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Everything posted by Dryzen

  1. Eric Johns was talking about this on Facebook in A Wyrd Place. He said something along the lines of "Sometimes we love a model's LE art so much that it Kinda becomes the standard art even tho it's not the standard model"
  2. I keep throwing money at my screen but Miniatures are not coming out! Game breaking glitch.
  3. I am aiming for Gencon next year, just couldn't swing it this year. Good luck in your travels, man.
  4. My heart screams for nightmare Lucius.... even though my brain knows it probably won't happen but is more than willing to settle for Nightmare Zorida.... hint hint wyrd....am I being obvious enough?
  5. Bit too far of a drive for me for a Monday but I will give you a bump. give up the good work man
  6. Captaincon was a blast. Great people, great games, just a very positive environment. Definitely gonna go again next year.
  7. Let's look at 2 things real quick. Lucius and the Scribe. Both of them are actually dual faction. The rest of his crew box are not. My theory is that Lucius is a Neverborn who was trapped earthside when the first breach closed. The mask isn't for concealing his face because he is disguised Just like Graves and Tannen but rather for concealing his age, or lack there of. Do we know how long Neverborn can live? Or how fast they age? Looking at Lucius it's hard to pinpoint his age. Probably because his costume doesn't age. The mask would be able to hide that fact.
  8. Anyone up for a Game around 10pm Est?
  9. Printing the Kirai one. Nice job man.
  10. While I got you both here, what are your streams? I wanna watch!..... in a totally platonic and non-sexual way..... yea....
  11. Well Phillip is a spirit and an undead.... So what about taking him with Kirai? Hear me out here, this is total Theoryfaux but just something kicking around in my head. First, the obvious. Kirai is a summoner. So who doesn't like hand manipulation to try and get a few more spirits on the board? Not much more to explain here. Moving on. Second, Kirai's crew is already quite aggresive and pretty damaging in their own right. She doesn't really require another beatstick, imo. What she could use some help with is scheme markers, something Phillip should be able to produce easily with the help of "Adversary" seeing as he is a spirit. Just need the suits for the triggers, which his above use can help with. Third, Phillip is undead. Which mean if he is close enough to Lost Love or Kirai, you can use him to summon Ikiryo. Which is nice, since if you take Phillip you probably won't be taking Datsue Ba, who is also undead. So at least you keep this part. Finally, Phillip can also consume enemy scheme markers and create corpse counters. Well you might be thinking something along the lines of "Well Kirai has no use for corpses", and you're right. She doesn't. However, Toshiro does. Toshiro is a very interesting pick with Kirai as his "Diamyo" aura has good synergy with "Adversary" and since Kirai tends to take many minions this seems like a good mix. Now about those corpse markers. Toshiro has a 0 action that allows him to consume corpses to hand out Focused to minions. So now you are dealing with Focused +1, double positive flip minions..... In a strategy like Turf War that could be pretty lethal. Not to mention if you take Toshiro's Command the Graves upgrade, he could also summon Ashigaru for you, and more summoning doesn't hurt. This might also be useful in Recon now that I think about it. This is something I would try if my Kirai crew wasn't still in pieces. Keeping Datsue Ba and Izamu off the board in favor of Phillip and Toshiro... just a thought. Yet another thing Kirai can do for Phillip. Since he is a spirit she can move him all over the place by switching him with other spirits. :-)
  12. LCB was without a doubt the model that got me interested in Malifaux (and miniatures gaming in general), he just looked so awesome. I started digging around to find out what this beast was all about. As I started to learn the back story a bit and how the dreamer fits in, I picked up a Lilith plastic box to start playing Neverborn while I wait for plastic Dreamer.
  13. I am in. Just for the models. Could care less about the gameat first, although it does seem interesting the more i read into it. But when it comes down to it.... Dat Lucius....
  14. I am still very new to Malifaux (started about 2 weeks ago) and it is indeed my first skirmish game. I always wanted to play games like 40K and Fantasy but never had the money to drop on them. So when i learned about Malifaux and its much lower cost of entry I was all over it. Trying to get my friends to try it now and its been an uphill struggle....
  15. If I knew the fluff better I would be very tempted to make one in RPG maker. Nothing extreme but a fun way to tell the story.
  16. My Tina box came in today. Can't wait to get started on that. Once I have both crews painted I can start trying to recruit more players.
  17. Alright. We use that the clean the floors at work. Ill just borrow a bit.
  18. Any advice on how to strip a metal mini? I finished and i really dont like the color scheme i picked.
  19. I have to warn you tho. My painting skills are abysmal.
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