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About valhallan42nd

  • Birthday 09/04/1975

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Glen Burnie, MD
  • Interests
    Malfaux, Hawken, Mechwarrior Online, Civ 5

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  1. Man, I haven't posted in this in six years? That's two presidents ago... Where does the time go? Well, I haven't been entirely idle. This is just a smattering of the stuff I've painted in the mean time.
  2. Hello, everyone! I've been away from the forums for about five years or so? Being a new dad and then the Corvid 19 Ham Sandwich... Well, things have been busy. That being said, I got to play at the Nova Open's Masters Tournament this past weekend. It was a relief to find the community was as welcoming and fun as I remembered from my 2E days. I had a hell of a time, even with my notably abysmal record. My opponents were all helpful in learning Masters that don't appear in my local meta. The paint jobs were high-tabletop, if not better. The majority of games played were fought hard, but the conversations at the tables were still friendly. From a personal standpoint, I'm glad that events are happening again. I don't know how many I can make anymore, with a new job and a young kid. Still, I'm glad to know that, while the editions have changed, the player-base is still the best that I've experienced. I'm so glad to be back! I forgot to take any pictures during the event, so, please have a picture of my daughter riding a lion at the Renn Faire. And some Korean BBQ tacos to cover those that don't like children.
  3. Hey, all. This calendar is dead. I recommend creating a new calendar of your own. The software would probably be more user-friendly at least.
  4. So, I should punch Stitched Togethers in the face a lot to make them reactivate batteries for shen?
  5. Oh, and my Avatar is my Seamus Avatar run though an app that essentially turns pics into comic panels.
  6. The Valhallan 42nd were a storied regiment of Valhallan Ice Warriors, noted for their bravery and zealous defense of the Emperor.* *Really, I like the Valhallans, and the 42 reference is an obvious Douglas Adams reference. There's no canon reference to the Valhallan 42nd regiment that I'm aware of.
  7. The Patchwork Gentry They reminded me of these.
  8. "Ryū ga waga teki wo kurau!" are the words I hate most right now. #StupidHanzoMains

  9. I think you guys are just rifling through the puns with this one.
  10. Come to Wyrd for the miniatures, stay for the pina coladas.
  11. Ya know, when you're not playing as often, us miss out on new alpha strike tech, like exploding fast/reckless François, and then your Yan Lo dies before he activates. It's a bit much.
  12. Ngaatoro sisters, eh? Did they seem a bit short?
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