'm a fool to try it.

    Let's see what happens. Photos to come.


    • Like 3
  6. Greetings, fellow painters, and welcome to the Monthly Painting Challenge for February!

    Everything you need to know for the Challenge is right HERE.

    February - the shortest month of the year. So, here's a challenge for you. Paint a single Malifaux miniature in a single day, from sprue to varnish!

    (Obviously, if you choose anything other than a Terracotta Warrior, you're mad). Also...


    Those painters who completed the Challenge in 2020 have had a pretty forum badge added. This is something I thought would be some further encouragement to our painters. I asked the Wyrd folks if they could do this, and they were super-supportive! I'd like to particularly thank @Kimberly and @Nathan Caroland for supporting us with this gesture - as well as the unsung heroes of Wyrd for making this forum a good place to be. Sincerely - Thanks, guys!

    I am hopeful that we can recognise those painters who complete the 2021 Challenge - but that's 11 months away! We all know how ... interesting 2020 was.

    Have a fantastic February, look after yourself and your loved ones, and keep those brushes damp!


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    • Haha 2
  7. So, this is a topic where I feel I can comment. I've searched for exactly this kind of gorgeous, saturated purple.

    As @SEV mentioned, airbrushes help. I'd add that multiple thin coats really help here. There's a depth of saturation that can't be achieved with one thick coat.

    In terms of colour, I recommend the following:

    Shadow: Scalecolor Violet (SC-56)

    Midtone: Vallejo Model Colour Royal Purple (VMC 70.810)

    Highlight: Vallejo Model Colour Magenta (VMC 70.945)

    Saturation can be increased (carefully) with coats of Scalecolor Inktense Violet.

    As a final note, try taking your shadow tones into a very dark values, even black. It will provide valuable contrast to the highlights.

    Keen to see your results!

    • Like 1
  8. Caedrus, reporting in with a mid-January update!

    So, I decided to do something stupid and try to build the Hannah that was always meant to be. It turns out that this is a harder, far more laborious task than expected. So, this has now been turned into a multi-month build. Here's where I am so far:



    More photos to come, very soon!


    • Like 5
  9. Happy New Year, everyone!

    It's January 1st, and that means getting those paintbrushes damp and ready for a new year!

    First of all, I have changed two things in the Rules for the Challenge. Proxies count for their proxy value, and there is no requirement for them to be all-Wyrd miniatures. I think if they're unambiguously representative, that's good enough; besides, other miniature manufacturers make some awesome stuff, too! The second change is that I have changed the phrasing so that people feel more welcome in showing their non-Wyrd miniatures. I can guarantee you that I shall be showing off my Monty Python miniatures when they're complete!

    Now, a quick update!

    On 12/22/2020 at 6:55 PM, Maogrim said:

    Is it possible to up- or downgrade later in the process?

    > You can go down in a pledge, but not up. If in doubt, pledge big!


    On 12/26/2020 at 11:01 AM, Harlekin said:

    I will most likely have to add some non-Malifaux models to the challenge as I also do have to paint quite some Infinity stuff. 

    > The changes mentioned above should make you happy!


    On 12/29/2020 at 1:34 AM, lusciousmccabe said:

    I won't be participating in the challenge, but I'll definitely still be checking these threads for inspiration

    > You will most definitely be missed, lusciousmccabe. Please do stop by and let us know what you're up to!


    On 12/30/2020 at 1:34 PM, LordZombie said:

    I have been trying to complete this for 2 years, maybe the third year is the charm.

    Welcome back, my LordZombie!



    15 hours ago, Gloomy said:

    Last year I had to drop out for the last couple of months due to busy-ness so this year I'm gonna drop down 2 levels and pledge in at Enforcer

    > Welcome back, Gloomy!


    13 hours ago, Imbadice said:

    Hi in new to the Forums and I think this challenge is exactly what i need to keep motivated.

    I saw in another thread that people pledge the minis they want to paint. Do i have to or can i just paint whatever i want without announcing it?

    What happens if i paint minis worth 17SS and in the next month only 15SS is this legal?

    > There's no requirement to pledge, or do any updates, or even show your minis at the end of the month, but I've definitely found that doing so helps in terms of motivation, feedback, focus and encouragement!

    > Credits don't carry over for the month, unfortunately. For that month, you'd be considered to have not met your pledge.

    > Most of all, welcome to the Challenge, Imbadice!


    7 hours ago, Ja9nge said:

    I pledge Henchman level

    > Welcome, Ja9nge

    Let's get painting!


    • Like 1
  10. Greetings, All!

    The 2021 Monthly Painting Challenge Rules page has been created. Click on the link below!

    Could I ask @bedjy, @Maogrim, @Purple Mist, @Viruk, @Woody71, @Nikodemus, @Rathnard, and @muraki to advise of their pledge levels, and I'll add you to the spreadsheet? Many Thanks, my fellow painters!

    While I'm here, it's great to see some regulars here for 2021. @Woody71, the answer from @Purple Mist is absolutely correct, and my sincere welcome to the Challenge, from all the way over here in Australia!

    Finally, if you know someone that's considering joining the Challenge, please do encourage them to take part!

    I've been in touch with @Kimberly regarding getting a forum badge or similar forum recognition from Wyrd - let's see how that goes!

    In the meantime, have a wonderful holiday, stay safe, and I look forward to painting alongside you in 2021!




  11. Welcome to the 2021 Wyrd Painting Challenge!

    Greetings, fellow painter! I’m Caedrus, and I have the very great pleasure of being your host for the Wyrd Miniatures 2021 Monthly Painting Challenge. While I will be proudly hosting the Challenge this year, this belongs to all of us, and if there’s anything that I can better to improve the Challenge, please do let me know.

    The 2021 Wyrd Monthly Painting Challenge is all about:

    • Having fun painting!
    • Motivating yourself, and encouraging others.
    • Being part of a great, friendly community.
    • Giving and receiving constructive advice. And, finally:
    • Getting some pigment onto plastic!

    This is not a competition in any way.

    The Spirit of the Rules:

    This Challenge is about motivation and fun. So, the Challenge has been changed, just a little bit, to make it a little more accessible to painters starting later in the year, painters with busy lives, and painters relatively new to the wonderful World of Wyrd!

    The Rules:

    The challenge starts on January 1st, 2021. 

    Models count for the month in which you finish them. You can finish painting a model that you started before the beginning of the month (or one that has been on your Shelf of Shame since 2013, really).

    A miniature is considered pledged when you have uploaded a photo (preferably lots of them!) to the Challenge Thread for each month, and you have provided me with your points values.

    Your uploaded photo should have an @Caedrus included, so I can find your values. Something like: “@Caedrus: 17SS” is all I need!

    If you’re not sure of the points value (scenery tends to be the most challenging one), then your estimate is all I need. If it’s good enough for you, it’s good enough for me!

    The Pledge Levels:

    The points system from previous years will still be used, but with the addition of a new rank: the Totem!

    A Totem represents those painters who, for whatever reason, may not be inclined to maintain an ongoing painting quota, but who still want to be part of the Challenge! To be a Totem, all you need to do is to average a contribution of once per month. A contribution is quite simply an update on a painting project, a piece of painting advice, or feedback on a fellow painter.

    I am hopeful that this will encourage plenty of folks to take part!

    The pledge categories are the following:

    • Tyrant: you paint at least 21 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
    • Master: you paint at least 16 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
    • Henchman: you paint at least 11 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
    • Enforcer: you paint at least 6 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
    • Minion: you paint at least 1 Soulstone worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
    • Totem: you have maintained an average of a contribution per month for 2021.

    Miniature Values:


    Almost all models count as their Soulstone value; but

    • Masters count for 15 soulstones.
    • Zero cost models count for 5 soulstones.
    • Proxies count for their proxy value.

    The Other Side

    • Titans count for 25 soulstones.
    • Commanders count for 15 soulstones.
    • Adjunct models count for 5 soulstones.

    Other Wyrd miniatures:

    • A 30mm base model is worth 5 soulstones.
    • A 40mm base model is worth 7 soulstones.
    • A 50mm base model is worth 10 soulstones.

    Markers count for 2 soulstones if they're flat, or 5 soulstones if they're 3D and fancy.


    • Scatter Piece (5SS): A modest piece of terrain, or a small number of scattered terrain pieces. These are the spray-can and dry-brush pieces.
    • Focus Piece (10SS): A terrain piece that represents a focal point of pride in a terrain board. These pieces require a decent amount of construction and painting.
    • Centre Piece (20SS): A terrain piece that is a significant centrepiece to the terrain. A handmade forest, a mausoleum, or a train engine.
    • Masterpiece (50SS): A gorgeous, unique terrain piece that makes people wonder if you get out much.
    • War and Peace (100SS): A complete, themed 3’x3’ terrain board.

    Meeting your pledge

    Life gets busy. I get that. I like to think the Challenge rewards those who keep their brushes damp. If you don’t meet your pledge, the process goes:

    1. Mulligan; then
    2. Buy Back; then
    3. You’re outta there!

    The first time that you do not make your pledge for the month, then you have used your mulligan for the year.

    The second time that you do not make your pledge for the month, will need to make it up the following month, by meeting the pledge for the current month, and the month you missed. If you do that, then you’re considered to have met the pledge for the missed month.

    The third time that you do not make your pledge for the month, then you are out of the Challenge, but you are always, always welcome to give feedback and support to your fellow painters!

    If you submit miniature(s), but don’t meet your pledge, then you will be moved to a pledge level that keeps you in the Challenge.

    The FAQ:

    Where do I actually pledge?

    If you started in January, then you should introduce yourself here, and advise me if your pledge level with an @Caedrus.

    What happens if I start in February or March?

    If you join in February or March, then you should introduce yourself in the February thread, and advise me if your pledge level with an @Caedrus.

    You could use your mulligan / buy-back and still be in the Challenge.

    What happens if I start after March?

    If you later in the year, then you should introduce yourself in the thread for the month in which you start, and advise me if your pledge level with an @Caedrus.

    In this circumstance, then you won’t be considered to have met the 2021 Challenge, BUT you can have considered yourself as having maintained a number of month’s worth of a pledge level, so you can launch into 2022 with some momentum!

    What is a painted miniature?

    A model is considered painted if it is:

    1. Based (even glued onto a black base counts); and
    2. Tournament legal.

    That means that if it's a translucent, based model, it counts automatically. If it is any opaque material, then the standard is: Every part of the miniature painted, and three colours minimum.

    Can I do it all in one go?

    No. While it would be fantastic for you to paint 252 miniatures in January, and then declare yourself as complete for the year, the intent is for you to paint, relax, and enjoy. It’s a long-distance event, not a sprint.

    Can I show you my non-Wyrd miniatures?

    Sure, every miniature is welcome! They don’t have a Soulstone value for completing the Challenge, but we are a richer community for seeing how your painting passions have inspired you!

    Where are the points values available for me to see?

    In previous years, I’ve had a (poorly-maintained) link to a shared spreadsheet. For 2021, I’ll be providing the values in this thread, immediately after this post. Essentially, I’ll be keeping the rules and points in this thread, and keeping the monthly Challenge posts a bit neater. If you have any feedback for me or the Challenge, I’d love to hear it, and here is the best place for it!

    That’s all I can think of for the 2021 Challenge, but if I think of anything else, I’ll update it here, and advise you all!

    My absolute best for 2021.

    Keep putting pigment to plastic!


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  12. Caedrus, ready to pledge!

    This month, I'll be pledging 10SS of Hannah Lovelace, to (nearly) complete my Freikorps, and finishing up my Mercenary keyword.

    My 2021 New Year's Painting Resolutions

    1. To paint more miniatures than I buy;
    2. To get better at Non-Metal-Metal (NMM); and
    3. To get better at painting faces and skin.

    Wish me luck!

    Have a great January and 2021!


    • Like 7
  13. Greetings, fellow painters, and welcome to the Monthly Painting Challenge for January!

    Everything you need to know for the Challenge is right HERE.

    After the tumultuous year that was 2020, I am feeling refreshed and ready for a new year. To that end, I ask you, my fellow painters, top share your New Year's Painting Resolution(s).

    Have a fantastic January, look after yourself and your loved ones, and keep those brushes damp!


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