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Everyone has one. Everyone!


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With so many awesome models yet to be released, I can't imagine, that there is a single person, who doesn't have the model, the box of models or the crew box that they are most anticipating.

Now... It would be easy just to list models that you are looking forward to to be released, so try to choose only one and explain why this particular one.


I am most looking forward to Mancha Roja. Gameplay and lore are the reasons, why I started to play Malifaux. Humour is the reason, why I chose Gremlins.

Just look at him.


Beating people with another Gremlin. Ahhh... such poetry in motion.


So... which one is yours?

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I am waiting on the ever growing list of "new" models that are only available in the crew boxes currently to be released individually (even if only via the Webstore) for those of us that bought in heavy during 1st edition and have no other way to get them than to hope for a non-existent secondary model or to rebuy the crew boxes. Even though unlikely I can still hope and post the desire.

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But once you have something... aren't you no longer anticipating it?

I would say Jack Daw but honestly, I am so happy with my proxies that I don't care much about it. Lady Ligeia would be nice... I'm using Azalaïs from Hell Dorado with a skull replacing that... cat/demon thingy - and she looks great really (her pose looks like "annnnnnnd you can't cheat... annnnnnnnd you can't cheat... and you... and you... and you too!" while she laughs maniacally - just paint her in an ethereal scheme).

I really wanted a Carver (or two) because I wanted to make a sack-head into a Montresor/Avatar Daw proxy (standing in front of the hanging tree - I have a Halloween tree from the Reaper line to put the actual Carver on).

I'm in a good spot right now, honestly. I'll jump on the Brewster boat and I would like a Shenlong boxset because that's the only 10T specific master I'm even interested in.

I really want an extra box of the new aboms to convert me up an Avatar Abomination Levy w/ Alyce because I am almost certain I will hate the new Avatar Levy as much as the last one.

Old man on horse doesn't float me boat... and I really feel Avatar Levy should be crazy and abomination-like.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For my Neverborn: Widow Weaver

For my Guild: Peacekeeper

Out of the two: Widow Weaver


really looking forward to painting her.


God damn it, Jotun! I didn't know about Widow Weaver up until now. Now it's my wallpaper!

I am trying to be very reasonable with my Malifaux purchases. I was firmly decided to buy only Gremlin models and only those, that I "need". I was successfully battling my urge to purchase Zoraida or Dreamer crew box and you just had to... AAARGH! You ruined everything, Jotun!

I guess my daughter doesn't need her Insulin after all! What are you saying, Emma?! I am sorry, sweetie, daddy has to save money for Widow Weaver! Say thank you to uncle Jotun!

Wait a minute... I don't have a daughter!


Sooo... have you decided how are you going to paint yours yet?

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