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Everything posted by bertmac

  1. I've done a ton of damage with the Rail golem in the past like Francois, Mancha, slop hauler and a young laqois in one activation alternatively i'd never throw it against Lilith as she'd just drop its ML to 3 on the first attack and it wouldn't hit her after that. This game is all about choosing your match ups. Anything with armour 2 is not gonna be too bothered by yasunori although of course recalled training will turn it into a beast. Activation order would be key so a Collodi crew or Lilith with a couple of tots and primordial to pad activations then hypnotic gaze into imaginary forests for slow over 2" away engaged so that it has to walk to get into engagement range would be my idea. Collodi shooting it making it slow and charge its own people next turn would also be horrible.
  2. I'm a fan of a kaeris list based around burning. If we want to stay in theme. 4 points of upgrades + eternal flame. Willie. Rail golem imbued energies. Firestarter. Gunsmith. 2xfire gamin. Arcane effigy. I'm a fan of purifying fire arcane resevoir and either blinding flame or seize the day as Kaeris' upgrades. Basic but surprisingly effective!
  3. Play a lot without henchmen in arcanists. Although firestarter gets in regularly joss is a great tank but not always needed. I also generally prefer a Cerberus with IE than myranda with the same.
  4. Killing stuff is more fun. There is more of a social aspect as it actually involves your opponent. Killing all your opponents models is a good way to control them too as long as you haven't taken schemes where you need to interact with them!
  5. With all the convicts getting sent to Malifaux I expect Australia is still ruled by it's aboriginal inhabitants. Anybody read the Dan Abnett book, Triumff, her majesties hero?
  6. Sub zero and or imbued energies.
  7. You have Jonah Maul and michael rees down but pretty sure they are the same guy.
  8. I stuck to an M&SU theme for a shifting loyalties canpaign and smashed it. There isn't much that you can't do just within the M&SU. Most versatile is likely beast Marcus but most of our masters are pretty good in theme.
  9. Yep full crew box plus theme models. I play kaeris so kaeris, firestarter, eternal flame and 3x firegamin come to 21ss then maybe willie, rail golem a gunsmith plus upgrades. Not the killiest of crews but gives the other player an idea of conditions synergies and triggers.
  10. Also hoarcat prides are a great 5ss minion when expecting lots of SH attacks and good for doing good weak damage so aren't worried about hard to wound.
  11. Bring anyone. Guild are fairly poor compared to Arcanists. Not sure I've ever lost vs guild whilst not playing them myself. Kaeris can be ok vs sonnia. Don't set your own people on fire, take purifying fire for the pyre markers, kaeris, firestarter, hank and Cerberus are all fast enough to get to sonnia turn 2 at the latest, kill off Frank with the Cerberus. Have fun crushing the fascists with your comrades!
  12. Arcanists as a faction with lots of armour are great at grinding. The Ramos box would suit his needs.
  13. You could use corrupted hounds to save space for more guardsmen or mimics.
  14. I like them. Generally take them over rail workers if i think there'll be a fair bit of shooting.
  15. Paid Jon McCarthy. Chose pickup in store but guessing i don't need the physical ticket!
  16. I'd agree with that. she's straight forward and fun. Adds death marshals for when you play tara too.
  17. How come he didn't get 2 points for assassinate?
  18. Austringers are very good. If you are looking at a new crewbox you could either get the perdita box to alo pick up frank, nino and papa loco or The Hoffman box as Hunters and watchers are very good and the guardian can have uses with Lady J too. Brutal Effigy fits with a lot of crews.
  19. Frank and austringers certainly seems prevalent! Arcane resevoir goes on a lot of my Arcanist masters although Marcus can be played with thre of his specific upgrades and Seize the day only if I think I need initiative due to the strat as I like Kaeris with a limited and blinding flame so arcane resevoir tends to be the third upgrade. Imbued energis will generally be if I have enough enforcers/henchmen although I don't tend to take it on firestarter so whoever of Howard/Joss/Rail Golem/Sabertooth Cerberus/Myranda I've taken.
  20. She works well with everything in the faction pretty much.
  21. bertmac


    Apart from frank which family members do people take in non perdita crews regularly?
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