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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. I'm guessing that a Wind Gamin is out of the question? It would add a good, cheap Scheme Runner which is something I feel that you're currently lacking. SS Miner is something close to it but is more expensive. But of course there's the problem of the model not being out yet.
  2. I agree that it wouldn't really break anything but Sours changed with your suggestion would make for a potentially nasty combo with Depression. OTOH it isn't like Candy is especially bonkers (well, outside Hardcore) so probably wouldn't really be much of a problem. I do agree that your wording would be less prone to weirdness and generally clearer.
  3. I don't really disagree with the main point (that Wild Boars are a bit lacking for Ulix) but do note that Penelope has Pork Whisper'n and From the Shadows.
  4. Check out Depression Upgrade's Melancholy Attack Action and the Condition Nobody Likes Me. Your suggestion would change how things work currently.
  5. Like most things in the Starter, Scion is one SS too expensive IMO.
  6. Well, to be fair, Val and Izamu are both arguably at least as hitty as Sybelle and Emissary.
  7. Ah, true. Those are a bit of a special case in that they "should" looks rather alike due to fluff so it isn't as annoying as with the rats. Still, I can forgive them for the rats as making all that many unique sculpts of them might be seen as taxing (plus, I will be proxying Rats with ArcWorlde rats anyway) but identical Rat Kings is really a big bummer.
  8. Well that's a huge disappointment! I guess these are the first minis that Wyrd is selling as identical. Really hoping this won't become a trend.
  9. I outactivated Nico and had Gracie with Saddle and Reactivate who walked four times carrying Wong. Then Wong Focused and shot into the Summoning cluster - I had a great hand and did a ton of damage. Shot once more and got Red Joker on damage. Next turn I won Initiative, had a great hand and shot again. The kill tally was impressive to say the least and Gracie finished the remnants with only a couple of Scheme runners on the flanks left from the carnage who were then killed swiftly by my flankers (Rafael and Francois). But I got lucky with hand and flips and my opponent didn't realize how far Wong was able to ride so was clustered carelessly - similar things can happen with many Masters if the opponent isn't quite aware of the capabilities of the opposing crew.
  10. Note also that Guild Guard refers to a specific model, not a model type such as Witchhunter or Guardsman.
  11. Yes he does. Buried models are not counted when checking for unactivated models. This was answered when asked about Tara's Reactivate but it never made it into the FAQ.
  12. Do you mean that you would actually unbury Scion when Death Marshall A dies in solkan's scenario?
  13. Their main luck factor is that quite a few Gremlins have access to the Dumb Luck trigger which can result in insane damage on the opposing model and quite a bit of damage on the Gremlin itself. Other than that, a few Gremlin staples have must-declare Triggers that have both good and bad results. Finally, Pigs have a tendency to Charge anything they can unless minded closely by Gremlins. This isn't random, per se, but can mean quite a bit of havoc if the enemy can take advantage of uncontrollable Pigs. All in all, not that huge a deal. This was a bit exaggerated because many of the first releases for Gremlins were these "higher variance"-style models. Now that the model selection has widened, you can easily make a force that isn't any more or less random than any other Faction force if you are so inclined.
  14. Are you sure you quoted the correct person? Because I was saying that if you have the metals, I don't understand why you would need more.
  15. Albous is painted really nice but I'm not convinced by the very, very obviously grimdark over-sized Chaos symbol on his staff complete with skulls double the size of his head hanging at impossible angles - looks very out of place. The striped pants are absolutely killer, though. Why the shine?
  16. They could've varied the poses a bit, at least. But OTOH if someone already has four of the metal ones, I'm not sure why they should be buying three more. That third one looks like it would be really difficult to pin.
  17. I don't quite understand the cheering since these look the same as the metals. Am I missing something here? I mean, sure, there's a third one, and yeah, they are nice enough but I'm honestly wondering if I'm missing something.
  18. I have a really different view of her than Dogmantra. First of all, I don't think that she really is the Lady Justice of Gremlins. She is full of Pushes and her Know the Terrain Upgrade means that she is a lot more versatile than LJ. She can do quite a bit of damage when needed but kinda pales in that regard in comparison with Ophelia. Mah also buffs her crew rather nicely. Her Pushes allow her to Push her own models as well as opposing models so she can be really nice in, e.g., Turf War She does have quite a few weaknesses, though. People always seem to consider her to have four attacks with a 3" range at Ml 8 with positive twists but that comes at a very high cost and I really don't consider it worth it most of the time. Also, her signature crew of Bushwhackers works extremely badly with her since they all love to discard cards for various abilities. She is a lot of fun, though, and has lots of options in approaching various challenges. I rate her highly among melee Masters but sorta low among Gremlin Masters. She should complement Brewie and Wong excellently, though. Also note that finding someone selling Trixie on her lonesome is extremely unlikely as she is the best thing in that box by far.
  19. Wow. Just, wow. Top marks, Wyrd! Top marks!
  20. She loves Ophelia's My Threatening Gun as she can order Ophelia around with it. Ophelia's in-built positive twist nicely negates the negative so she can even shoot on command. And Sammy is Kin, so there is that as well.
  21. Surely the best case is 1AP (flipping a Maks for Fingers)? Also note that you don't need to hit with the attack, so no damage needed. And it works on Wp as well so you could for example Obey him and get both the Push and the Obey. Or Gremlin Lure him or whatever. Of course this works best if you have a spare low Mask in hand so I'm not saying that it is trivial to do, just that it isn't nearly as difficult as you make it out to be. He could be a Stone cheaper, though.
  22. I wish to just add as a clarification that the part removed from my post contained no guesses about anyone's motives unlike the post that started this whole thing off and which is still there and un-modded. Furthermore, my post was completely polite and didn't cast any aspersions towards anyone. It merely commented on what a person had said as opposed to commenting on that person or their motives.
  23. No, I found that very interesting, actually. Heck, I could see myself converting a buzzsaw into the underbelly of the one that's rearing up (I'm sure I could find a chainsword or something that would slot very nicely there). My comment was fully aimed at RarerMonsters.
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