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December Releases up on Warstore

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It might be that Wyrd considered that a lot of masters could make use of Ryle outside of Hoffman (I believe Levi can take Ryle with an upgrade, and the last iteration of Ramos' Avatar upgrade let him take Guild constructs?), and decided to split Ryle off to a separate kit for those that want Ryle but not at the expense of buying a crew box for a faction they might not be interested in at that time.

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It might be that Wyrd considered that a lot of masters could make use of Ryle outside of Hoffman (I believe Levi can take Ryle with an upgrade, and the last iteration of Ramos' Avatar upgrade let him take Guild constructs?), and decided to split Ryle off to a separate kit for those that want Ryle but not at the expense of buying a crew box for a faction they might not be interested in at that time.


Isn't much of the same true for Joss, though? As in, can't Levi and Hoffman both hire him in some way?

I'd say it's more a matter of "Okay, sprue's full, guess Ryle will be alone" than any purchasing considerations.

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The box art for Hoffman looks...odd?  I don't think that's the finished box art, and I can't imagine that they could justify a box with that little in it.  Even the Kirai boxset (which is nominally playable right out of the box) had more than this.


Levi's box set is brilliant, and I can't deny that I've been waiting for it since they first revealed the art back in the first beta.  He's gone from a weird, generic old man into the evil bastard lovechild of Peter Cushing and Peter Capaldi.  Him and Alyce make a nice set.  The creepy new abominations and the bimbonies are just gravy.

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I saw Brewie's crew on the WarStore's page too...


Any chance we'll see him soon?

It has been there for ages (since the original release announcement of Brewie's box) but then the box was recalled and it has been in limbo ever since. Might come out this year or next year but it being on the page doesn't mean anything.
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If there is a duplicate of anything i'd expect it to be a hunter as they are rare 2. Otherwise they'll need to release a single model box. Again that element games preorder box only shows the front frustratingly.



They've been pretty good about Rare models getting unique sculpts whenever possible, though the Trapper broke this trend.

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