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Which wave 2 models will become Henchmen?

Math Mathonwy

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Tara: New character. She's not due out for another year at least. She'll probably get the rest of her "standard crew" then. It'd be kinda cool if the undead Marshal, Hansen, would become the Henchman like how Madam Sybelle is a special Belle.

Tara is Wave 1 and I was pretty sure that they upgraded Karina to Henchman. Or maybe I'm misremembering the book as I only got a quick glimpse at my buddy's copy.

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Tara is Wave 1 and I was pretty sure that they upgraded Karina to Henchman. Or maybe I'm misremembering the book as I only got a quick glimpse at my buddy's copy.

While they put her in there, I think she is technically Wave 2. This is why her normal set will not come until around next GenCon (if I understood correctly). And she will probably get a few more that are part of her "crew." Everyone seems to have a few extra models that go with their flavor (generics like Canine Remains that fit McMourning, or uniques like Mr. Tannen with Lynch).

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Hoffman: I'm not sure. Ryle maybe? It makes sense on some level, at least as much as Madam Sybelle does.

If the fluff advances somewhat radically I could see that but in the current fluff that would be extremely weird, IMO.

Molly: This is my hope. Phillip Tombers. Put him in his baby carriage with a zombie pushing him. Come Wyrd. Phillip needs an upgrade!

Amusing though that would be, he really, really, really doesn't seem like leader material.

Collodi: Weaver Widow. Makes sense to me. She was important enough to be hired by Collodi despite not being a puppet.

Good thinking. Spawn Mother would also make sense as a Henchman, though not specifically aligned to anyone.

Dreamer: I actually suspect Lord Chompy Bits will be made a Henchman. I don't think two model Masters will exist in ME2.

I'm betting they will retain the two-model thing and Coppelius will become a Henchman.

Hamelin: Nix. Any Henchman under Hamelin will not have free choice or anything. Zombie dog makes sense as much as anything.

OOH giving out a Henchman option for all crews would make a lot of sense but OTOH Nix doesn't really seem like leader material. I would however rank this as more likely than Philip ;)

Yan Lo: Chiaki seems like the top suspect.

Toshiro is another possibility, though. He is a leader already after all.

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1 If the fluff advances somewhat radically I could see that but in the current fluff that would be extremely weird, IMO.

2 Amusing though that would be, he really, really, really doesn't seem like leader material.

3 OOH giving out a Henchman option for all crews would make a lot of sense but OTOH Nix doesn't really seem like leader material. I would however rank this as more likely than Philip ;)

1. I agree. But Madam Sybelle is kinda out there too. I haven't read all the fiction, but she seems no more conscious than any other belle. I admit this is pretty much one of those I don't really see another clear choice, so I made a random guess. The fact he comes in the Lucius box is probably the biggest reason I could see myself being wrong.

2. Phillip is one of my favorite characters from the fluff and might be my favorite if I thought about it. The severed head bit is a bit of a problem. But he is essentially Molly's lackey in a way similar to other Henchmen, so I have hope. I don't care how unrealistic it is. *grin*

3. Well, my logic is all of Hamelin's followers are essentially mind-controlled, so a dog makes sense in that it's not really the dog but an extension of Plague's power which could easily be more invested in Nix than any other being other than Hamelin himself.

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Chompy could be a totem / henchman in the same way as the Hungering Darkness. Totem with Dreamer; Henchman when leading a crew. Not saying I like the idea, but double masters are gone. Look at the Viks.

Dreamer and Chompy are very different from Viks as a "double master" since they are never on the table at the same time. I'm not saying that you are wrong, I'm just saying that it is a bold conclusion you are drawing and one that might not hold.

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Aren't we forgetting daydreams with this totems talk?

Perhaps...He could be an Enforcer, like Karina. Or he could be Henchman like the other Vik. We'll have to see.

Giving Chompy more autonomy on the battlefield would be great. No more having to have the revolving door of him vs Dreamer on how they're going to split their 3 AP and when can Chompy capitalize on his Melee Expert.

With Nicodem's Vultures getting trimmed down to a single one, and Somer losing two of his four Mosquitoes, I figured we'd lose at least one of our three Daydreams, just for the sake of balance.

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Perhaps...He could be an Enforcer, like Karina. Or he could be Henchman like the other Vik. We'll have to see.

Giving Chompy more autonomy on the battlefield would be great. No more having to have the revolving door of him vs Dreamer on how they're going to split their 3 AP and when can Chompy capitalize on his Melee Expert.

With Nicodem's Vultures getting trimmed down to a single one, and Somer losing two of his four Mosquitoes, I figured we'd lose at least one of our three Daydreams, just for the sake of balance.

It will be interesting to see no doubt. The dreamer/choppy shared AP mechanic was central in 1.5. It allowed only one of them to be a full master every turn. The bike are somewhat easier to separate since they aren't as dependent on each other. I'm wondering if the rewrite of Dreamer is going to be really extensive mechanically, like Levi was.

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The dreamer/chopmpy leads to some interestign issues. They were set up before to always have a master on the table, but only ever 1. Depending on how they decided to go on that aspect will make a big difference in the rules.

I would predict a corephyee duet being a Henchman, whilst the individual corephyee are enforcers. I'm not sure if it would be hireable, but it would allow it to get 2 upgrades (1 from each corephyee) and have use soulstone.

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