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4thstringer last won the day on July 29 2023

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  1. Right now we only have 9 tickets left, and 2 for the bonanza brawl. I almost certainly can get more spots for the brawl but the open the earlier I have warning the better (both because I need to ask for space, which involves asking the organizers to move things, and because I gotta work on terrain). So sign up ASAP!!
  2. Sorry, Richmond Virginia. About 2 hours south of DC.
  3. I had pretty good luck with a 7 trap list with basse 1 and sonnia 1 and the pale and a pathfinder. I think sonnia 2 could play good into that. Fun meme lists- Sonnia 1. , flame, 2 spelleaters with llc, 1 spelleater with exmarksman, lucius, scribe. Luci 2, scribe, sonnia 1 w/ llc, investigator, Agent 46 with LLC, changeling, (use down the wrong path to walk people into sonnias aura if they come close, use sonnia to blast them at range otherwise. Luci 1, scribe, 2 guardians, 2 lawyers, investigator, mage Nellie 1, totem, 3 false witnesses, 3 guild mages, phiona with a llc
  4. We are going to do a 3 rounder, double master allowed, event on November 12 at the historic Haven. Sign up here: https://www.longshanks.org/events/detail/?event=5766
  5. We are going to do a 3 rounder, double master allowed, event on November 12 at the historic Haven. Sign up here: https://www.longshanks.org/events/detail/?event=5766
  6. We are going to do a bonanza brawl and 2 day gt at the Richmond open this year. Hope to see you there.
  7. I'm starting a discord server to organize the Maryland/DC majestic meta in, to discuss events etc. If anyone in the area wants an invite, please shoot me a message.
  8. Double mounted guard, double sarge is a fave of mine.
  9. With one event under my belt I'm here to start bugging you for next Sunday. Summer panic series malifaux tournament part 2 this Sunday in Mt airy MD. Yesterday's part one was a ton of fun, with Jim Dyson taking the top spot. We are breaking out gg3 this Sunday and this is a single master event. This week's attendence prize was a measuring widget. I'm going to try to do tournament trays this week, unless my crafting skills fail me.
  10. Just a reminder for everyone, get me your sign up so I can send you the player packet and plan for how many tables I need.
  11. Capital city conference summer panic series. Capital city malifaux players, we are leading up to NOVA Open, and have literally 0 qualifying events to try to get players to qualify for the USFT masters invitational, despite it literally being in our backyard and run by our meta mates. Are we going to let Texas come in and dominate the event in our area? Here is my proposed solution: The summer panic series! Three events, on the July 17, July 24 and Aug 7. All gaining grounds (all) All three rounds 2 hour 15 minutes rounds All 9:30 -6ish No painting requirement, extremely loose proxy rules. Vwc rules decisions will be followed as much as possible. Location- my house in Mount airy, MD (easy route 70 access, 35 minutes north of Germantown) Weather permitting I will do this outside, I have pretty good shade cover in my front yard. If it's raining we will be in my basement The goals: As many unique players as possible. This is essential as we might get some flexibility on this requirement but 20 unique Is a hard ask At least 8 players at each event -and I don't count because I run it. Bring in all the new meta members- this is for fun, What I need from you! Terrain help- I have about 4 tables worth. 5 if it gets ugly I need you to show up! I know summer is hard, with vacations and all. But this is all for naught at under 8 players for each event. How do I sign up?? Email me at nhoyle1@gmail.com feel free to contact me on here or on discord @finn#5982 with any questions.
  12. I'm having the same problem. I'm thinking about ignoring down the wrong path and focusing on other abilities
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