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  • Birthday 08/07/1992

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  1. The first thing I'd do is buy two Austringers and abuse the hell out of them.
  2. I've found that dropping pyres in the middle of enemy forces does enough damage to make her worth it, especially against spell-dependent crews that you can abuse counterspell with.
  3. I think sadpanda Kirai would get very annoyed very quickly with the antics of crazy Molly. Just sayin.
  4. So far I'm going to throw my weight behind: Guild- either revealed Lucius or some kind of customs officer Arcanists- alchemist/herbalist, Three Kingdoms preferably Resurrectionists- someone who functions similarly to a Rider, based on how many body/corpse counters you have Neverborn- maybe something based on fear of the dark? Outcast- a gambler, maybe halfway between Somer and Colette
  5. If there is another Three Kingdoms-flavored master, I would love an herbalist/alchemist type Arcanist. They could spend actions to turn on different auras, like healing or paralysis... maybe have grenades too. They could even have crazed opium-addict minions
  6. I think I lose most often because I am too afraid to sacrifice a model to achieve an objective. Also because my friends play a lot of Neverborn >:3 Stupid demons...
  7. Looks pretty solid, but I worry about all those Coryphee against non-shooty crews... They still only have 4 wounds a piece. Don't know what I'd run otherwise though :/
  8. 35ss: Sonnia c4 Samael 8 Austringer x2 10 Witchling Stalker x3 12 Avatar of Conflagration 2 7 ss Pool
  9. Yeah, I'm planning on doing a really light Gryphonne Sepia wash on the belles, but I don't want to do too many more as I want to keep them pretty pale. I'm worried any more washes on the clothes might dull down the colors... am I just being too nervous?
  10. So I just taught another one of my friends to play and from a brief description of the fluff he was interested in trying out Sonnia. We played starter box v. starter box, so I had: Seamus Sybelle Belle x3 8ss And he had: Sonnia Samael Witchling x3 8ss The only defining feature of the terrain was that there were two "Mysterious Effigies". We had Shared Turf War for a strategy. As for schemes, I took Bodyguard Seamus, he took Kill Protegée on Sybelle, and we both took Breakthrough. After two turns of luring shenanigans and Seamus popping two witchlings, Samael was dead, Sybelle was badly wounded and I had summoned a fresh Belle. Sonnia then managed to burn out Sybelle for two VP- and a new Witchling! I then summoned a second Belle (too bad I only have three figs for them >_> ) and ran it over to my deployment zone. I quickly sent two of my Belles (one of which was definitely Witchling bait at one wound) over to his deployment zone, leaving one to guard Seamus, who was standing near an effigy. I then used his Flintlock and my last Belle to put Sonnia out of her misery. Final score was my victory, 9-6. All in all the Sonnia player did very well for his first game, I think she might be one of the better 'teaching' masters. We both felt it would have been closer had he known that soulstones did nothing for you at the end of the game- he had three left when the game ended.
  11. Not sure about the face plate but the robe and bible look awesome
  12. I don't know about Hoffman, I just want some for Lucius!
  13. The box set can't really be used effectively by Ressers (at least as packaged). It's basically a grab bag of minions.
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