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GenCon is Over!

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Hey all,


I'd love it if you'd leave some GenCon feedback here. This includes: what you thought of our booth/webstore, how the models are looking, things you liked, and things you didn't like.


It's useful to know what people are thinking! Like, how is the multi-post Miss? Anyone try out the flight stands?


If you were at GenCon and got an awesome demo from someone, give them a shout out! We have awesome Henchmen, and they deserve recognition!




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The terrain for playing on was top notch. As many of us who have been to past GenCon, these were some of the best tables to play on. The quality, aesthetics, colors, and terrain features just said 'Malifaux'! Well done to Nox for his team of terrain builders and for Joe and Dawn bringing scatter terrain.


I would like to add that there are few things that need to be considered with the terrain to make it better, but it's nothing major. A few things here or there with more consideration to things like deployment shapes, where a Turf Marker 'fits', etc. But honestly, the tables were so nice there is very little to complain about. I'm sure you'll start a new thread about specifics later.


Other non-terrain things to note....the booth, as always awesome, but it was so easy to get in and get out of there this year. Everyone working was helpful and it was very easy to find what you were looking for and how much it cost, was very professional looking! The only thing I'd say would help (both purchasers and Wyrd make more money), is to PLEASE for the love of god give us baskets of some sort. I'm sure people would buy more if we could have baskets or bags or something to carry around all of the things. I know I'd have thrown a few extra random things in my basket if I could cause my hands were too full.


Awesome job though, Wyrd once again proves how a vendor should do GenCon, it was amazing. 

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+100 to the shopping basket idea, it encourages impulse buying, facilitates the flow of $$$$, and last but not least makes it a little easier to get everything you need on that first time through the line. Ok that last point may not always be true as we all seem to be drawn back multiple times due the aura of awesomeness (+5 awesome condition which cannot be removed or reduced)

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I have to say, after going the last 4 years now, that Wyrd exceeds expectations every time. The booth looked great and having extra space for the line once it got really busy was genius for keeping booth clear for shoppers. I second Adam's basket suggestion as one who's arms are always full and dropping little boxes all the way to the cashier! The other Henchman (Victoria, Nick, George) who always help out are fantastic at being "personal shoppers", even offering to help hold the loot! Seeing all the new toys in the case is great and seeing them painted is even better!

Our tables were amazing! So pretty! There were little things that we had to work with to try and keep a level playing field, but we tried to keep it competitive and fair and know what to do better next year. Joe ROCKED the events this year and I hope everyone involved had a great time. I know there was a lot of buzz over the game, demos were busy, TtB was going and sounded great and we had some fun rounds of Hardcore and Enforcers Brawl going down. Having our "Lemonade Stand" showed how professional Wyrd is as a company and also drew attention (Justin, Hall D?).

I have lots of pictures of people bent of tables and some of the booth if anyone is interested. I spent most of the weekend in the Event Hall, having a blast ;)

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Ran demos all weekend. The only complaint I heard about the starter set was that the suits in the fate decks don't match the suits on the stat cards. For a starter set I can see that being a problem. (The suits on the fate decks are the same as on the retro decks). Not a single person was able to identify the crow on the fate deck was the same as the crow on the stat card.

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Had an amazing time, the staff, volunteers and especially the henchmen were amazing to talk to, friendly, engaged and obviously passionate about what they were doing.  The terrain was amazing for the display pieces (though I never went to any of the demo games or tournaments).


My only request would be a better way to let us know what events you all have going on?  What items for sale were easy to find but I didn't know the events that were going on (such as the awesome speed painting).  In the future I'll have to pay a little closer to the GenCon events but any help you all could provide would be amazing.


Oh and thank you for your help personally and tell Mason we said thank you for the interview!

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The booth in the exhibit hall was fantastic; overall you have translated the aesthetic of your products into your booth very well. Once again the Whiskey Golem pulled people in and it was nice to see the Coryphee statue on one of the other corners worked well to catch people’s attention from the other side. Once again the fantastic cosplayers you had around the booth seemed to help bring attention to your booth in a hall that has a million things going on at once.


Very nice use of the space of your booth, even during the first day rush the shop had enough room to move around in and find products, but didn’t really have any wasted space (I know that floor space is definitely at a premium on the exhibit floor). Having some kind of shopping basket available for those of us making large purchases would be very handy; the small size of some of the boxes (effigies, widow weaver, etc.) makes it difficult to balance a lot of them.


As to your area in the Events Hall, the table with the clapboard front and Wyrd logo at the top made your area much easier to find than previous years and put a really good face to the area. The tables you had set up for tournaments were fantastic and really showcased the game well. I played in the “Welcome to the Boxcar” Henchman Hardcore tournament on Saturday and had a really great time; everything went smoothly and it seemed like everyone playing had a great time. The raffle at the end of the tournament was also really nice.


I participated in the 5th round of the Wyrd Speed Painting Contest and the Speed Painting Championships. The model for the finals round was the limited edition, alternate sculpt Kaeris which was a really great surprise (although mine had a miscast on one of the wings :( ). Although I didn’t personally receive any of the prize support for the contest (other than awesome models to speed paint), there was some great prize support for this fun contest.  I am definitely going to participate in Wyrd speed painting again next year.


As to shout-outs, the Wyrd staff members were helpful and friendly across the board and the volunteers were great! Special thanks to a volunteer named Tara (or it might have been Tera) who helped me out during the Day 1 rush by helping me pull models I needed when my arms were completely full and then told me to wait in the check-out line while she ran to the back to grab me a model that needed restocking on the shelves. Also a huge shout-out to Sean “the Iron Volunteer” Shadowopal for giving me and my buddy a fantastic demo game of When Darkness Comes Rattling—I have never had my ass so soundly handed to me by a board game and had so much fun in the process. 

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My thoughts, many of which have already been said:


  • Booth = amazing. Best handling of a massive Day 1 line I've ever seen, and far better than some bigger and more experienced vendors (*cough* FFG *cough*). Baskets or bags of some kind would have been an excellent addition, but other than that I have no complaints at all. The runners (crack dealers!) were always extremely helpful.
  • The display of assembled minis was great, though it might have been nicer for newcomers if they were labeled with their faction/box/name. That way, when they say, "Ooh! That looks awesome!" they know what they need to buy. :)
  • The tournament boards were very cool and got a lot of attention and compliments throughout. Some of the sand/rock/turf was a bit loose and stuck to models and/or fingers, but that's a minor complaint.
  • The "terrain guide" at each board was a huge help for the Enforcer Brawls - shame they seemed to disappear after the first event. In general, I'm in favor of letting players define the terrain themselves, but with 4-6 players in a fast-paced event, that can be a big time sink.
  • The tournament events were great fun - thanks to all involved in coordinating them, especially Joe and Dawn! That said, I felt like the 30-minute rounds for Henchman Hardcore were just too short. Of all the Wyrd events I played, that was the one I enjoyed least. I'd much rather play 3 45-minute games than 4 30-minute ones.
  • As usual, everyone involved - Wyrd employees, Henchmen, and the community at large - were invariably friendly, helpful. and cool in the extreme. I think I saw one cranky player all weekend.

In short - great job everyone!

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+1 for baskets. Otherwise, I think everything has been covered. Well done. Helping teardown really allowed me to witness. The awesome planning job Nox did on the assembly of the booth and event shack. As a prop builder, all I can say is kudos Nox! Using the stage crates as actually storage and shipping is awesome. And having two crates at the events area to store bags of the volunteers was greatly appreciated.

Big thanks to everyone who came by and demos Darkness with me. Had a blast. After 32 demos and 40+ hours of demoing, I still love this game.

Thanks to Aaron, Justin, Mason, Eric, Nathan and the rest of the crew for putting together a great convention.

Thanks to Victoria Caroland and Kelley for helping me get my shopping done with little issues.

Thanks to Shaun for lending me his multi-touch often during tear down.

Thanks to Victoria. Myer Hrenda., Nik. And George for being awesome personal shoppers.

Thanks to Joe, Dawn, Maht and all the others who ran the event. The Chicago area crew had a blast. I hope I can repay that kindness at adepticon. s

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Good webstore




Everything I wanted was OOS friday evening.

I wanted to buy Arcane Effigy/Brutal Effigy/Crossroads 7/T-Shirt

Friday evening only the T-shirt was left (2 of them actually). I had to buy Ryle and Carnival to go to the 100$.


This wouldn`t be that bad if I knew if there is going to be a restock or not (as I saw Komainu being restocked thursday)




I`ll talk about shipping when I get my stuff.

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Two minor glitches involving the two player starter set:

  • The URL in the book appears to be wrong (or was wrong last week).
  • I bought two copies of the starter set in the same purchase.  Am I supposed to submit twice, or just receive two codes?



Which URL is wrong? I put someone on that, but it may not have been completed.


Since the Starter Set download is tied to DriveThruRPG, if you bought it twice you'll only get the one copy per your one DriveThru account.

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The webstore was certainly a lot better than previous years!


I have 2 comments of a less awesome variety:

  • Shipping was miserable. $45 to ship 4 books to Canada? I get that books are made of heavy dead trees, but that's a little painful in a world of Amazon Free Shipping over $100. I cut down my order because I had to give that much money to the shipping company, as opposed to giving my money to Wyrd. That was the cheapest option - the most expensive was $65.
  • There doesn't appear to be any Cancel button on the webstore. I did my order, then because of shipping wanted to combine my order with some friends. I couldn't Cancel, so I contacted Wyrd CS. The nice lady and I had a conversation about it, but every option I had was "your order won't go out until everyone elses is done". So I made the choice between a late order and $45 of shipping and decided I wanted my books sooner rather than later. An automated Cancel option would have allowed me both.


Looking forward to my heavy dead trees! :D

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Which URL is wrong? I put someone on that, but it may not have been completed.


Since the Starter Set download is tied to DriveThruRPG, if you bought it twice you'll only get the one copy per your one DriveThru account.


The URL in the book is:



That brings up the "We couldn't find the page you were looking for" page.

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The webstore was certainly a lot better than previous years!


I have 2 comments of a less awesome variety:

  • Shipping was miserable. $45 to ship 4 books to Canada? I get that books are made of heavy dead trees, but that's a little painful in a world of Amazon Free Shipping over $100. I cut down my order because I had to give that much money to the shipping company, as opposed to giving my money to Wyrd. That was the cheapest option - the most expensive was $65.
  • There doesn't appear to be any Cancel button on the webstore. I did my order, then because of shipping wanted to combine my order with some friends. I couldn't Cancel, so I contacted Wyrd CS. The nice lady and I had a conversation about it, but every option I had was "your order won't go out until everyone elses is done". So I made the choice between a late order and $45 of shipping and decided I wanted my books sooner rather than later. An automated Cancel option would have allowed me both.


Looking forward to my heavy dead trees! :D


Darkness comes Rattling 65$

Shipping to Poland 61$ 


Don`t dare to complain  :D


I know Wyrd, its not your fault. Funny nontheless

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A HUGE Thank you to all who Attended and bought Tickets for our Tournament events all Weekend.


Our Smallest non invitational event was 18 players.  That's awesome Ladies and Gentleman. The events were a blast to run and organize and I want to give a Special thank you to Dawn, Maht, Aaron and Justin for helping with the events and keeping me sane and hydrated all weekend.


I appreciate all the feedback on the events its how we get better and we will. You asked for better terrain and we delivered.  HUGE HUGE THANK YOU TO NOX! the Terrain got so many compliments and so many people coming up to take pictures of it and ask what is this used for? TO which we helped make sure our Demoers were never bored. Thank you to all who took their con to Demo!


Avatar format was very well received and performed wonderfully. 


I'd like to thank Wyrd for offering the invite for me this year and think I helped deliver what we were planning on. 


I will do some qualifier tweaks based both on feedback and on observation.  Tentatively next go round Top 6 in masters qualify and the winner of each of the 2 Henchman hardcores will form the top 8 and receive an invite to Avatars.  Enforcers brawl Catalina Grind mixer our Thursday event largest event at 32 players will make its return but will not be a qualifier.  Next go round very likely there will be a Treacherous Ties event added but it will not be a qualifier. 


The Booth was amazing and our Lemonade stand in the events area was priceless. The store was very easy to maneuver and find exactly what I needed and when I couldn't Id have so much help waiting for me it wasn't even funny. 


I appreciated all the work that everyone did to make Gencon what appeared to be a huge success. Beings i'd be off duty and hear people talking about Wyrd in the hall ways and by ways was amazing to be a part of. 

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