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Everything posted by KingJocko

  1. Glad to hear you've had success with our lovely pile of dirt. I've given it similar praise for the same reasons. It's easy to overlook it since it lacks a lot of interesting functions compared to the other expensive models, but it's durability is pretty insane if all you want to do is hold the center of the board.
  2. These rules do create a bit of a grey area, but I'm going to lean towards Walking Dead does the killing and not the model using Cremation. This is because Walking Dead specifies the killing aspect of this interaction while Cremation doesn't and on page 61 of the rule book, 3rd paragraph of the Killed section, "Killed models are always considered to be killed by the model that generated the Action or Ability that killed them". One could make a chicken or the egg argument that Walking Dead wouldn't have killed the model if it wasn't for Cremation being the source of the chain of events, but independent of one another Cremation doesn't kill other models while similar actions (i.e. target corpse marker, remove corpse marker) will cause the MZ/Candle to die every time from Walking Dead, so Walking Dead should be attributed the kill.
  3. My guess is 3 Riflemen and Queeg since most crew box minions are close to 6 points. I could see the Guard Patrol being paired up with the Sergeants in their own separate box.
  4. Overall I like your changes and agree on multiple Masters replacing Avatars as a reward. Putting Riders, Emissaries, or other versatile models as unlock-able feels too restrictive where additional Masters aren't necessary to have, but opens up another keyword to build around making your list building options a lot more adaptable. Also seeing your faction specific changes reminded me that Explorers Society is on the way and will need their own Reward Table, Lucky Misses, and anything else that's faction specific. Obviously we wont need those any time soon but doing some brain storming couldn't hurt.
  5. I've done Nicodem + McMourning since they share a handful of models, but the synergy wasn't really there. Both performed fine, however it didn't seem like anything OP would come of it since the two keywords were hurting each others internal synergies (not enough poison for McMourning, not enough corpses for Nicodem). The only other big synergy I could see is Nicodem + Red Chapel since a lot of that crew also has the Zombie keyword, but since it seems like Red Chapel is one of the weaker crews in Ressurs I'd doubt that Nico could elevate them to any ridiculous power level. Beyond that I'm not sure of any synergies Nico innately has with his faction that would be likely to break anything.
  6. They're entirely new models for 3rd edition and haven't had an official release yet. Because they weren't an existing model their stats weren't including in the public release of 3rd edition's final cards, though you could find their beta version floating around somewhere. Their artwork was previewed before 3rd edition was even announced, here's a thread discussing them: So no they're not Doxies of Belles, but something new and different. As for when they'll come out we don't know, the schedule of upcoming releases suggests that getting updated crew boxes and repackaging individual models into group boxes are being prioritized for the beginning of M3Es launch. New additions will come out later.
  7. I played both Archie and Grave Golem regularly in beta and for me one doesn't invalidate the other. They are fairly similar in general as they're both 10ish ss with the same attack actions so I can see how easy it is to think they're redundant, but for me it comes down to wanting to play offensively vs defensively. Due to his mobility and benefit from actively engaging enemies (e.g. all of his healing comes from attacking) Archie has a lot more value when it comes to getting into the enemies face and disrupting their plans. Numbskull not only protects him from the enemies, but forces him to be independent since its hard for him to be supported by allies since he cant gain beneficial conditions and Leap has him usually moving out range of short range help like Stitch Up or Painkillers. Despite all of his defensive abilities Archie has never been durable for me. Either his Df & Wp of 4 hurts him a lot or he just draws a lot of extra attention, but I rarely finish a game with him still standing. Archie is also a bit more resource intensive as at a minimum you're discarding for Flurry every turn and at most your cheating to make sure those big hits land since he's probably in a position to make it count for VP. I find Archie good for Reckoning, Plant Explosives, Assassinate, and Take Prisoner where his mobility and benefit from attacking can be advantageous. The Grave Golem has fewer things to do which makes for a more passive play style. His lack of mobility options means he's likely to make it mid field and get stuck in with enemies or meander around picking on enemies who're trying to get at your crews weaker models. Probably the biggest contrast between him and Archie is In every game I've taken him the Grave Golem never dies and unless my opponent brings excessive corpse clearing mechanics or denies my demise I don't see it ever happening. It's gotten to the point that enemies don't even try killing the Grave Golem anymore, in one of my last games against a Jack Daw crew the Grave Golem was constantly given Staggered and was just dragged away from combat so that he wouldn't be an issue (in that game Archie would've been a better choice). Because the Grave Golem doesn't rely on triggers or discards he's much less resource intensive than Archie as the only thing he needs is one corpse on the board to be safe, leaving your hand available to fuel other more active models. The Grave Golem does well at Corrupted Idols, Turf War, Claim Jump, or Ley Line where durability and holding ground are more important. Concern whether Archie is under costed is a possibility, but I wouldn't advocate for any changes yet. As said in this thread it's way too early in M3E's life to assume anything is OP just yet. While Archie is showing up in a lot of lists I find that more due to his versatility when you compare him to all of our regular 10ish ss hires. As previously stated I find Grave Golem more durable, but Archie comes in second place since his survivability doesn't come to the determent of his performance like the Dead Rider. When it comes to offense I think Rogue Necro is a bit more consistent, but Archie's Flurry means more opportunities to hit which can be better. It's hard to out do Dead Riders mobility, but a consistent Leap has Archie following close behind. For me it seems that while he's not the best at anything, he's pretty good at everything which edges out the more purpose focused models during list building. I would wait for some regular tournament results to come in before calling for buffs and nerfs on anything.
  8. As the owner of 9 Canine Remains and 10 Mindless Zombies, I'm disappointed I never fielded all of either of them in a list just for fun.
  9. I like odd builds like this, especially for Experimental since they're pretty good at adapting to situations so having an off build doesn't affect them much. If going full summoning gimmick I'd suggest a few things. First I'd try to summon turn 1 if able because of the extra cost of Slow on the FC and Distracted on McMourning. The sooner you acquire the conditions the sooner you can get rid of them rather than have hampered activations later when it'll likely matter more. Second, have you considered taking the Restless Spirit? It's Grave Robber is second only to the Gravedigggers and combined they could provide you with the 3 corpses you need to ensure every turn has a new FC. Maybe toss the GST and a Canine Remains to afford it then have it use Strength From The Grave on the Dead Rider to make up the lack of Regen. Finally I'd take Sebastian over Rafkin. Though Rafkin will be better for stacking up poison on the fresh summons I think for the summoning theme Sebastian might work better. Since you'll probably hit the FC cap on turn 3 or find some corpses in odd places for Twisted Genius to easily reach his action to summon Canine Remains will fill in the gaps. Plus more dogs means more corpses can be moved for Blasphemous Ritual, Twisted Genius, or The Dead Hate the Living. Just to clarify I don't think my suggestions are good for making this list necessarily competitive, but just to maximize on the summoning aspect without breaking it.
  10. Played against a Nekima crew as Lucius and had Alan roll with 2 Investigators. Boring Conversation and Diversion shut down a lot options, "One More Question" meant one less attack from Nekima every turn, and once Staggered landed the 3 of them would dog pile for min 3 damage. With a few Issue Commands those 3 took out Nekima and 2 Mature Nephilim by themselves and spent the rest of the game scoring Ley Line since they were barely alive. I agree on his own he's not impressive, but like a lot of Elite models he's a manipulator so its not about what he can do as much as it's what he stops the enemy from doing.
  11. I've taken McMourning in a Nicodem list as well as a Yan Lo list and both times he was not hampered by his missing Experimental support. Only Field Testing and possibly Perverse Metabolism would be inactive with the rest of his actions and abilities working as usual. While not as directly damaging as some of our regular beaters, Precise and his 7 Skull Saw does have him hitting consistently and ignoring most defenses. He's costly, but if the enemies bringing a lot of armor or HtW he guts them pretty quickly. I've been meaning to use her and haven't gotten around to it, but what about Valedictorian? She seems self contained to where she'd work fine outside of Transmortis. Understandably her damage isn't impressive when Archie would cost the same, but she's a bit more durable with a higher attack stat. Don't know if that makes it up in anyway, curious of others opinion.
  12. I once ran a firing line list with McMourning to great effect, it was: McMourning -Moonlighting (1) -Plastic Surgery (1) -Spare Parts (2) Graveyard Spirit (3) Carrion Emissary (10) -Carrion Conflux (0) Guild Lawyer (5) 3 x Guild Guard (9) 3 x Guild Autopsy (12) Rotten Belle (5) Remaining SS: 2 The whole crew ran up to the center line, McMourning with the Graveyard Spirit and Lawyer ran interception to stop any beaters getting too close and hopefully getting some Canine Remains and Flesh Constructs out of Moonlighting. Guild Guard made up the front line as Patrol and hard cover made them difficult to hit and if any of them fell McMourning would raise a new Autopsy in its place. The Belle would pull whoever I wanted dead into range of the guns and everything else was shooting. Can't remember what was the schemes or strategies, but I do remember my opponent ended up forfeiting on turn 4 as by that point as I had decimated most of his crew and had a 2-3 VP lead. He said the surprise of how much ranged fire power I was able to get into a Ressur list was what threw him off, he didn't plan on that even being a possibility.
  13. Re-reading the Monday Preview of the Executioner pursuit for Above the Law kind of spells it out: So unless what's in Above the Law is radically different from this they'll most likely end up with the Guardsman tag with a possibility of also running body guard for some of Lucius's lawyer types.
  14. I think the +1 Cost was a means of reinforcing thematic crews without giving them a flat stat advantage. Instead it becomes an issue of cost efficiency which I believe is less universally objectionable. Pro level players wont do a lot of mixing without meta incentives to push them, but casual players likely wont mind paying the extra stone or two for something different every once in a while. If stat increases was the reward for thematic crews we'd see a lot less experimentation as outside models would be missing the natural synergy of thematic crews and also the stat advantage of a thematic crew. If the negative presentation really matters they could always increase the base cost of every model by 1 and have thematic models cost 1 less, giving players the sense of a bargain for thematic crews, but it would ultimately be the same thing.
  15. Assuming she keeps some of her Black Blood mechanics I could see Heyreddin hanging with Molly's crew while still keeping his Nephilim tag in case Nekima needs some forbidden magic to call upon. Gravedigger make the most sense with Nicodem as graveyards was his business, but I could see Von Schtook employing them as well. Unless the Golem tag goes somewhere in M3E, I would think it would end up as a Versatile model.
  16. Wastrel 0SS Upgrade - Found Somethin' Shiney The Wastrel may attach this Upgrade as if it were an Enforcer. This model gains the following abilities: This could be worth something!: For the purposes of Schemes and Strategies this model may count its Soul Stone cost as 1 more or less than its original cost. Ain't worth the trouble: Discard this upgrade to reduce all damage from a single Attack Action targeting this model to 0. While I don't think this is would radically change Wastrels, it would give them a niche interaction with Ours, Vendetta, & Public Demonstartion that isn't available in Guild or TT. In addition the damage reduction effect gives them a little bit more survivability at the cost of this niche without slapping on a conventional Armor or HtW. This also has the benefit of making use of Promises without McCabes hand me downs, freeing him to throw his upgrades to more important models and makes the Wastrels more viable in non-McCabe lists.
  17. Heyreddin's the only one of those I've had a significant time with. Due to his high stats and mobility he makes a good flanker and at 6SS its a bit more forgivable when he falls. I haven't had much luck getting a lot out of Vitality since the moment he can farm the most from it is usually the point when my opponent has the most opportunities to get rid of that annoying plus flip on damage. He doesn't make it into every list, usually only when I dont have to worry about his death costing me VP.
  18. I ordered on January 5th. Order was the January 2017 Errata Cards Bundle. None of the cards were updated.
  19. I don't consider this is a major issue, but similar to what happened to Tara and crew I'd like it if McMourning and his associated models got a unique characteristic for the purpose of playing both Guild and Ressurectionists. Both Study Group and Envoy have really limited pools to hire from seeing how Guild Guards are pretty much inferior when compared to Guild Autopsies and McMourning doesn't have a lot of poison tools in Guild to always justify Sebastian and the Zombie Chihuahua. Both the Lawyer and Nurse are unique additions, but as support units you'll rarely take more than one of them. I'd rather Sebastion, Nurses, and ZC have a medical themed characteristic, extend it to Rafkin, Orderlies, Nurse Heartsbane, and Dr. Grimwell, and replace Study Group and Envoy with something like Medical Residency: Crews led by this model may hire up to 4 models with the Med Staff Characteristic that are not the crew's declared faction. This would give Ressur McM more options without paying the Merc tax, Guild McM a new poison tool, and allow future additions with the same characteristic.
  20. Sadly yes, Doug has to go on madness fueled rampages by himself. Fortunately Simulacrum 29 does make for a good Carrion Emissary proxy if you're not a fan of the bird.
  21. I'm hoping for a grappler/wrestler pursuit based on Mancha Roja. Having talents about redirecting enemy momentum and force all while doing a bad Macho Man Randy Savage impression sounds like a good time to me.
  22. Yes, with the Command the Grave upgrade Toshiro can summon both Ashigaru and Komainu regardless of what faction is declared. Where you'll get the scrap markers to summon the Komainu in a Kirai led crew is another matter to deal with. Hopefully you'll be fighting a Ramos who'll provide you with plenty of scrap.
  23. Looking for the following: 3 Depleted 1 Necropunk 4 Canine Remains Kaeris + upgrades Eternal Flame The Firestarter 2 Gunsmith 3 Fire Gamin Willie Soulstone Miner 3 Union Miner 2 Freikorpsmann 1 Freikorps Specialist Have the following cards for trade: Ressurectionists Kirai Ankoku + upgrades Lost Love Ikiryo Datsue Ba + upgrade 5 Seishin 3 Gaki 4 Night Terror 3 Onryo 2 Shikome Molly Squidpiddge + upgrades Necrotic Machine Philip and the Nanny Seamus + upgrades Copy Cat Killer Madame Sybelle + upgrade 3 Dead Doxy Carrion Effigy 1 Hanged 2 Rogue Necromancy 2 Student of Viscera 2 Student of Sinew 2 Student of Steel Guild Lady Justice + upgrades Scales of Justice Judge + upgrade 3 Death Marshal Perdita Ortega + upgrades Enslaved Nephlim Nino Ortega Papa Loco Santiago Ortega Abuela Ortega Sonnia + upgrades Purifying Flame Samael Hopkins + upgrade C. Hoffman + upgrades Mechanical Atendant 3 Guardian 2 Guild Hound 2 Hunter 1 Guild Sergeant 1 Guild Lawyer 3 Watcher 2 Exorcist 3 Pistolero De Latigo Pale Rider 3 Warden Brutal Effigy 2 Guild Pathfinder 1 Executioner Peacekeeper The Lone Marshal 1 Guild Austringer PM me if you're interested in trading.
  24. My friends and I have been looking into starting a game of TTB and while looking over the Fated Almanac we saw the Undead Station description and were a little confused about it. As a Ressurectionist player I'm aware that undead in Malifaux have varying levels of sentience and since a Fated still gains the Living characteristic we weren't quite sure how to incorporate the Station while developing a background for a character. We had a couple of generic ideas on how to use it, but none of them felt like solid stories so I thought I'd ask how you guys have used it in hopes of getting some inspiration. So how have you interpreted the Undead Station?
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