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Malifaux videogame

Pedro Caetano

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As much as I rarely like the genre, it could work as a first or third person shooter, most likely from the point of view of the guild. They could even have you switch characters and/or factions as the story progresses much like the recent Transformers Cybertron games (two of the few shooters I like).


Just as a very basic, and not at all thought out example: start with a Guild operative for example trying to get something from a group of Archanists. Switch to a member of the Outcasts who has been employed to retrieve the same item, he must now attempt to intercept the Guild operative before he can return to Guild controlled territory.

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Even if you started as a guard, I'd want some way to end up working as a resser, arcanist or outcast. Or stay and become an elite guildie like a death marshal or witch hunter. That would involve multiple factions offering things if they like you, and a pretty wide spread of ability trees though I assume. 


By that point it's basically just a digital version of Through the Breach though in some ways, I guess.


I certainly wouldn't want the canon fluff to be continued in it, since that would mean having to buy it (hope my computer will run it) and play it through just to be able to follow the story in future books. Side stories, like the ones in the Chronicle that don't cover the main characters, would be ok though.

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There are a couple of different types of games which I think would be a fun way to try the Malifaux experience.

1. Adventure style. A dark/horror version of monkey islands/loom/... with a mix of a little Malifaux humor could be great.

2. A good old squad strategy game. Good old Incubation/space hulk style with maybe small minion squads lead by an enforcer from the different factions could be interesting. I could see a Freikorps unit evolve in a singleplayer campaign ;)

3. RPG horror game. Either single player or a multiplayer version could work.

4. A straight up shoot ´em up game - 3d style- with some horror/shock encounters. Maybe a bit like "Fear" or the good old "Blood" game.

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I want to just Second Daydreamer, I want a novel and a graphic novel, but mostly a novel. 


Actually I would love all of the stories from the first three book placed into one novel, plus some extra stuff that maybe didn't get into the first couple of books.

something like "Tales through the Breach." 


That would be a great start, and help to those of us who started the game in M2e

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Am I the only one who saw the title and immediately thought "2D side scrolling beat-em up?"


I may have grown up in the 80s where that was 90% of all liscensed games, and the other 10% were paperboy clones.


Shudder. Gremlin on a pig trying to avoid goddamn bats, neverborn, bullets from the Ortegas, etc. WHile delivering booze, with the control of a poor 80'S paperboy clone....It would either be hiliariawesome or terribad.

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I'd be very excited about a Malifaux video game. Maybe do it like Dragon Age/Mass Effect? Gameplay wise? You control your master and give orders to your crew to do different things/activate their abilities. You design your master, then depending on how you play the game story wise and the abilities you choose for your master, that unlocks other characters to add to your crew who help you a long your epic quest. Dragon Age reference:

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If you wanted to make a fan style game, a Doujinshi fighter would be awesome. Pick a couple of masters from each faction and duke it out. The Viks could use tag-team attacks like in Marvel Vs Capcom, Rasputina could freeze her opponent mid battle, and tons of other cool options. It would be mighty fun.


Something X-Com Style (like Warmachine Tactics I guess) would also work well. My favorite though would be one based off of Through the Breach, and set up a long RPG where we get to explore Malifaux's cool world. You could have master cameos, new characters, and could implement any kind of combat system you would like.

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