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Design a Master Upgrade


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Lately I have been reading on the forum a lot about people wanting new Master Upgrades. For example in What do you think the next book will hold? and some people already mentioned it in Your three Malifaux related wishes.

Design a Master Upgrade, preferably a Limited one, for your favorite Master. It can mitigate their weakness, hone their streangth or completely change their playstyle.


Sewing Kit

Restrictions: Zoraida, Limited

Cost: 5 SS

► This model gains the following Ability:

Casting Expert: This model gains 1 additional AP which may only be used to take Ca Actions.

► This model gains the following Tactical Actions:

(1) "I Will Sew You a Friend." (Ca 7:mask / TN: 15:mask:mask): Discard any combination of 2 Scrap, Corpse or Scheme Markers within 6" and LoS to summon a Wicked Doll into base contact with this model.

:mask:mask:ram"Here, Catch!": The Wicked Doll is summoned into base contact with a model that is within 6" and LoS instead.

:mask:mask:crow"It's... Perfect.": After succeeding, the summoned model does not gain the Slow Condition.

(1) Stitch Together (Ca 7:mask / TN: 17:mask:mask): Discard any combination of 4 Scrap, Corpse or Scheme Markers within 6" and LoS to summon a Stitched Together into base contact with this model.

:mask:mask:crow"It's... Perfect.": After succeeding, the summoned model does not gain the Slow Condition.


The reason why the Tactical Actions are Ca 7:mask is to make them consistent with Zoraida's other Ca Actions. That is why TN is :mask:mask and why Triggers have 3 suits.

Yours doesn't have to be a complete Upgrade though, but I would love to see some. A concept would be enough - someone might expand on your idea.

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Rocket Powered Broom

Restriction: Mah Tucket

Cost: ??????

► This model gains the following Attack Action:

(1) Rooty Tooty Point and Shooty (Sh 5 / Rst: Df / Rg: :ranged 8): Target suffers 2/2/6:blast:blast damage. This action may only be taken once per activation. After dealing severe damage, discard the Rocket Powered Broom upgrade.

:ram:maskRide Along: after damaging, push this model into base contact with the target.

This model gains the following Tactical Action:

(0) What a Mess!: Target a Corpse, Scrap or Scheme Marker within 6". Push this model into base contact with it, then discard it and all other Corpse, Scrap and Scheme Markers within :pulse3


because mah needs more movement tricks imo

also he's not a master but i really want an upgrade called Foreign Object that gives Mancha Roja an attack action called "I'm Going To Jab You In The Eye!" with a trigger called "ba badada ba foreign object!" that lets him take it again.

Edited by Dogmantra
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Restriction: Seamus

Crews led by this model may hire living, non-totem models with the Showgirl Characteristic that are not this crew's declared faction. At the start of the game any models hired in this way lose the Living and Showgirl characteristics and gain the Undead and Belle characteristics.

Sinister Music Box: Models with the Belle Characteristic within :aura8 gain Don't Mind Me: This model may take interact actions while engaged.





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Forbidden Tomes

Restrictions: Sonnia Crid, Limited

Sonnia gains the following ability:
Runes of old Malifaux: Sonnia Crid gains a :tome to the duel total of all Ca actions.

Sonnia Crid gains the following attack action:
(3) Witchfire (ca 8:ram/res: def/target 15:ram) deals 4/6/8 damage
:tome Chifron's fury: Target gains the burning +1 condition for each tome in the final duel total.
:tome:tome:ram From the flames: If the target has the burning condition, discard a card and sacrifice the damaged model. Summon a Fire Gamin in base contact with the model. The fire gamin takes 2 damage that cannot be reduced. The fire gamin activates immediately at the end of Sonnia Crid's activation.

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Perfect Balance 0ss

Lady Justice, Limited

This model gains the following Attack Action:
(1) Big Ass Raptor (Sh 9 / res: Wk / Rg: 24): Kill target Gremlin. This attack does not require LoS to the target and ignores Cover. When this Attack Action gains the benefits of the Focus Condition, increase its range to :ranged36.

:ramCritical Strike: When damaging the target, this attack deals +1 damage for each :ram in the final Duel Total.

:maskGouge out its eyes: After succeeding, the target discards its whole hand.

Seems Perfectly Balanced to me.  But why make it Justice only? I think all the Guild Masters should have access to it. 

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 Lucius - The True Power Behind The Mask. 2ss.

You're all under my command: this model may hire Guild Executioners at -1ss cost. Executioners hired this way exchange Enforcer to Minion. 

(1) Whispers From The Governor Ca6 rst WP range 10: target model suffers 3/4/5 damage and gains red tape condition. 

Dashel: Fold in Line 2ss.

(1) Listen up maggot! Ca5 TN17 :ram : Summon a Guild Guard model in base contact with target scheme marker, discard the scheme marker. 

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 Lucius - The True Power Behind The Mask. 2ss.

You're all under my command: this model may hire Guild Executioners at -1ss cost. Executioners hired this way exchange Enforcer to Minion. 

(1) Whispers From The Governor Ca6 rst WP range 10: target model suffers 3/4/5 damage and gains red tape condition. 

Dashel: Fold in Line 2ss.

(1) Listen up maggot! Ca5 TN17 :ram : Summon a Guild Guard model in base contact with target scheme marker, discard the scheme marker. 

Now I'm just imagining Dashel yelling so loudly and angrily that it tears open a breach to some random guild guard that's slacking off somewhere and pulls them through it into the middle of the fight and he's just looking around all confusedly.

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Hat Trick 7SS

Wong, Limited

This model gains the following Tactical Action:

(2) Reach into the Hat (Ca 7:tome / TN: 17:tome / Rg: 6): Summon Brewmaster.

:ram:tome Ooh, What Have We Here: Summon Mah Tucket instead.

I think 10 of any suit is a fair requirement. It is a (2) AP action after all. 

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Hat Trick 7SS

Wong, Limited

This model gains the following Tactical Action:

(2) Reach into the Hat (Ca 7:tome / TN: 17:tome / Rg: 6): Summon Brewmaster.

:ram:tome Ooh, What Have We Here: Summon Mah Tucket instead.

:ram:tome:mask:crow A Spectacular Finale: Summon Som'er, Ophelia, Brewmaster, Zoraida, Mah Tucket and Ulix

I fixed it 4 u.

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Hat Trick 7SS

Wong, Limited

This model gains the following Tactical Action:

(2) Reach into the Hat (Ca 7:tome / TN: 17:tome / Rg: 6): Summon Brewmaster.

:ram:tome Ooh, What Have We Here: Summon Mah Tucket instead.

:ram:tome:mask:crow A Spectacular Finale: Summon Som'er, Ophelia, Brewmaster, Zoraida, Mah Tucket and Ulix

I fixed it 4 u.

It does require Lenny, a card and a stone. Seems fair. 

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Exactly, and don't forget since they're summoned, they all get slow!

That is very true! I see no problem with this, they can't interact either and they can only be summoned within 6"! And they don't get upgrades so there's that.

Though Phelia can still get her upgrades. On the other hand, Ressers can summon Hanged, so it still seems balanced to me.

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The Commander (1SS)

Von Schill

(0) You are under my command! (Ca: 6/ Tn: 13/ Rg: 8) - Target friendly model gets Freikorps characteristic until the end of the turn

:tome After success you can use Follow me! action immediately on the same target model.

(0) Follow me! (Ca: 6/ Tn: 11/ Rg: 8) - Push friendly Freikorps up to his Wk in any direction.

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Opportune Recruitment

Outcast - Leader

This model gains the following tactical action:

(0) A fistful of scrip and a gun (Ca: 6/ TN: 13/ Rg: 6) - Discard one soulstone to summon a Desperate Mercenary in base contact with a terrain piece within range.

:crowDesperation - The summoned model suffers 1 damage and does not gain the Slow condition.

:maskCovert Agent - The summoned model may take Interact actions the turn it arrives.

:tome:ramSurprisingly Capable - Discard an additional card and summon a Freikorpsman instead.


Basically, I thought it would be fitting for Outcast leaders to be able to throw some money and a gun at bystanders hiding around the fighting grounds to "recruit them". Also, this would allow us to use those lovely models a bit more. :P

Edited by Erorior
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Arcanists - Rasputina - Limited - 3ss

Ice and Snow:

(0) From Ice: (Ca: 7 / TN: 15 / Rg: 6) - Summon an Ice Gamin in base contact with another Frozen Heart model.

(0) Snowball: Target an Ice Gamin within 6", sacrifice this and two more within 3" of this one. Then summon an Ice Golem in base contact with the target.


What do you think? I always miss the summon on Raspy, in the histories she can summon this things :D

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Outcast - Viktoria of Ashes

"Girls Night Out" 2SS

All non-peon Sister Models come into play with 2 Poison Tokens

Viktoria Of Ashes gains the ability: "Hey, Watch This" This model does not flip for Sister Models when shooting into engagements.

Viktoria of Blood gains the ability: "Why I Can't Have Nice Things" This model gains Manipulative 10 until it has 4 or less wounds.  

Vanessa gains the ability: "Look What I Found" This model is allowed to hire 1 out of faction Construct with a Soulstone Cost of 5 or less at no penalty.

Student of Conflict: "Pretty New Dress" This Model gains Disguised.

All SIster Models gain the following: Tactical Action (0) "Hey! Where'd They Go?" Push this model in any direction until it gains LOS of another Sister Model, up to 3"

Edited by gonzo917
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Sewing Kit

Restrictions: Zoraida, Limited

Cost: 5 SS

► This model gains the following Ability:

Casting Expert: This model gains 1 additional AP which may only be used to take Ca Actions.

► This model gains the following Tactical Actions:

(1) "I Will Sew You a Friend." (Ca 7:mask / TN: 15:mask:mask): Discard any combination of 2 Scrap, Corpse or Scheme Markers within 6" and LoS to summon a Wicked Doll into base contact with this model.

:mask:mask:ram"Here, Catch!": The Wicked Doll is summoned into base contact with a model that is within 6" and LoS instead.

:mask:mask:crow"It's... Perfect": After succeeding, the summoned model does not gain the Slow Condition.

(1) Stitch Together (Ca 7:mask / TN: 17:mask:mask): Discard any combination of 4 Scrap, Corpse or Scheme Markers within 6" and LoS to summon a Stitched Together into base contact with this model.

:mask:mask:crow"It's... Perfect": After succeeding, the summoned model does not gain the Slow Condition.


The reason why the Tactical Actions are Ca 7:mask is to make them consistent with Zoraida's other Ca Actions. That is why TN is :mask:mask and why Triggers have 3 suits.

Yours doesn't have to be a complete Upgrade though, but I would love to see some. A concept would be enough - someone might expand on your idea.

I really like this, btw. It's very fluffy and I like the mechanics. Maybe a bit expensive (as it's competing with Obey  for an Action and Obey is pretty damn rad).

Also, a reason to bring Wicked Dolls with Zoraida would be very nice (I like the thematics of it, but I feel that Wicked Dolls are a bit lackluster).

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Arcanists - Colette

"Casting Call" 3SS, Limited

Colette gains the following Tactical Actions:

(0) Audition: (Ca: 7:tome/TN: 14:tome/Rg: 8): Target model gains the SHOWGIRL characteristic until the end of the turn

   :tome:tome A Chorus Line: Take the action again, this action may not declare Triggers

   :tome:mask Callback: Target gains the SHOWGIRL characteristic until the end of the game

(1) Stunt Double: (Ca: 7:tome/TN: 13:tome/Rg: 8): Place friendly Minion or SHOWGIRL within 1" of target friendly Scheme Marker into base contact with Colette.  Place Colette into base contact with target Scheme Marker.  Discard Scheme Marker

  :tome:maskEncore: Target Scheme Marker does not need to be discarded

  :tome:crowOn Cue: Target Minion/SHOWGIRL may take a (1) Ml Action against any model within range

  :tome:ramIntermission: Colette heals 2 Damage

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