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Everything posted by Adran

  1. The Dreamer has 2 main ways of playing. One of them involves summoning lots of models on 1 wound and then healing them up asap. The best way to answer this is having area damage. If you are killing things that the dreamer has spent time and cards on summoning for less resource than he used, then you're doing well. His other way generally involves boosting the capabilities of several good models. one of his greatest free buffs is the aura about him that heals. Its much better if you completely kill a model in 1 turn, rather than plink away at it over several turns. You don't have a particularly quick crew, so if you end up doing a board quarter game, you might be best to focus on holding 2 quarters, and just hunting anything that try's to steal them. If you are playing a hold the centre game, then you are probably in a good place as those are Rasputinsa strength, puit a lot of force into a small area.
  2. Also the target number of an ability is always the same regardless of who is doing it. So every model that has leap had to reach the th of 10. They have ca stats such as 9 or 5. So what they need to achieve is different, but the target number is always the same.
  3. In the long term I think owning the big books is really worth while. Not just in knowing what models can do for you, but in knowing what your opponent is capable of. learning malifaux is sometimes put as a 3 step process -Step one -learning what the rules are, Step 2 learning what your crew can do, and step 3 learning what your opponent can do. Of course I'm coming from it from the long term, when I'm buying 1 book a year, so its not a huge lump out of my hobby budget in 1 go. the first 2 books conatian so many stats, that it is a really good idea to look through them and see what is out there.
  4. I would expect lots of pent up anticipation. Why would Wyrd release pdfs of stats for an unreleased book for free when they don't release the stats for free of released models. In the public beta for wave 3 we didn't see the final stats. We saw the final stats for wave 1 and 2 becasue they had lots of already relased figures out there and they wanted their customers to be able to play with the models they already owned.
  5. Have you looked at the Illusionary Forest upgrade Lileth can get. 2 50mm line of sight blocking markers. So when if the board doesn't have somethign to hide behind, she can still hide from most models. If after all that you are still in a position for Ashes and Dust to Charge lileth, save a high card and get her df trigger. You'll find that Ashes and Dust doesn't hit Df 9 so well. If I want to its not impossible for me to get a waif near Lileth and an unactivated beater like Teddy, Nekema or the Mature Nephlim enaged with a large part of Levis crew. And depending on the dep[oyemnt of their crew, there is a very good chance that the Beater will actiavte, and make a big hoel in what they have. Of course, once the Levi player knows you can do this, they'll set up differently, but then their tactics won't be as effective either From your earlier question, the real answer is it deoends. I might Bring Lazarus into ml with Lileth, as he is much less scary in ml than shooting. Or a belle, or posiibly even Levi if I have the livingblade and enough AP to kill levi before he activates. Otehrwise a waif is virtually garenteed to die to her. Is it tough to face? yes. Are Belles broken? No. I have never found them so. Strong, but not broken.
  6. yes it still does the action. Paralyse stops you generating AP, and gives you a 0" range, but it won't stop someone else controlling your actions
  7. the last time I faced Levi with Neverborn I used Lileth, had nekema and Teddy with retributions eye. I killed Ashes and Dust on the first activation of the second turn, and then used Teddy to kill the core. Nekema later turned the Dust storm into a terror tot. Lilith is a good answer to waifs. Its quite easy for her to re-arrange the board to a manner of her choosing. I think he was playiing Construct Levi, so there weren't any belles. Using her tangled shadows to swap an unactiavted big hitter into their crew can often be enough to kill a waif. And if you get it right also bring on of their vulnerable models to the rest of your crew to easily kill them. Silurids and Gupps can have a surprising large threat. But a lot of the issues may be terrain dependent. If the belles have line of sight to most of the board, then they are going to be very strong. The ability to move a model and have it hide from their lure is a good solution. I've also used Tuco from the shadows to kill a waif on the first turn. Tuco was killed by Levi just afterwards though, btu I thought that was a reasonable trade. I got Hungering darkness to engage Rusty in his deployment zone later that first turn, thanks to beckoners
  8. You need to find models which ignore armour if you're not able to kill Lazarus and Ashes and dust. (Or use models with counterspell and discover Belles can't then do anything) I typically have an aggressive mindset, and its rare that I don't kill a waif or an anchor on the first turn. Once I've managed that , my opponent becomes alot more cautious with their positioning. Levi really is very far from immortal. He has 2 extra lives, but they are on the board for you to see. Every time you kill Leveticus or one of those waifs, thats one of his lives going. What he does do is make you play his game, and try and make you think he is immortal, so its not worth stopping his rebirth. If you can get the waifs away from the anchors, then he also doesn't come back.
  9. I'd disagree, Leveticus can't really afford to hire multiple rotten belles and save them to the end as he relies on having multiple 6+ss models for his anchors. If the rotten belles cost 6ss then they would be much much stronger for Levi. Even if they activate late and lure something critical, I normally expect Leveticus to try and win initiative and kill something if that's what he wants to do. If something else activated and killed what ever they lured in, then I've possibly got a decent chance to stop Levi having an activation that turn. Belles are good, but I have never found multiple belles get that much better. Others might disagree, and it may be the way I play but I'm happier if my opponent has hire 2-3 belles than if they only hire 1.
  10. I'm not a game designer, but still... Firstly, not all factions are the same. Guild for example are big on shooting. Resurectionists are not. When you look at something like a convict gunslinger (hired as a merc) it doesn't seem worth its points in a guild list (because they can already do that well, and probably cheaper) but it can be well worth its points in the resurectionist list. Secondly, if all you want is a model to lure, then the rotten belle is a bargain. The beckoner does a few other things as well (their trigger for movement after they lure is amazing for their role, it is similar to them having extra AP compared to the belle as they can keep moving models towards them with out having to wast time on walking. ) They are also a good way to get out Brilliance and keep the brilliance out, which for some other models is almost priceless. The illuminated is a solid model already, but if its target is Brilliant, the +2 damage they get to do makes them stupidly hard. They aren't in direct competition as nothing at the moment is allowed to hire both, but even if the Belle was in Neverborn at the same cost, there are times when people would rather pay the extra stones for the beckoner for the other things it does.
  11. Honestly the value of Sam depends on how you play him. He puts out a huge amount of damage, but is rubbish at taking any. If you protect him, he can easily be your most valuable player. If you don't protect him, he can easily do nothing for you. I'd suggest trying a list with maximum soulstones and then a list with minimum, and see how you felt. Did you play the second of those constantly wishing for extra stones? If so then you will want a high cache. If not, then you can possibly get a way with a much lower cache. I find Malifaux is a game that really varies depending on the player. Even if I were to face exactly the same crew twice, run by 2 different players, I would expect them to play it quite differently. Its also really hard to explain the positioning elements to the game that make or break some lists. So net lists are much less of a thing here, because of the number of in game interactions that will change the game are much harder to explain and copy.
  12. The correct answer is which ever henchmen you want to use a lot over the next few weeks. Teh campaign forces you to use a very similar crew to compleet any of the missions, o all the henchmen will excel in some areas and struggle in others. You can make decent arguments for any of the henchmen to start your crew. As Freman said, if you are planning on getting a certain master, then your starting models will probably head you in that direction, but if you aren't planning on getting a master part way through, or you don't know who you might want, then anyone should do.
  13. You will find that not that many people proxy unreleased models, so it may take some time before someone that has proxied one with Sommer comes along. I'm personally looking forward to the Sow coming out so I can run my 3 headed list with Marcus, but that's not really based on how good it might actually be. Assuming you still only have the top 6 things from Math's list earlier, then the Sow would probably make a decent alternative hitting model, and it looks pretty cool. I can't see any amazing bonus' the sow would get running with Sommer, but I also can't think of anything in particular that doesn't work. If you don't own piglets, then I wouldn't recomend buying the sow, as playing it and not beign able to get the free piglets when it dies seems like you'll be overpaying for it. You probably want some way of healing the sow, especially if you plan on summoning with it. You might also want to make sure you have a few ways to make enemies take Wp duels, to try and make the most of the smell fear.
  14. The sow looks to be a great model. But not a lot of people will have used it yet. Do you have a particular reason you think it would/wouldn't work in a somer crew? As far as I can tell its self sufficent, so it doesn't matter who the Master would be, but if you are playing on the Pig key word it could be better.
  15. Rainbow Jersey- Top score with each faction
  16. We have a similar situation with the from the shadows ability. Even if you don't deploy using from the shadows you still can't interact on the first turn. If the Scions is buried at the end of turn then it will be killed by Returning home.
  17. The most success I have had with the spawn mother in in Arcanists when she puts a leap based Marcus list on speed. She can do similar in neverborn, just doesn't quite boost as many models, but 19" threat on a silurid is pretty fun. Other than that, she provides a fairly easy way to summon several models during the game, which are pretty useful at scehem runnign and so forth. A good supply of swamp fiends can really help an eternal Juju.
  18. Entirely constructs, no living whatsoever. They are used as Prison Guards from what I remember
  19. I would say that this sums it up. It seems to have too many maybes in place to get it to consistently work, potentially requiring 3 high cards, 1 low card and possibly 3 stones to get it to work to cost your opponent 4 cards. Sometimes you'll get a better pay off than that, but even if you built the crew for this, you're probably not going to get it to work more than half the games.
  20. They aren't hugely powerful abilities, but they are largely free improvements to your crew. I've seen re-activate on Vik of Blood, working on the view that she's probably not going to survive the counter attack anyway, this gets her 6-8 AP smashing face in that one turn. As is letting her chain activate. Don't mind me is amazing in Squatters rights and Head hunter, doesn't really matter who you put it on, the ability to steal things that you opponent otherwise thought was safe.
  21. Sorry, My comment was meant on theshiggidys list, When I look to score hunting party, I want things that are reasonably fast to get me to good targets, and that do solid damage. The use of belles might reduce the need for your own mobility. I don't see Yin and Sybelle as the strongest of killers out there. I'm not much of a resser player, but I don't expect them to be killing my crew easily. (and I've already said that bete is a bit to positionally uncertain to rely on. Especially in a small game where you need the models to score the strategy). Sybelles best way to kill is her upgrade, but thats still a bit to unreliable for me. And in your game, neither Sybelle nor Yin killed anything that I can see. If I were plannign on doing hunting party then I would probably use 1 big hitter, such as the rogue necromancy, dead rider or Izamu, and then use a dead doxy and a rotten belle to try and help the positioning game. You could have dropped Yin and Bete and put in the Necromacy and a dead doxy, so not reduced activations (In fact since your whole crew was on the table, it would have increased them). That wouldn't help pick the second scheme though.
  22. See this thread for some pictures of the fronts of cards
  23. In the official thread on this Nathan posted the following Only the two miniatures in the package for the Tortoise and Hare, both alts as well as individuals with their own cards for the scenario included in it, both Malifaux and Through the Breach. Eventually it'll be released to retail, no determined time as of yet. Curtis is currently painting them, looking forward to seeing them here in the next couple of days.
  24. Your list is 44 ss worth of models. You will probably want to add upgrades (and the Second Viktoria) and soulstones to the cache, and so it can easily make a 50 ss list. Its playable as is, is and could do reasonably well, and as Slacker LM said you may well find that it is currently bigger than you want to play. I would suggest playing the list with some upgrades. there are a lot of directions you could take the list, but that depends alot on how you play the crew. So see how it goes, and after a few games review what you think its missing, or where you struggle. Some possibilities include wanting more shooting, so you might drop ronin for trappers. You Might want more healing, so you'd want Librarian and Vanessa, or more Viks Buffs, so you hire a malifaux child, or more models in the crew for scheme running, so you get void wretchs or winged plagues (or desperate mercs, or friekorpsmen). But the list is a sound starting point in making a solid Viks list that works.
  25. Currently its on my attend list, just seeing if I'm allowed to play 2 weeks running... And now I know I still need to buy the new emissaries when they come out.
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