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Everything posted by Dryzen

  1. As an example of the above post, the ASYLUM keyword only has 4 models and no master. It's just dr.grimwell, hartsbane, the orderlys, and nurses.
  2. On the bright side, we have a lot of fantastic FFM targets in neverborn.
  3. Imo, Iggy is an underrated FFM target in Neverborn. Not only is he annoying since he hands out burning (up to 8 a turn with the Depression upgrade) he also can kill their FFM target with burning to deny them the points.
  4. Oh, a unit that slipped my mind until just now. Bunraku have some really solid anti runner tools, imo. At least on paper, i've never actually tried them but might be worth looking into. Solid melee attack a ranged action that pulls models to them with a solid CA and trigger to stab them after a 0 action to gain focus and a trigger to add an automatic mask to their next CA action Should also be fast enough to get in range to pull runners to them.
  5. Illuminated can trounce just about any scheme runner for 7ss. That being said Illuminated can trounce a lot of things.
  6. LooKing good guys, keep it up! I haven't had a chance to play any games yet sadly.
  7. Arcanists are also very fond of the idea of making the man a werewolf.
  8. It is more about building a priority list to me. I rarely get more than 1 game a week so it would be nice to know which characters I should be shooting for and which to let pass.
  9. I flipped through the encounters at lunch. From what I can see, if we win the character this cycle, the child would become a healer. The Man would gain brilliance And The Woman would become linked to the Oiran. With this knowledge, I fully support the Man with child as a secondary.
  10. Well, we will be allowed to do all 3 encounters each cycle so why not set up a Priority list? That way if we can only get the one game in that cycle we know which one to focus on, but if we get more games we can shoot for a back up plan.
  11. I will have to check this out after work. I am just learning Dreamer and love hearing others experiences with him.
  12. Woo! Is it bad that I actually kind of liked that song?
  13. Runming Dreamer, Lilith, and Pandy, a Teddy would be a great pick up as all 3 can benefit from his presence (although, Pandy and Dreamer have better synergies with Teddy) Dreamer is tough right now as many of the models he likes a lot are not in plastic yet. Insidious Madness, Stitched Together, and the Twins (Lelu and Lilthu) are only in metal right now as far as I know. They can be tough to find. For Lilith, get a Nephilim box. Those Youngs and the Mature are scary, scary beasts in melee.
  14. The only one I will take 90% of the time just by seeing the strategy is Lucius in Squatters Rights. Mainly because in his 3VP he can easily claim 2s squat markers, even if the closest model to that marker is engaged. Use Guild Intelligence to let minions within 6 interact while engaged Use Issue Command on a minion to flip a squat marker (if you have a tome, claim a marker and another action) Then you can either Issue Command on another target, or claim one yourself if you are in position to do so.
  15. Kade has a TN in his lure that requires two suits. Since they are both built in it doesn't matter in most situations, seeing as he doesn't have any triggers. That being said, there are at least two situations I can think of where this will make a difference. Situation 1 is that Kade can not lure someone who has the counter spell ability. Counter spell makes it so Kade would lose the two built in suits. Since Kade is an enforcer and unable to use Soulstones, it is impossible for Kade to get both suits back. Second situation is similar but if Kade is in the Librarian's aura that removes built in suits from those around her, he would also be unable to lure. Hope that helps.
  16. How has no one mentioned Iggy yet? He is a Woe with the martyr ability, just like Pandora. He can help protect some of your other models while handing out burning like it's going out of style (potential of 6 in one activation ON A Df FLIP) as well as having another "Incite" to help manipulate the enemy even more. All for the low, low cost of just 5ss. Oh and he is an enforcer so he can carry an upgrade.
  17. Asrian.... I think you just convinced me to assemble them for my Lucius crew.... Fees for everyone!
  18. Also NIghtmare will break someones foot if it falls from table height
  19. This makes we want weaver for my Lucius crew
  20. Voodoo doll with iggy is fun. Give the voodoo doll burning +6, the target will take 12 damage at the end of the turn. 6 from the voodoo doll taking damage and 6 from it's own burning.
  21. I actually just finished playing a game with Lucius vs Marcus. As was mentioned earlier, don't be afraid to take a few non minion models. I was running 2 lawyers, 2 Guild Guard (was trying them out. Wasnt too impressed) , a waldgeist, Graves, tannen, primordial magic, and a terror tot. Lawyers are fantastic for their ability to put Fees +1 on the enemy beatsticks. Also do not underestimate Lucius' ability in close combat. The red tape trigger is really good. I am still new with him but I am loving him.
  22. WARNING: Some adult language. I realized too late that I cut off the beginning of the video but.... Deployment: Flank Strategy: Reconnoiter Scheme Pool: ALitS Distract Assassinate Protect Territory Cursed Object His Schemes: Protect Territory (Revealed) Assassinate My Schemes: ALitS (Revealed) Protect Territory (Revealed) His list: Leveticus -- 3 Pool +Desolate Soul [2] +From Ash [2] +To the Earth Return [1] Hollow Waif X 2 [0] Abomination [4] Ashes And Dust [13] +Scramble [2] Lazarus [10] +Oath Keeper [1] Rusty Alyce [10] +Desolate Soul [2] +From the Aether [2 My List: Lucius -- 7 Pool +Aether Connection [1] +Secret Assets [2] +Suprisingly Loyal [1] Primordial Magic [2] Captain Dashel [9] Guild Lawyer [6] Guild Rifleman [5] Guild Rifleman [5] Gupps [4] Young Nephilim [6] Young Nephilim [6]
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