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Arcanist Minion Summary; Book 3 (Spoiler)


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Here we go with the Arcanists. If anyone with the book wants to add on, feel free, as this will be rather brief.

Angelica, Mistress of Ceremonies-

5ss Unique Showgirl. Adds some more manipulative fun to Collette's crew. She focuses on buffing other showgirls; an aura that makes them immune to falling back, buffs to wp, +resist flips, swapping showgirls around, and companion like abilities.

Blessed of December-

8ss, looks like she should be Wendigo's wife from Marvel comics. A quick, melee expert with a number of ways to heal. Damage spread isn't incredible, but it's resilient and quick with leap...already played against it and was fairly impressed.

Fire Gamin-

4ss construct. Pretty much what you'd expect, it's not a huge damage dealer, but it revolves around handing out burning counters. Will be very useful in Sonnia and Kaeris lists, and can be hired by both even though it's a non M&SU Arcanist unit.

Slate Ridge Mauler-

7ss, Rare 1...and it's a big a$$ bear! Gains a santiago like Enrage ability when wounded and has melee expert and a number of triggers that can make it's already impressive damage range pretty brutal. It has Ornery, but luckily Marcus' avatar can ignore that...right?

Union Miner-

4ss M&SU Asset. They get better when near each other, boosting their rather weak melee attacks, but their weapons prevent defensive triggers. They can also bury themselves and unbury at the end of the turn near a friendly M&SU member. Can take a ++ dg flip for a (2).

Arcane Effigy-

4ss, like all other effigies, can be hired by neverborn masters as well. Aetheric Connection, magic resistance and some decent offensive spells. Also has an awesome ability that can give a friendly leader +1AP that can only be used for casting.

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Thanks a lot for that!

Really disappointed in Blessed of December. Rasputina really needs a cheap minion that can hold its own in melee (Witchling Stalker, Punk Zombie, Young Nephilim, etc). What she really didn't need was another expensive model to go with her already expensive choices.

If it's a real melee model and better than Snow Storm for its points, it will probably push SS out of lists. Better than nothing I spose but overall a shame.

Effigy sounds cool, is it significant? Maybe better to run than EoP if it can actually do stuff itself. Maybe not though. Raspy is so expensive to run! Still, at least there's choices now.

Edited by Calmdown
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Well, one of the things I really like about Blessed of December is that she's a Graverobber. And Avatar Rasputina depends on Corpse counters for some of her stuff, so you really want at least one or more Graverobbers in play before Raspy comes out to play anyways, that way there are plenty of corpse counters laying around by turn 3 or 4. So, Blessed may replace Snowstorm in some lists, but I don't think it'll replace Snowstorm completely. Just gives us more options for Graverobbers instead. :) Crew building versatility is awesome.

Otherwise, I'm mostly looking forward to Angelica and the Fire Gamin myself. :D

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Fire Gamin-

4ss construct. Pretty much what you'd expect, it's not a huge damage dealer, but it revolves around handing out burning counters. Will be very useful in Sonnia and Kaeris lists, and can be hired by both even though it's a non M&SU Arcanist unit.

Does he have WP 4 or less. I'm curious if he is Zoraida friendly. There is also a new Neverborn that works with Kaeris and works with burning tokens. I'm looking for a small group that can work with either master.

Thanks a lot for that!

Really disappointed in Blessed of December. Rasputina really needs a cheap minion that can hold its own in melee (Witchling Stalker, Punk Zombie, Young Nephilim, etc). What she really didn't need was another expensive model to go with her already expensive choices.

If it's a real melee model and better than Snow Storm for its points, it will probably push SS out of lists. Better than nothing I spose but overall a shame.

Effigy sounds cool, is it significant? Maybe better to run than EoP if it can actually do stuff itself. Maybe not though. Raspy is so expensive to run! Still, at least there's choices now.

Don't forget we will finally get to see the Gunsmiths who I think will fit the bill.

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Does he have WP 4 or less. I'm curious if he is Zoraida friendly. There is also a new Neverborn that works with Kaeris and works with burning tokens. I'm looking for a small group that can work with either master.

If it's anything like the Ice Gamlin then yes - I'm willing to guess it has Wp4. Unfortunately it's also a construct, and Zoraida's Talent only lets her hire Wp4 Living models from other factions.

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Fire Gamin-

4ss construct. Pretty much what you'd expect, it's not a huge damage dealer, but it revolves around handing out burning counters. Will be very useful in Sonnia and Kaeris lists, and can be hired by both even though it's a non M&SU Arcanist unit.

Does anyone know what will be in Kaeris' box? These sound like they might be a good fit.

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Can we hear a little more about Angelica's abilities? I don't need an ability reprint, just some more tidbits.

I don't remember what's been quoted yet, but from my own memory here....

She's got an aura (10" maybe?) that protects Showgirls from Falling Back.

Her ranged attack doesn't work against Showgirls, so you can use it firing into melee without worry.

She has a spell (it's a (0) action I think), that lets you activate another Showgirl within 18" (?) at the end of her activation. So can help create some nice companion chains.

She's got an ability that after all models are deployed, but before the first activation of the game, she can switch places with another friendly showgirl model.

And then I'm pretty sure she's got a couple other things as well.

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Got a chance to take a look at the new Book yesterday.

New Piece for December is nice and if you go against a living crew will be hard to kill just because of how well it can heal when it needs to but it is meh and will not see most list but will be a fun piece to play with.

New Showgirl will be fine she is a support piece but nothing overly great but for 5ss just to get another showgirl on the table is fine. I will need to learn how to play with her and she will add to the defensiveness of the crew.

Fire Gamin is awesome like amazing and if you plan to play Kaeris or if you play Creed and will avater they are must have. If hit with melee you take damage and counter. When they die you take damage and counter if you hit with melee or range attacks you do damage and add counters. 4ss so nice.

Big bear for Marcus will be tons of fun great damage great survivability and will just be fun to add to the list for 7ss really give another great option for Myranda or to take by itself.

Generic Miner could be fun I just don't see him taken in any list other then a point filler for Kaeris could be fun just don't see him with any of the masters.

Our Doll is going to be great for Marcus and I really think becomes his new totem. Additional card in control hand as passive ability and giving Marcus another casting action is great would also work well with Ramos. Since is stays when you Avatar it is also great with them. I don't see Colette taking it because the doves are just too good and I will probably keep the essence on Raspy.

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One thing worth noting about angelica is she is the first showgirl with a discard component. I believe when I glanced over her she has a trigger that in the event of you doing moderate/severe damage you choose to do no damage (like headshot) but the model that is effected by it has to discard 2 cards or gain paralized.

So for colette players rejoice we now have a model that can attack resources of our opponents. Also her cancel falling back ability is a 8" aura from what I remember.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After having received my copy of Twisting Fate and gone over the minions several times, I think I can actually speak up as to their uses. So, here goes!

Angelica: If 40 SS tournaments become the norm, she will be a must-take. However, Colette's crews are rather inflexible and as such I don't see her getting a lot of use before that. She provides a lot of buffs to non-construct Showgirls, and her Showstopper trigger is just plain BEAUTIFUL, as is her 0 Spell (effectively an 18" companion, requires a 6 of any suit). But she's a moderate-cost buffer in a crew of moderate-to-high cost models already. I still love her, though.

Blessed of December: If you were taking a Cerebus for some mobile close combat nastiness with Rasputina and wanted something a little bit more themed, she's your gal. Fairly nasty claws and bite, particularly if you have high Ravens. Leap and Prowler can easily make her one of the fastest models in the game, particularly on turn 1 (where it'd be easy to stay out of LoS). I really cannot tell you how much I like Leap on this model.

Fire Gamin: It's cheap, and it can give out Burning tokens. That's really about it, but what do you expect for 4 stones? They do their best tying things up in melee, since they are very unlikely to hit anything at range.

Slate Ridge Mauler: Hard to Wound and Bearskin Armor (heh) is nice. It's got some scary damage potential for its cost, particularly when it's been wounded (or if you have high Ravens in hand). But, seeing as how it's meant to be a buff to Marcus, I wonder if he's not too slow to be truly worthwhile.

Union Miner: He costs 4 SS and is an M&SU Asset. You're not getting a horrible model for the cost, but you're not getting anything amazing either. You'll also be wanting multiple of them, which rapidly becomes a problem unless you're taking Kaeris or Ramos. Kind of interesting damage potential for his cost, though.

Arcane Effigy: Oh, look, Neverborn got another boost. Marcus might take it, too: I don't know, I don't see any of the other Masters as being willing to give up their totems, even if they plan on Hulking Out, erm, Manifesting, early.

All in all, I'm digging on the Blessed and Angelica, think the Mauler might be too little too late (and that it's overshadowed by the Sillurid stuff anyways), don't much care for the Miner or Gamin, and am irritated at the Effigy. But that's my views on it.

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And dont forget Iggy, it may be a Neverborn model, but is made for Kaeris! Actually a model that not only generates Burning tokens but also takes advantage of multiple tokens on models....

I was going to comment on him (and the Sillurids), but I wanted to wait just a little bit. Oh well, I've waited long enough.

Iggy: He'll be used with Kaeris, of course, and provides some more firepower (get it?) to her crew. For half again the cost of a Gamin, you get one that's a little faster, a little more accurate in combat, and who likes to toss around fireballs. Thing is, he's an oddly mixed model, with Ranged Expert combining with a primarily melee-based ability and trigger list. Playing with Matches is a very useful spell for him, though.

Spawn Mother: For an effective 5 stones, she's a really useful model for Marcus. She's got decent Defense and Wounds, and Rain Dance is just plain nice. I can't help but think her best use will be to sit on an objective (or between two dynamite tokens, for example) and help Sillurids make hit and run attacks. And, of course, spawning Gupps.

Gupps: They're slow, they're little, they don't do much damage. But they get to companion all Sillurids around them, which make them absolutely amazing if you're taking a Marcus Leapfrog list (see what I did there?). Juvenile's Wail is even more amazing, since it can let you set up for multiple leaps in a turn. I have mentioned how much I love leap, haven't I?

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Good Insights

I agree with a lot of what you said, though I am less concerned about the bear's value relative to Marcus' crew's speed.

Marcus can run a really fast crew, and its usually a great idea to try and have a good "alpha strike" element in there, but that also usually means that he's really lacking in terms of mid/late game. All the "alpha strike" models he can take tend to evaporate once they get hit, so its really nice for him to have access to a model that is more likely to be around when Marcus really needs something big to fall back on.

Plus, with McTavish, giving the grizzly a scoot up to the front lines at the right time shouldn't be too difficult. ;)

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