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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. I agree with the ninja brothers but have to add that it will make for a really weird out of the box experience. I mean, it's not that it is all that bad, really, but it will play really, really weirdly.
  2. OK, this topic is again topical. MythicFox again closed a thread and I have no idea why: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/102393-previews-from-last-night/page-8? HiveCommander added to the thread his view point and it was on topic. Why was this thread locked? Is there a guideline about these things and is my thread (linked in the OP) in danger? Why or why not? What about this thread? Will this be locked. Why or why not?
  3. Somer is cool in that he can do all sorts of things. He can summon, he can be support, he can blast away (his weapon does absolutely insane damage). He can go with pigs, he can go with cheap Gremlins, he can go with more expensive Gremlins. He is extremely versatile.
  4. I was really surprised by how complex Lilith actually is. Even just Tangle offers such a bottomless well of possibilities and her other tricks are very neat as well. Heck, just ignoring LOS is huge in opening up all sorts of options.
  5. Yeah, thankfully they can't do stuff like Crused Object or Distract or they would be completely bonkers.
  6. Just do the eyes - it's three minutes of work and will make him really pop, I promise! I do love your basing! Oh, and the Waldgeists look amazing - great work on them.
  7. Damn that white suits Ramos perfectly! Very nice! Misaki's crew is probably my favourite, though. A very striking paint scheme and the understated bases work. Though on basing, Rail crew is head and shoulders above the rest - very nice work there! Out of single miniatures, I think my favourite is Sidir. Super crisp. Thank you for posting!
  8. Very nice report! The top down pics are good, especially so with the text to tell which model is which! Though McCabe seemed to disappear even before Cerberus mauled him. I thought it very risky for Marcus to delay the Cursed Objects for so long. But Jackalope was rather hilarious on the final turn. Whack-a-mole for sure A quick rules note on this: Wicked does only damage, no extra stuff, so no Poison. Not that it mattered any here, just a note for future.
  9. Math Mathonwy


    Sonnia is Nix's worst nightmare, really. Blast a rat (or a Stalker) next to Nix and get those blasts going. It's also nice for removing Stolen since they need to be close to Hamelin.
  10. Ah yeah, true. Actually, if you have them, four Guild Guard would be ideal, I think.
  11. Yeah, this. Take something like this: Guild Crew - 35 - Dustup Francisco Ortega -- 6 Pool +Wade In [1] Santiago Ortega [7] +Lead Lined Coat [2] The Judge [9] Witchling Stalker [5] Witchling Stalker [5] Witchling Stalker [5] That should lead to an interesting game without being too overwhelming. Take one Strategy and maybe one, simple Scheme (the same for both). Turf War and Breakthrough for example.
  12. Aye, this is most likely true. I don't have a suitable proxy for Assistant and I don't own Burt (to be honest, I'm not really feeling his model and it is quite expensive) - they would help for sure with their Crackerjack Timing. And Burt is a good candidate for Oooh Glowy Magical. Lightning Bugs I'm kinda not sure about. They seem like they would actually work better with Somer and his card draw shenanigans. Somer can do blasts as well if needed and you probably don't want to be blasting your Bugs too much since they are so squishy. But this is wholly theory.
  13. Hey, what about that drinkable quark? And banana smoothies?(apparently, maitorahka is 'quark' in English)
  14. An amazing report! Thank you so much once more for doing these. Allows us who aren't lucky enough to be Brits to dream of such amazing events. You posted this last night just as I was about to go to bed and I had to perform a small mental fight to not stay up and read it right then and there. But luckily there was just so much of it that sanity prevailed and I did go to sleep. I read these first thing in the morning and then the final two on coffee break at work. Man, what a set of matches! Some comments. In the first game I was sure that your opponent taking Assassinate against Yan Lo was a bad idea but then it happened on second turn no less. And then you pulled through all the same - wow! Talk about starting with a bang. You took his crew apart meticulously and climbed to a well-earned win. Second game I thought that the Ophelia list was quite a bit different from what I'm using with her (no Stilts on Francois, for example) and Vendetta with Rami seemed also a bit surprising. The Black Joker Vendettas were jaw-dropping, though - bad things happen indeed. But yeah, again, a very nice win and well played! Third game's board was psychedelic to say the least. Holy crap Nekima was on fire with those damage prevention flips! A very tense game that really could've gone either way and you both played really good. I kinda felt that this one and the first were the most even games in the report. Fourth one I think that you should've won if you had only been a bit more careful with Kang and Lynch. Hindsight being 20/20 and all, of course. Have you faced Marcus a lot as his speed seemed to take you by surprise a bit. Fifth one, wow. A super tough crew to go against and that Mei maneuver was just super ballsy, especially with Entourage on her. I don't think I would've had the guts for it but it paid off gloriously distracting your opponent utterly. Also those Metal Gamins certainly earned their keep! Finally, Colette. Ouch. What more can be said? That was really painful. The machinegun Slow from Acolytes was really something horrid and all those prompts - sheesh. But yeah, bottom line, thank you again for the comprehensive report and congrats on your success in the tournament. Also thank you for linking to Connor's blog, another nice account of the event.
  15. Aye, Trail looks a lot better than Domain to me and a big part of that is the +3 Wk so I was just thinking that this might be a way to mitigate that problem somewhat. Especially if someone can think of an ideal target to charge for whatever reason (something very durable yet reasonably fast or something with a Defensive Trigger with a usable Push or something).
  16. Have you experienced Marcus players used Speed of the Serpent to Charge you own models in order to get a speed boost similar to Agility of the Hare? If combined with the Precision of the Eagle, it should be pretty easy to make Marcus miss on his attacks. If the target is something with Armor (rare though that is with Beasts but Waldgeist or something non-Beast like a Metal Gamin could work) Marcus won't be doing much damage even if he hits. And Myranda has healing to help of course. The idea here is to allow a Support Marcus (God's Domain) to keep up with his other models. He could also charge, say, Langston, make him a beast with Shillelagh, Feral + Darzee's on an opposing model and Alpha on Langston. Or some other non-beast model of yours, naturally.
  17. Yeah, this! It probably gives an advantage to my opponent when I use dice if he marks his cards (because keeping track of enemy wounds is important and it is easy to miss something and not ask because you thought you knew how many wounds it had left) but I still find it a lot better.
  18. This one is going to be my proxy (KS stuff should be sent in December and the regular release early next year):
  19. I've now played a couple of games with him and he seems awfully lackluster to me. The good things are that he is really durable and What Goes Up is an excellent ability. Also being able to Ca damage is nice among Gremlins. But then we come to the negatives. His Upgrades seem really expensive for what they do. Explosive Solutions is two triggers that, though rather nice and giving the bonus of having a trigger for all suits still aren't utterly spectacular. The trigger has very good potential and is my favourite by far but still, 2 stones is a lot, I think. This is probably due to the fact that you need to hit moderate or severe damage with Lightning Jump and since most of your enemies are always in cover, you need to Focus. Which means that you will get one spell off per turn if you don't need to move much. Rasputina doesn't have this problem due to the Ice Mirror mechanic and Sonnia has longer range, Visions of Flame and Confiscated Lore, which make the girls a lot better blasters than Wong, I think. The mechanic of Lightning Jump is cute but ultimate not very big. Maybe it's the fact that my enemies don't cluster but I think I've done a grand total of two points of damage with it even though I've taken Gremlin's Luck every time. Finally, Three Demon Bag, again, very costly for what it does, IMO. If you find yourself using this one a lot, then you're probably doing something wrong. The Condition is a fun idea but since it only lasts until the end of turn, it won't be of much consequence ultimately. Finally, the big thing here is that Wong is competing with Somer and Ophelia for ranged Master. Somer can do blasts and Ophelia does way, way better single damage. You need to consistently get three or four enemy models affected by each Lightning Jump to have a chance of outpacing Ophelia in the damage department. Or be blasting at half-dead Spider hordes or something. So yeah, any ideas? I do like Wong's resilience, though, as already noted. He is one of the most durable Masters, crazily enough. Counter Spell, Squeel, Armor, a nice amount of Wounds and access to Stubborn. And Gremlin healing on top.
  20. That 1/3 isn't the whole story. As an extreme example, having one giant mountain (or a lake!) vs having only really many 1" x 6" sections of walls of various heights will both lead to very silly games. Of course neither of those situations is likely but all in all the type of terrain that fill you use to fill up that 1/3 is really important. Often in battlefield pics I've seen people using mostly (or only) western-style houses which, depending on whether you allow models to go inside, makes, e.g., Incorporeal really good and Flight really lackluster.
  21. There is also the counterpoint that shooty models do pay for their shootyness and the range in their ranged attacks. If the board is dense enough that you can deny all shooting from more than 8" away, then the shooty models are punished too hard. This is also more pronounced in attacks that have the symbol since everything tends to be in cover. Meanwhile Belles and such simply don't care.
  22. It has been there for ages (since the original release announcement of Brewie's box) but then the box was recalled and it has been in limbo ever since. Might come out this year or next year but it being on the page doesn't mean anything.
  23. Having played against both, TT Misaki and Outcast Misaki, and I must say that the TT one was a lot scarier. TT seems to have a much wider hiring pool - especially at the lower end of the price range and in the Henchman department as well as access to better Upgrades. But that is just from the other side of the fence.
  24. They are tremendously effective with a deep gameplay. Their definite advantage is the sheer amount of AP they have available. Gremlins tend towards cheaper models (though they do have very elite ones as well) and most have access to 3 AP at the cost of some wounds. This means that you can be extremely mobile and surprisingly destructive. To compensate this, Gremlins tend to be on the squishy side and their raw stats are usually a bit on the low side. Welcome to the bayou! We've got moonshine.
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