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Guess Who Dies In Shifting Loyalties?!

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So with Gen Con being a month away - anyone interested in putting bets down?

One of the things that I'm almost positiive of is that eventually Wyrd will start rotating masters within factions - there will be henchman promotions, old masters leaving, and all new ones coming (hopefully get rid of all non-10T duel masters, too).

If someone is going to die... it will be... Leveticus!

This is why: This badass mofo is just too badass for the avatar transformation and instead of becoming an avatar he loses his mortal body and becomes the 14th tyrant - a machine god of the new generation. This will be the first tyrant of this new generation of humans in Malifaux. Then he starts the next Malifaux apocalypse with his rider friends. The gourth book will be everyone getting their asses kicked back to earthside. Zoraida did allude to Leveticus being very important in the future of Malifaux, after all.

In his insanity, he will eventually sucker Rusty Alyce into some "upgrades" and she will be elevated to a new Master to take Leveticus' place.

Otherwise, it will be Misaki or Mei Feng.. because, well... who cares about those two anyway?

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It was announced during the opening of the last beta testing as part of the whole reason that the masters learn more control and have the avatars become more spiritual expressions rather than physical manifestations. Justin mentioned on the podcasts that a major character dies, presumably because of a manifestation, or complications relating to it, and that Spurs the rest of the masters to realize there are major dangers associated with avatars, and they learn that control toot sweet.

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It was announced during the opening of the last beta testing as part of the whole reason that the masters learn more control and have the avatars become more spiritual expressions rather than physical manifestations. Justin mentioned on the podcasts that a major character dies, presumably because of a manifestation, or complications relating to it, and that Spurs the rest of the masters to realize there are major dangers associated with avatars, and they learn that control toot sweet.

You know, id always considered the whole Caustic Aura and industrial Nightmare involved with the Unmade (Abominations, DE, A&D, etc.) carcinogenic in my headcanon. it would explain how Leve were to die. And mechanically, it would be a way to get rid of Leve's maybe-problematic ruleset, quite possibly. That said, i like Leve so that would make me sad. I wouldn't quit because of it, but i could see people doing so for that reason.


~Lil Kalki

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I think way too many people are running Levi for Wyrd to remove him from official play. That sounds suicidal.


My money is on the Governor General; he's a major player, he doesn't have a model so nobody is out money if he dies, there was a story in Chronicles a while back called Unmask! Unmask! where he had important officials show up as avatars of their various responsibilities and he carried out some spell that made everyone in Malifaux sit up and take notice. My bet is that it's his ritual that triggers the avatar manifestations (which may require some retconing, I don't know) but that when the Governor General manifests he winds up dead. Somehow.

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Well just because a character dies, it's not going to make him /her unplayable in the game. That'd just be mean.

My first thought for who dies epithelial be a Hamelin. As much as i like him, he's got all the patience of a two year old and is easily reckless enough to do something stupid enough to get himself killed (hell, he already has at least once). Mind you, his Tyrant nature probably makes him a little harder to permanently kill than that. Or maybe not. :)

Another possibility is Seamus. The Gorgon already has designs on him and remembering his encounter with Samael in Twisting Fates (?), the man's clearly got a death wish!

Personally, I'm more interested in the rise of these Oni. They're popping up more and more in the Ten Thunders so I'm convinced they're a precursor to a new Master, possibly the second Dragon and the Yin to Shenlong's Yang. ;)

Finally, I'd love to see a few Masters changing Factions. Not just make them df, but actualy change their rules and shift their playstyle to suit the new faction ("Shifting Loyalties"). For instance, moving Marcus to Neverborn (ie. Going Native) and trading his beast synergy with Nephilim synergy (different to Liliths, of course)?

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I'm with AdmiralVorkraft, I suspect it will be the Governor General. He isn't an in game figure, but is important story wise to make it a big event. Plus, I'm pretty sure at the end of the third first edition book it was noted his eyes had changed similar to Perdita and a few others.

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Hmm, well, that confirmation puts a different spin on things.


If it's not an in-game figure, Governor-General sounds as good as any. Him dying would cause no end of chaos in the game world.


I can't see any of the Gremlins dying just yet. Not really enough of a setting-changing punch, although I'm sure the players would be suitably downcast.


From the rezzers, I could see Kirai dying. Going into the light with her lover would be a suitable conclusion to her story. Or maybe it won't happen. Bad things happen in Malifaux, after all. Nicodem is fairly prominent and having a high-ranking official die while simultaneously being revealed as a Rezzer could shake things up. Same for McMourning.


I don't see any TT dying. Yan Lo's the old dude and he beat that shit.


Guild...hmm. The closest I see to dying is Sonnia. Maybe Lucius.


Neverborn: Zoraida dying would screw up a lot of plans. Lilith dying would shake up the Neverborn power structure considerably.


Dunno about Arcanists. Ramos dying would screw up the power structure for sure. Maybe Kaeris or Ironsides steps up in his place.

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Story wise, I suspect it would make a difference.

Gameplay wise, it might lead (and is leading for the Avatars) to some new mechanics. But I really doubt that it will be "Master X is dead, you can't use them anymore". Several masters have already died in story with different ways to bring them back which weren't just "they got better". I almost want Leve to be the one to die simply so the whole "they got better" thing can be lampooned.

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It was specifically stated that a master was going to die - so the Govenor General is out. The governor general becominng a tyrant is definently a possibility, though.

Also, just because a master is dead in the fluff doesn't mean you cant still use them, in game.

This also doesn't mean that just because that character is no longer in the fluff then he/she is no longer important.

Also, if/when master rotation does occur, that doesn't mean you still can't play that master since you will still have cards/rules to play with.

Anyway you look at it, people aren't going to be "losing out" because their master is/may be dying.

Besides - I think its cool as hell being the dead/dying guy/army. Part of the reason I like dwarves so much is the whole "extinct race in the future" thing - and nothing is more badass then a last stand... every single time you play a game! :D


Good calls on both Justice and Seamus! Justice already has a dead justice boxset so awwwww yeah - and her being dead will make her quest for destroying undeath all the more passionate. Seamus going avatar mode a second time - grows too much and goes poof like Thunder in Big Trouble? B)

We all know how much these wyrdos like BTiLC.

I definently think the most likely dead masters will be Seamus, Justice, or Levy.

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I'm not sure about who dies, but the front of the new book has a rather awesome looking nephilim.....raising the dead. Cross faction NB/resser?

It's been gone over rather extensively, but current money is on Hayreddin, a monofaction Rezzer, characterized as some sort of Nephilim traitor.

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Governor General makes the most sense. He is not a model. His death would cause chaos that would necessitate shifting loyalties. Especially with the whole, "I've bound the upper echelons of Malifaux to my will" schtick he got. I forget which book, but it is suggested he manifested during the Event. Actually, the evidence for that kinda points to that his manifestation is less than stable. His house was so badly damaged that he had workmen come and fix it (who he promptly killed). I would say he is prime suspect #1.


If it's a Master? I'm going to say Lucius. I LOVE Lucius. He's probably my favorite character after Philip. Imagine how his death would effect things. The Governor General would be unleashed to follow his objective without Lucius's influence. of the Masters, he's one of the most well-known. He has his hand in everyone's pie. It wouldn't shock me if he trades with Gremlins just to see what's going on with them. And without him, what happens to all his plans? The Jenga tower comes crashing down. It's possible that his death would actually cause MORE damage than the Governor-General's.

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