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Who Is Your Favorite Master And Why?


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Who is your favourite Guild Master? Game-wise and fluff-wise if you like to answer that too.

My go-to Master is Lady J. She is the Master I learnt to play with and I always feel I can build a crew around her to suit the strat and schemes. She's an aggressive Master, and that suits my playstyle.

My favourite Guild Master for fluff would have to be Sonnia, I'm really interested to see how her 'relationship' with Cherufe works out - to be honest, I don't see it working out for her, but I sure hope she goes out with a bang!

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That's really hard. I like them all very much. I think I'll go with Perdita. Very fast, very flexible, very killy, and a sweet mystery in her background that I find very enticing. Combined with that cowgirl look and her crazy, crazy family, and that's my girl. Pew pew.


Very close second place: Hoffmann, Lucius, Lady J, Sonnia, McCabe. McMourning is my favorite Resser Master... :D

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Probably Hoffman, both fluffwise and gamewise. I like how his story is he never wanted the power he has now and he's only in it to save his brother, unlike pretty much every other master. In game he is just hilarious amounts of fun, I've steamrolled a Peacekeeper into Nicodem turn 1.

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I would have to go with Hoffman. He gives me a full package of cool support tricks and synergies, combined into a devestating close combat package. Ironically, for a guild player, I love dispensing the Guild's justice up close and personal, and the Hoff does that exceptionally well.

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Story-wise, I'm really drawn to Hoffman and Perdita. I find Hoffman a bit fiddly in game, and Perdita is solid but a bit one-note.

Gameplay-wise, Sonnia is incredible and I think McMourning as Guild is really interesting, but for pure style my top spot has to go to Lucius. Strolling casually through the battlefield while his lackeys scramble to do his bidding just oozes personality and is a perfect mechanical match to his fluff.

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For me it's Hoffman. I love his play style. I've always played support role characters in other games be it Diablo, D&D, World of Warcraft etc so Hoffman suits me down to a tea. I love the way his crew mesh together to form a Loop where they can negate each other's weakness by adopting each other's strengths. Even if one or two of the crew go down they can still benefit from each other. It also has a ton of healing and armour making it quite a tough crew to break and I absolutely love the Modification mechanics in game. Fluff wise I'd also have to give it to Hoffman, I love the idea of him being able to control machines with his mind or whatever. Strangely though not as big a fan of Ramos! 

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Storywise: Sonnia/Lady J/Hoffman-

     I love the Cheruffe story- Sam having to clap the mask on her to contain her. I also love Lady J's story post "building incident". And I do love hoffman's tragic story, though sometimes he is a little b*&^$# about it.


Gameplay: Doug McMourning/Hoffman/Sonnia

     Doug has such a different playstyle than any other master- He's got the melee-ness of a lady J with the movement of a McCabe, and the control (with nurses) that no one else in the guild can bring.

     Hoffman's crew's survivability and flexibility is just plain amazing. The ability to pass out ap and movement on a fully armored crew that can also be healed, and generate it's own scrap.

     Sonnia, like Ressur McMourning get's it's model generation from enemies expiring, which I love. There's just something about a 2 activation swing (them losing a model, you gaining one) that feel really satisfying- and it doesn't even take an A.P. 



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For me, It's kinda a toss-up between Sonnia and Perdita, both for fluff and gameplay.


Sonnia and Cherufe just intrigues me a LOT, and I love the whole "Latino Wild West posse" feel of the Ortegas and crusading against the Neverborn.


As far as gameplay, that's a little tougher. I haven't played with my Latigo Posse yet, but being mostly shooty really suits my playing style, I think. On the other hand, I've played MANY miniature games with factions that like to set people on fire. The deep-seated pyromanic in me really enjoys that. ;)


But I think Perdita has a slight advantage overall...her model reminds me of my girlfriend, especially now that she's been growing her hair out for the past few years. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

WIth Guild I started with Perdita due to a solid stint of Red Dead Redemption that I happened to be playing at the time. Although I have most of the other Guild masters (Lady J, Sonnia, Hoffman and McCabe) I've definitely played her the most. I just like shooting things  :P


I've had a couple of games using Lady J and Sonnia and I can see the potential but they don't have quite the same depth for me and there were others in my group using them, and in 1st edition Hoffman just seemed to Hoffball across the field no matter the victory conditions. I'll get around to him but he's last on the to-do list ATM.


However, I started with McCabe earlier this year and he's been surprisingly fun to use. I was initially quite reluctant to start with him but each game has been a hoot. The Wastrels definitely feel like they're made of papier-mâché but they have certainly surprised me on more than one occasion. I just wish that there were some 10T models to Infiltrate!

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Fluff-wise is easy - it has to be Lucius. He's just a fascinating character with alot of mystery as to his origins and motives. 


Playstyle-wise is a little harder, but I think I'd have to go with McCabe. He's a very flexible Master and I really enjoy his upgrade-related shenanigans. Tied for second would be Perdita and Sonnia though, if only because I really like the paint job I did for them. :)

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